The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 380 I have experience in this kind of thing

That’s it, you want us to be bodyguards! But the name of the Demon Conference... does it sound familiar? Plagiarism?

Kira's sky-blue eyes rolled, thoughtfully.

In order to prevent Kira and Jura from not knowing the importance of the matter, Thomas deliberately explained the true meaning of the "Magic Conference" to them: "It is said that they are inviting us to attend the Magic Conference. In fact, it is to show the strength of their country. Gain a greater say in the future.”

Got it, isn't it something of the same nature as the "Chunin Exam"? I've seen it in the Hokage next door!

"In addition to protecting the safety of the Emerald Princess, there is another commission."

Um? besides?

Under the gaze of the two men, the king continued: "The Kingdom of Bosque and our Kingdom of Fiore have been living in peace for a long time. To suddenly act like this must be something happening in the country! I hope that the two of you can find out what happened during this mission. For the reasons, I will reward you accordingly according to the value - of course, the whole process is still to protect the safety of my little girl!"

This... is not a surprise. As a monarch, you cannot react completely passively when encountering this kind of thing. Only by taking the initiative can you prevent future changes.

Of course Kira and the two took over this together. Anyway, one sheep is being driven, and two sheep are being herded. After finding the reason, there is still money to take, so why not do it?

A few days later, Kira and Jura went to Bosque Country, pretending to be Princess Emerald's escort soldiers.

In order to hide their identities, they deliberately put on the attire of a passer-by soldier, including helmets, clothes, armor, trousers, boots, spears... In one set, they just had to write "I am a second-hand soldier" on their bodies.

It won't work without changing their identities. If people know that two 'Holy Ten' are sent here as guards, the other party will definitely hide everything. How will they lure the snake out of the hole and find out the reason why the other party suddenly became so brave?

"I didn't expect this dress to be quite comfortable..."

Kira adjusted his collar, pulled up his sleeves, turned his helmet, and kept adjusting his clothes. This soldier uniform reminded him of the uniforms he wore in high school. Although it didn't look very good, the texture was really comfortable and well protected. Wear it for more than ten years.

"It's just the temperament that seems to be more difficult to conceal... There's really nothing we can do about it. We can't imitate others and smear dirt on their faces, right?"

"Sir Kira, should you restrain your movements? You really don't look like an ordinary soldier..."

Jiula's rich voice rang in her ears. Kira turned around and looked, tsk tsk tsk... This is so suitable! He was just like an old soldier who had been a soldier for more than ten years, with tiredness and helplessness in his eyes, responsibility and honor written on his face, and his looming bald head exuding a strong aura of vicissitudes of life.

You don’t look like an ‘ordinary’ soldier! Is it possible that Uncle Jula still has a hidden talent like "natural clothes hanger"?

Although she wanted to say this, Kira was a person who respected her elders...oh, she respected her seniors, so she swallowed her words back: "I understand!"

Due to his mature appearance and strong physique, Jiura became the captain of the escort team, and Kira was the deputy captain. There are 50 elite team members in total, plus the main messenger Emerald Princess and a diplomatic affairs officer, which is the entire exchange team. personnel.

The group took the royal family's exclusive transportation and only spent half a day entering Bosque Country and arriving at the reception area.

Although the situation between the two countries was tense during this period, the respect and goodwill on the surface were still in place. The other party greeted everyone with a smile, and was enthusiastic when encountering problems. There was no idiot like in the novel who jumped out to mock Feo. People who don’t know the story about the Kingdom of Thunder and belittling the princess might actually think that this is a friendly exchange.

This makes Kira, who has lived in the Fairy Tail guild for 10 years, very unaccustomed to it. You know, in the past, he would happily fight and kill, defraud people and sell them for money. When he met a good person, he would help him. The bad guy will be killed with a knife. Where have you ever experienced this kind of communication where the knife is hidden in the smile?

Fortunately, there were diplomats taking care of the whole process, and the Emerald Princess was there to look after us, so we "dutifully" fished in the water and did the important work of protecting safety along the way.

This state lasted until nightfall.

After nightfall, four figures gathered together in the exquisitely decorated room of the foreign envoy, discussing the next action.

"According to the plan, I will sneak into the opponent's palace to investigate the reasons for the changes in national defense during this period." Kira volunteered, planning to go crazy in the opponent's lair.

Hearing this, the unknown diplomat suddenly frowned, but he did not directly refute Kira's proposal. Instead, he worriedly said to Princess Emerald: "Princess, isn't this bad? I heard that 'Fairy Tail' The magicians are all very powerful. If the magic power is detected by the opponent, it will be very harmful to the kingdom..."

Listen, "famous for destructiveness in the country" can be said to be "too strong and easily captured by magic". He is indeed a diplomat!

"Don't worry, diplomat! Unlike other people in the guild, the movement of my magic is too small to be mentioned! Besides, exploring the reasons for the changes in Bosque Country is also the main content of our commission!"

"Uh... Diplomat?! Kirasan, my name is..."

Princess Jade was not a pedantic person. She did not refuse Kira's proposal, but solemnly said: "Since it is a royal palace, the guards must be very tight. Is it okay for Sir Kira to be alone? How about letting Sir Jiura accompany you?"

"No, Jiula-san needs to stay here to protect the princess' safety!"

Kira shook his head and said, "Moreover, Jiura-san's magic is too noisy and is not suitable for spying on the enemy. Finally, if there is only one person, it will be more convenient to sneak in and retreat."

Princess Jade glanced at Jiu La, who nodded to her: "What Sir Ji La said makes sense! The only problem is that we don't know the guard situation and structure of the palace, let alone whether there is anything we want in it. Intelligence, in case you encounter a trap..."

"Don't worry, Jiura-san. I have experience sneaking into other people's homes to find things - uh... I mean, on Christmas Eve, I once dressed up as Santa Claus and gave gifts to children!"

Two minutes later, under the suspicious gazes of the three people, Kira skillfully put on the invisibility cloak and flew out of the window.

Tonight, the moon is dark, the wind is high and the clouds are heavy, it is a good time to spy on the enemy.

The invisibility cloak not only hides the body, but also conceals magic power and aura. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even magicians cannot detect it if they don't have enough perception.

The Bo family's palace is much larger than the Fei family's, but the number of guards is only about half, and the replacement frequency is even less. With the dual blessing of cloak and flying magic, Kira easily bypasses the guards and reaches the depths of the palace. .

Where to start? Since you want to find out important information, you should naturally go to places like bedrooms, offices, and basements first. Thinking of this, Kira flew deeper into the palace to explore.

Kira didn't know much about the king of Bosque Country, and most of it was learned from the short king Thomas. It is said that he is a middle-aged uncle who knows some magic. He is an ambitious guy who is unwilling to settle for stability and a small area within the territory. He has been trying to expand outward for decades. If it weren't for the fact that the country was really weak, it wouldn't have been peaceful for so many years.

Although Kira was unfamiliar with this palace, he still relied on the "hypnotic pocket watch" to quietly, accurately and quickly find the king's government office.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge country map and a continent map of the same size. The two maps are put together, plus a set of cool armor, a Western sword, and a magic wand. A shield takes up a wall.

Then, Kira saw a set of European aristocratic-style dark red reception tables and chairs, scattered documents on the desk, old but neatly arranged books on the bookshelf, a few oil paintings, and a few potted plants.

"It doesn't look like anything special...isn't it here?" Kira looked at the things in the room carefully.

The map implies that the king is ambitious; the armor, sword and shield represent that he values ​​military power; the magic wand... Huh? ! This magic wand looks familiar, seems like I sold it before? The documents were all dealing with government affairs. Kira could only understand some of them, and the words revealed a ruthless style; the books...

"Oh? Is this a magic book? This king is quite serious and eager to learn!"

Just when Kira was about to take a closer look, a strange but familiar machine sound sounded.

"Warning! There is an invasion!!"

Kira:? ? ! !

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