The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 382 Renewed Suspicions (Please order)

Who attacked them?

What's going on with this residual dark magic?

Just when a few people were thinking wildly, An Ye suddenly said: "Speaking of which, there is something that I am very concerned about."

Several people turned to look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"When we wiped out those dark guilds before, people from several guilds said that they had recently come into contact with a group of magicians of unknown origin. Each of these magicians had powerful powers. The magic power was extremely dark. Weird words and deeds, crazy attitudes, and inhuman appearance are their common characteristics!"

This description reminded Jellal and Urrutia of their encounter on Sirius Island some time ago. The two looked at each other and knew that the other party thought the same as them.

"Sounds like a demon? Could it be the remaining forces of the 'Gate of Hades'?"

Urrutia thought more: "I remember Kira said at that time that one of the demons in the 'Nine Ghost Gate', Franmars, who can use the 'soul absorption' spell, didn't catch it. Could it be him?" A new demonic force has gathered?"

If the other party is really the devil of the 'Gate of Hades', then it is the power related to Zeref. It is not surprising that there is such dark magic left.

Several people had secretly discussed it behind Kira's back. In addition to eliminating the darkness and freeing themselves, dealing with Zeref, who had caused misfortune to their fate, was also one of their goals.

Well, now I finally found something that is probably related to Zeref.

"Huh? Is there anyone alive?"

Eric noticed the lingering breath in the ruins and went directly to pull the person out.

"Hey! Wake up!" He slapped the other person mercilessly several times in a row to wake him up from his coma, and then asked, "What happened here? Who attacked you?"

After a series of questioning, several people finally figured out what happened: just like the several guilds An Ye mentioned, the guild in front of them also encountered a mysterious magician who came to visit. Those magicians not only destroyed their territory, but also asked them to kill each other. The loser would die, and the winner would be transformed into a creature like them.

If you lose, you will die, if you win, you will be transformed into this kind of "human, beast, beast, demon, demon". The people in the dark guild will definitely not do this kind of thing, so they resisted, but the result is like this, They were beaten to the point where they were unable to resist, and several of the stronger ones were also taken away.

"Transformed? What do they look like?"

"Lizard men, hedgehog men, catfish men, leopard men, fish men, and some weird forms, in short, there are many!"

His words made Urrutia think of something, and he said: "I remember Kira told me that the 'Gate of Hades' has something that can transform humans into demons. Although when we were on Tianrou Island, the underworld beast It was destroyed by Fairy Tail, but there's no guarantee that there won't be other similar means."

Jellal nodded solemnly: "Last question, where did they go?"


Several people were stunned: East? That seems to be the direction of Bosque Country! Did the enemy go to a neighboring country?

The Demonic Convention of Bosque Country is not outstanding. The main reason is that their magic guild and magicians are not strong. Not to mention compared with Fairy Tail, it is almost flattering to say that it is compared with the Cyan Pegasus.

But even so, this conference was held for five consecutive days, which was considered to be quite impressive.

Compared with the Kingdom of Fiore, such a small country cannot invite people from the Senate, so in addition to the Emerald Princess, the only important guests at the event are reporters, the king, the king's brother, and a few members of the Magic Guild. long.

This kind of identity is actually quite weighty, but Kira just feels that he is pretending to be someone else.

After several days of observation, Kira discovered that the king of Bosque was indeed as the short king said, ambitious, arrogant, ruthless, and attached great importance to magic and military affairs.

The king's younger brother is the exact opposite of him. He is the finance minister of Bosque State. He has a gentle and kind personality and is approachable. He is also very friendly to the visiting Emerald Princess and his party, and he seems harmless to humans and animals. It is said that he has a high reputation in the kingdom, and because the current king has no children, many people think that he will inherit the throne sooner or later.

"I just don't think this chancellor is a good person!"

From the first day, Kira made this evaluation of the Finance Minister, and it remained unchanged for five consecutive days.

Jula was puzzled by this: "Why do you feel like this?"

"Indeed, I am also very confused about this." Princess Emerald also echoed, "This finance minister is very prestigious in Bosque country, and his behavior is gentle. Maybe it is rude to say this, but I think he is more powerful than the current one. Fit to be a king.”

Kira said haha, what can you see with a pig brain like yours?

However, he would definitely not say this clearly, he just explained: "His eyes are like an old fox. My intuition tells me that he is not that simple a person!"

Princess Jade was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and asked, "Eye? Didn't he keep squinting his eyes?"

"That's why I said he is not that simple! According to my observation, he is also a magician! There are only two days left to establish friendly relations this time, so the princess and Jura-san should not take it lightly!"

"I know!" Although he didn't know the reason for Kira's worry, Jula still listened sincerely.

However, Princess Emerald was still confused: "Bosque Country attaches great importance to magic. Even the king is a magician. Isn't it surprising that he knows magic?"

Breathe in... exhale...

"Then what...I'm going out to get some fresh air..."

The room was filled with such an air of stupidity that it was hard to breathe.

Kira changed out of the escort uniform and wandered around the capital of Bosque Kingdom. Compared with Culokas, the magic atmosphere here was stronger, and traces of magic could be seen in almost every shop.

The Kingdom of Fiore keeps the magic guild and the royal family very separate, but Bosque Country does not. The guild and the royal family are closely related, and can even affect the succession of the throne. This is mainly caused by the different national conditions of the two countries - Fiore is the gate of Ishgar, and the Magic Guild is more important!

Kira walked into a magic shop and observed casually. Of course, the main thing is to look at the decoration of their store. After receiving the reward for this mission, it is time to decorate my Hope House.

"Sorcerer, how can I help you?" The store clerk came up to him and said he was a sorcerer. This is very common in this country.

Kira's eyes lit up. This waitress seemed to have an amazing figure. Would she like to find one in her store?

"I'll just take a look!"

It is indeed a magic shop in the royal capital, with lots of props! But... why do these all look familiar?

Kira looked back and forth several times and found that 30% of the things here were sold from her own store! In addition, there are several masterpieces by Silver.

"Where did you buy these magic machines?"

The waiter who was called over was stunned for a moment, then responded with a polite smile and answered as expected: No comment!

The afternoon was spent wandering around. When the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the royal capital, Kira finally realized that he had left his post without permission, and then he was even happier!

“It’s so comfortable to paddle around and fish for a day!”

Just when Kira was humming and bouncing back to the diplomatic embassy, ​​a sudden change occurred!

At this time, the sky is dark, the road here is remote, the orcs are blocking the way, evil stars are blocking the way, five monsters that look like humans but not humans, look like beasts but not beasts, surround Kira in a row. The undisguised murderous intent, accompanied by the night wind, blew out several penetrating cold whistles.

"Are you finally willing to show up? It's worth noting that I used myself as bait, and finally a few fish fell out!" Kira complained while taking out the magic prop "Remote Talker", "Jura-san, princess, can you hear me? ?I am Kira! The enemy has indeed appeared!"

A few seconds later, Princess Emerald's voice rang out from the intercom: "Jira-san, are you okay alone? Do you need Jiura-san to come over and help?"

"Princess, please don't worry! I'll take care of it soon. I'll leave your safety to Jura-san for the time being."

Um? It seems that Jiula was the only one protecting me this afternoon? Forget it, it’s not important!

"Leave it to me!" came a familiar rich voice, "I won't let anything happen to the princess!"

"Oh!! This is really reassuring, Jura-san! By the way, do you have any enemies over there?"

"No, the other party won't blatantly attack inside the diplomatic embassy."

"I guess that's the case! By the way, Your Royal Highness, this should be regarded as the other party attacking diplomats and destroying the friendship between the two countries, right?"

"Eh?! This... probably... counts?"

"Yeah! In that case, it's okay for me to take action as much as I want, right?"

In the diplomatic embassy, ​​after hearing the questions coming from the earphones, Princess Emerald and Jira fell silent. The two thought again of 'Fairy Tail' and the legend of Kira.

After a long time, Jura said into the earphone: "Your Excellency Kira, if you can, try to control it and don't make too much noise - I mean the fighting noise, can you understand it?"

Seeing the sudden change in Jiula's expression, Princess Jade's heart skipped a beat and asked hurriedly: "What did Sir Kira say?"

"Uh...he's dead!"

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