Inside the castle, in a huge room, rows of human prisoners, tightly bound by iron chains, were kneeling.

There are men and women, old and young. Judging from their appearance and aura, most of them are magicians. This is not surprising. After all, this is a country where almost everyone learns magic.

In addition to the magicians, there were also some physically strong people. Kira saw that they had special crests tattooed on their bodies, so he speculated that they were treasure hunters. Finally, there were some who were just ordinary people.

These people who are kidnapped here, without exception, will face something that will change their future - being used as sacrifices for black magic transformation.

Those who were tied could not break free from the chains; even if they broke free, they could not escape from the hands of that strong orc; even if they escaped, there was still a small town with unknown number of orcs living outside; outside the town there was still A hidden valley; the most important thing is that even if you go out, there is no guarantee that you will not be attacked and captured again.

There is no doubt that the place in front of you is the place where black magic transformed the orcs. Around the room, there are dozens of ferocious orc guards standing. They are holding weapons and wearing armor. One of them can fight ten!

In the center is a high platform with a strange and mysterious magic circle painted on it, and thirteen black iron pillars lit with blue ghost fire. The entire space is filled with rich magic energy.

At this moment, a figure stood in the center of the magic circle, holding a dark magic book, as if waiting for something. This figure is very familiar to them. He is the Finance Minister of Bosque Country who is most likely to inherit the throne in the future!

"Time's up! Let's get started!"

Suddenly, the Finance Minister suddenly opened his eyes, waved his hand, and his men immediately carried thirty humans to the stage.

The operation with obvious intentions made the ten people panic immediately, and they all shouted: "Damn it...let me go...what are you going to do?!"

I was captured here inexplicably. All I saw were demon-like existences. Like many others, I was tied up and had no freedom. Now I was brought to participate in this seemingly abnormal ritual. I was a human being. All will be afraid.

As soon as the prisoner knelt down on the magic circle, his knees seemed to be stuck and he could no longer break free.

The finance minister opened the magic book and began to chant the magic spell: ""

Weird tones came out of his mouth one after another, the flames on the iron pillars suddenly became strong, the magic energy was highly concentrated, and the magic array emitted a brilliant blue-purple light.


Amid the screams, dozens of black rays of light burst out from the magic book and fell onto the captives in the magic circle at lightning speed.

In an instant, the bodies of the captives began to transform into beasts. Their heads, bodies, hands and feet had features such as manes, hoof horns, scales, markings, and sharp claws.

"What...what is this...?!!"

"Woooooo... I don't want to be like that..."

The people below were all shocked. They had never thought that they would witness such an incredible thing. Some people started crying in fear. No one was an idiot. Even if they were fine now, they would not be able to survive in this situation. survived.

Seeing each human being turned into a beast, more and more people started to make noise, but at this moment, no one wanted to pay attention to them.


A roar interrupted the commotion in the field. Everyone looked around and saw that most of the captives who had turned into orcs were going crazy and kept pulling on the chains on their bodies. Only a few orcs remained rational and stunned. He stood there watching the changes in his body.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer did a little counting: "Well...are only eleven people still sane?"

"Wait...wait a minute! What is going on?!" an orc who was transformed into a tiger asked loudly, "Why did we become like this?! What on earth did you do?!"

The air was silent for a few seconds, and everyone looked at the legendary friendly and kind-hearted Finance Minister, waiting for his answer.

"You can tell just by looking at it, right? You will be my subordinates from now on!" The Finance Minister's eyes were full of indifference, "Orc subordinates with strong combat power!"

"Of course, you are different from those losers who have lost their minds. We belong to the real orc army!"

Not far away, Kira, Jura, and Princess Jade, wearing invisibility cloaks, stood in a row and watched the scene quietly.

"Damn it! That guy actually treated the people of his country like this!" Princess Jade gritted her teeth when she saw it. She wanted to rush forward and cut the Minister of Finance into pieces. If the other two people hadn't pulled him, he would have rushed forward and killed him.

"Kira-san, did you see anything?" Jula asked in a deep voice.

"Black magic has a certain conversion rate. The converted data is related to the original magic power in the body and is controlled by the user. It is basically the same as the information I got before!"

Kira originally thought that the transformation of orcs should be like the "Gate of Hades" that transformed humans into demons, injecting the biological factors of beasts into human bodies to change the magic of genes. Now it seems that it is completely different!

"The soldiers of the escort are there too! Do we want to attack now?"

"Take a look first before talking, no need to rush!"

While the three of them were talking, the situation on the stage suddenly changed.

"Are you...are you kidding?! I don't want to be like this!!" The tiger man roared, his body suddenly expanded, he broke free from the chains and ran towards the person in front of him, raising his tiger claws high, and he was about to fall on the opponent.

But at the next moment, he suddenly fell to his knees again uncontrollably. No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't move. He was horrified, "How could...?!"

The Chancellor of Finance seemed to be used to it, and said contemptuously: "It seems that even if you maintain your sanity, your IQ is not high! Do you think you are the first to resist? No! I have transformed so many people, and they are still safe so far. , all because I have absolute control over you! Hahahaha!!!"

Amidst the unruly laughter, the thirty orcs on the high platform who had just been eroded by black magic, regardless of whether they maintained their sanity or not, all made the same move - knelt down in front of him!

The more he smiled, the more frightened the kneeling orcs became, and the more frightened the captives below him became.

Jiula frowned and asked again: "Where is the magic that controls orcs?"

"The ancient control magic, like the control of human nature and the dragon control magic of dragons, are all a type of beast control magic." Kira looked directly at the magic book and analyzed, "80% of it is The method recorded in that book is used to control orcs! But it should only be obeyed by the caster, otherwise he would not personally perform the transformation ceremony here!"

Jiula's face suddenly changed when he heard this: "Is it magic similar to Shirley's puppet show?! To be able to control so many orcs, how terrifying is the magic power in his body?"

"No!" Kira looked at the Chancellor of Finance on the stage, shook his head and said, "That guy doesn't have much magic power, it's just that the control effect of that magic is too strong!"

"Besides, those orcs are not always under control. Apart from obeying orders to fight, I think they live a very free life in this town."

"Do you think the King of Bosque knows about this?"

"Uh...I think..."

The tiger man on the stage suddenly shouted, interrupting Kira's words: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the king by doing this?!"

As soon as these words came out, the others below regained their spirits, and their faces showed hope: "That's right! As long as the Royal Army knows the situation here, they will definitely..."

"Haha?! Do you think my brother doesn't know these things?"

The finance minister turned his face to the tiger man, with ridicule on his eyebrows: "How is that possible? Who do you think paid for the construction of this base? Who do you think transported living supplies here?"

He didn't seem to be satisfied yet, so he continued to grieve and brought out evidence: "Oh, that's right! You should have seen that Robot Giant when you were arrested, right? That was sponsored by my brother!"

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