On the battlefield, scattered stones gathered into a complete dragon.

The huge thing above the head has a body made of rock, wings made of rock, feet made of rock, eyes, nose, mouth, fangs, claws... From the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, It's all rocks!

But its attacks extend far beyond the rock!

As soon as the giant rock dragon flapped its wings, a fierce wind blew down, causing sand and rocks to fly and smoke to fill the air. All the orcs were knocked upside down by the force of the wind, or flew into the air with no support, or fell on their backs and were unable to get up again, or their bodies collapsed and it was difficult to move forward.

With another flutter of wings, another huge boulder fell like a heavy rain, knocking the orcs ten meters away. The orcs that were knocked away knocked back a group of orcs again, hitting more and more orcs like a snowball.

The falling boulders come from the body of the rock dragon, and every time it launches, a stone will rise from the ground to fill the gap, like a swimming pool that is filling up with water, or a magician who is using magic while restoring magic power, as if The attack energy is endless.

"This is a dragon? It's so big!!"

"Can that guy summon a dragon to fight?"

Everyone present was shocked. Even the Emerald Princess forgot about the danger and turned around to ask: "Jiura-san, I heard that Kirasan's guild fought with Akunololia before. Is that such a powerful existence?" ?"

Although he does not know the exact combat power, it does not prevent Jura from bragging about Akunololia: "No! Akunololia is much stronger than this. The two are about the same size as Plush Doll and Jay. The golf difference!”

The vivid metaphor gave Jade a clearer understanding of the power of magic.

What Jira didn't know was that when he was "bragging", he was also indirectly praising Fairy Tail and Kira's strength.

"Come on, Rock Dragon!"

Kira was like playing with a toy machine, constantly manipulating the joints of the rock dragon, using the same moves as the iron fist, hook claw, stick sword, collapse fist, wave wind, wing attack and other moves of several dragon slayer wizards. The earthquake shook the earth and the mountains, and rocks and animals flew everywhere.

The rock dragon roared, soared, and destroyed wantonly on the battlefield. Although the orcs rushed over one after another, no orc could block its attack, let alone get close to Kira.

"Damn... what a bunch of useless minions! It seems that Zeref's demons are nothing more than that!" the finance minister cursed angrily.

Kira shook his head when he heard it. He didn't expect that the other party still thought it was Zeref's magic! But it’s no wonder, who makes Zeref’s black magic survive the most, have the strongest effect, and spread the most widely in this world?

Seeing that his "Demon Legion" was unable to capture Kira for the time being, the Finance Minister turned around and controlled them to attack Kira. Unexpectedly, the battle situation was not optimistic either.

Kira was interested in playing slowly, but Jura didn't have time. He not only had to protect the Emerald Princess, but also a group of ordinary people who couldn't fight, so he took action without reservation. He attacked a series of thick rock and iron pillars and the ruins of the castle. Under this attack, the orc army had no resistance at all and was directly knocked away by the powerful stones.

This town is the general base of the orcs. After decades of development, the number of orcs in it is at least five thousand, not to mention tens of thousands. However, it is still difficult to defeat Kira and Jura.

"There are only two people on the other side, why can't we win it for so long?!!!"

The Chancellor of Finance hid behind the orcs and watched the battlefield from a distance, but he became more and more anxious as he watched. He was not very strong. He only gained his current status and power because he could control these transformed bodies. But now this army is in front of the opponent. It doesn't work at all, and it will definitely fail if it continues like this.

"It seems I have no choice but to use that thing!"

It didn't take long for Kira to discover that there were a bunch of other things in the enemy's lineup - machine soldiers!

Kira was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, and his vigilance was on full alert: "Were they the machine soldiers that attacked Jiu La? Does that mean they have weapons that seal magic power?"

This must not be tricked, otherwise your reputation will be lost!

"Hurricane Tornado!!"

Suddenly, Kira shouted loudly, and the magic power in his body surged outward. Suddenly, a terrifying strong wind roared across the territory, tearing the earth and cracking rocks, as if a typhoon was sweeping across it, whether it was the mountains of rubble piled under his feet, or the dozens of people in the sky. The meter-high rock dragon was like foam at this moment, easily torn apart by the wind blade.

The rock dragon weighing 10,000 kilograms has no resistance, let alone those robots. As soon as they entered the battlefield, before they could even take out their weapons, they were blown away by the strong wind kicked up by Kira. Driven by Kira's magic power, the sharp wind blades left scars on the robot's body like cutting tofu.

"Eh? What's going on? I feel like this robot is not strong..." Seeing this scene, Kira was extremely puzzled. According to his speculation, the defense power of these machines should not be so weak. He couldn't help but say He asked in a loud voice, "Did you not give me enough money, so the other party only sold you defective products?"

The Minister of Finance was also stunned. He had not expected this, and whispered to himself with a look of horror on his face: "How...how could this happen?! This has never happened before!!"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something - yes, these things were given to him by his elder brother, and it was normal for things to go wrong! Thinking of this, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "I knew that guy wasn't so kind!"

Such a change was indeed unexpected, but the Finance Minister felt that it was not a big problem: even if there was a problem with the robots' defense, their attack power was still sufficient, not to mention that they had their own orc army in front. The orc army and the machine army attack and defend together. This kind of combat combination is simply perfect!

But the battle situation once again exceeded his expectations. Not only did Kira strike quickly and accurately, but Jula also suffered a loss once, so it was much easier to deal with it this time.

Seeing that there was no hope of defeating Kira and Jura, the Finance Minister had no choice but to change the target of the attack again and start targeting the Emerald Princess.

His battle strategy is very clear. The best situation at the moment is to capture all the enemies. If he can't capture Kira, he must keep Jura. If both of them cannot be retained, he must at least capture Princess Fiore. Jade, as a hostage to save his life, even threatened the two 'Holy Ten Magicians' against his brother.

There seems to be no problem with this plan, but it is very difficult to implement.

The finance minister secretly calculated the combat power in his mind: Kira and Jula were either wary of the robot soldiers in the sky, or they were diverted by the orc army. Although both of their attacks were unstoppable, like chopping melons and vegetables, they were both blocked from view by this group of tireless and painful enemies, forgetting their main task of protecting their teammates.

This is a good time for him to take action!

Summoning the orcs, escaping to the ground, and moving all at once, while Kira and Jura were fighting slowly, the finance minister, who had almost no chance of winning, secretly lurked into the stone house that Jura built for the prisoners. There were hundreds of people hiding in the stone house, but no one noticed that the enemy's boss, the conspirator with ulterior motives, had actually arrived among them.

"We've got it!!" There was a sudden loud shout, and the finance minister launched a sneak attack.

At the same time, dozens of ordered orcs jumped up from the ground and took action against the prisoners!

"It's those demons!! Why do they appear here?!"

"Damn it! Fighting with them - ugh!"


"How can these guys be so strong?!"

In fact, the people hiding in this stone house include many kingdom soldiers, magicians, and treasure hunters, and they have a certain fighting ability. But after all, not everyone is the 'Top Ten Holy Wizards'. Under the powerful power of the orcs, they are still as weak as young children, and they are captured by the orcs who sneak attack in a few seconds.

Under the control of the Finance Minister, several strong orcs pressed the Emerald Princess tightly to the ground. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not get up from the ground. This situation is simply as outrageous as the ferocious and terrifying green goblin kidnapping the noble and exquisite elf princess.

The uncle walked up to the Jade Princess arrogantly and laughed sinisterly: "Jie hehe!!! You didn't expect me to have such a method, did you? Tell me, if I walk out now, What are those two guys going to do?”

Hearing this, Princess Jade struggled violently again: "Damn it! You despicable guy!"

"It's over, Your Highness Princess!" The Finance Minister seemed to have seen the victory, with a fanatical smile on his face, "I will win this battle... Poof-!!"

Before he finished speaking, a crystal ball flew out of nowhere and knocked his whole body away!

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