The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 465 If you don’t tell the winner, I won’t be able to hold on anymore

As soon as Hubby entered the arena, he was in trouble. The chaotic gravity around him, which was light or heavy, greatly reduced his proud flying ability.

Habi is different from Xia Lulu and Lili. They have the ability to foresee and have transformation magic, but Habi does not have it. This is not only limited by his talent, but also because he has always specialized in wing magic.

But in the face of this situation, even if he tried his best to fly, he could not escape the pull of gravity.

He wanted to fly, but he couldn't; he wanted to run, but he couldn't; he wanted to stay in place and wait for his teammates to rescue him, but he was clamped hard by the boulders affected by gravity and couldn't move. Now, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't stay where he was.


A surprise blurted out. Wendy was first surprised by Happy's unexpected appearance, but soon her attention was attracted by his appearance, "What's going on with you? Why are you trapped in a place like this?!"

At this moment, two boulders were moving up and down, with Hapi sandwiched between them. His body sank into the gap between the stones, leaving only a small blue head exposed, which had changed due to eating too much fish. The chubby face was now facing Wendy, and her eyes were full of begging.

So cute...

"It's a long story...Wendy, can you pull me out..."

The bulging flesh on his face was all pushed forward, causing Habib to speak in a slurred manner, which was very interesting.

"This...I try my best..."

Wendy is a very kind child. Even if they are competitors at the moment, she does not add insult to injury, let alone ridicule, but chooses to help. If the rest of the guild were here, even if they didn't turn around and leave, they would at least make fun of him before rescuing the cat.


With a loud noise, Tianlong's magic shattered the boulder, and Habi successfully escaped.

"Thank you, Wendy!" Hubby cried with joy. The whole cat rushed towards Wendy and hit her ordinary body, causing pain.

"Now that you are out, I will go find Xia Lulu first."

"Xia Lulu? Is she here too?"

Hearing that his goddess was here, Habi instantly cheered up, and his mood, which had been depressed due to being trapped, was revived at this moment.

"Yes, the map on the bracelet shows that she is in this gravity field, it is absolutely correct!"

"Where is she?" Habi quickly asked. How could he let go of such a big adventure with Xia Lulu so easily?

Wendy opened the small map built into the bracelet again, stared at the two red dots on it, turned around, stretched out her hand and pointed: "This way!"

"Yoshi! Let's go!"

"Ah? Are you going too?" Wendy was a little surprised.

Xia Lulu is my teammate. It makes sense for me to join her. Why are you following me? I know you like Xia Lulu, but is now the time to chase girls? You should go find Natsu, right?

Habi, who had already flown out, suddenly turned back to look at Wendy, raised his head slightly, and said, "Of course! Only if Xia Lulu is in danger, I can protect her!"

"Danger? Do you mean a situation like the one you just had? That shouldn't be a danger..."

"What I mean is that people from other teams might show their hands to Xia Lu!"

"Uh... I don't think so..."

A drop of cold sweat fell from Wendy's head. She didn't know why Hubby had such thoughts. Could it be that caring leads to chaos?

Among all the players participating in this competition, the only one who might take action against Xia Lulu, the cat, is Kira, who has always acted without scruples. Even Li Li would not necessarily lose face and deal with a girl like Xia Lulu. .

"Also! Xia Lulu is much smarter than me, she won't be trapped by that kind of stone!"

Hubby crossed his arms and looked very confident.

Three minutes later...

"Pfft! Xia Lulu was actually caught..."

Hubby was not embarrassed by his words at all. Instead, he covered his mouth with his paws and snickered.

Wendy looked at him speechlessly and complained: "You are not the same..."

At this moment, Xia Lulu has returned to her cat form, but her body has fallen into the cracks of the rocks, with only her head exposed. It is exactly the same as Habi's situation before. The difference is that she is much calmer than Habi. Yelling.

"Ah~ Xia Lulu is so cute~"

“Have you said enough?!!”

"Xia Lulu, I was caught just now, we are so destined!!"

"are you an idiot?!!"

Xia Lulu's face turned red with anger, and she yelled in embarrassment. If her hands hadn't been clamped and couldn't move, she would have slapped Habi in the face.

Wendy thought for a while and felt that as Xia Lulu's partner and one of Haru's promoters, she finally decided to put in a good word for Habi: "Don't be angry, Xia Lulu! Habi cared about you just now, so that's just I think he didn’t protect you well..."

"Huh?! I don't need him to protect me!"

"Xia Lulu's arrogant look is so cute~"

"Hey!! What's your expression?!!"

At the junction of the ice realm and the lava volcano, the battle between Natsu and Gray continues.

It is not that the previous full-court announcements were not transmitted here, but whether they heard their respective teammates (Lucy and Kana) or the two opponents (Laxus and Erza) who had long been regarded as strong enemies by them, ) were eliminated, it did not affect them.

For the two people who are fighting heartily, except for the opponent in front of them, other things can be put aside for the first time!

"The Roar of the Fire Dragon!!"

"The passion of the ice demon!!"

Natsu, who entered the flame mode, and Gray, who entered the evil-killing state, were locked in an inextricable fight on the small stone platform in the center of the lake.

"Huh... ha..."

After dozens of minutes of fierce fighting, the two fought from fists and feet to throwing magic at each other. As one became stronger, the other also evolved. The two sides regarded each other as the most important opponent, refusing to give in to each other and chasing after each other.

If they were allowed to fight, these two people could fight without sleep for three days and three nights. This was proved by actual data, but this situation was obviously not suitable now, so from the beginning, Natsu and Gray both used He went all out and didn't hold back at all.


There was another collision of ice and fire. With the help of the surrounding environment, the two magics each increased their power by three points, and then canceled each other out. The flames evaporated the ice, and the ice extinguished the fire, leaving only wisps of white that were as ethereal as clouds. fog.

In the distance, Abby Green was huddled behind a piece of ice rock, looking through the transparent glasses on her face, watching the long-lasting fight quietly, waiting for both Natsu and Gray to be injured and exhausted, before they could go out and kill them. .


"What's going on with these two people? They've been fighting for so long and there's still no winner?!...Aqiu——!!"

From the beginning of the game, Abby Green appeared in the Ice Realm. Later, she accidentally discovered the battle between Natsu and Gray, so she found a place to prepare for a sneak attack. Unexpectedly, she had to wait for more than ten minutes.

"Forget about Philid and Bigusro, even Laxus was eliminated so quickly. What happened? Could it be that he met... Aqiu——!!"

The cold air surging around her kept beating on Abby Green's body, making her plump body, which was not wearing much, shiver. In the cold wind, two snot could not help but flow down.

"It's so cold... If it keeps like this, I can hardly hold on anymore!"

"It's so hot... If it keeps like this, I can hardly hold it any longer!"

Just when Abby Green was suffering from the cold wind, in a corner of the lava volcano opposite her, a round figure lurking behind a rock also made a similar sigh.

He is Ridasu.

Even though Ridasu usually sits quietly in the corner of the guild and draws pictures, not showing off or revealing anything, and seems to be a minor player, he is an indispensable part of "Fairy Tail".

As the only painter in the entire guild, he recorded the changes in "Fairy Tail" over more than ten years with the pen and paper in his hand, leaving behind memories for this generation of family members.

Ridasu is also an old man in the guild. He was already there when Kira joined the guild.

He uses painting magic, which has a high potential. Unfortunately, Ridasu, the user, only has painting in mind. He is not diligent enough in magic practice and his mentality is always amiable, so his performance has always been weak.

If there were no accidents, he should have spent the rest of his life peacefully and happily.

But this time, he wants to have a good time before retiring!

So he hugged Gildas' lap, trying to win the game and save more money for himself.

A sniper rifle drawn with a paintbrush was placed on the rock, with the muzzle pointed in the direction of Natsu and Gray. With just a click, the two fighting men could fall into the watercolor cage.

Ridasu squatted half-crouched, holding the gun in his hand, waiting for the best time for the two of them to run out of energy. He had been in this position for more than ten minutes. For his body, this was no small challenge.

"I'm so hands are so's so hot...I feel like my whole body is about to melt..."

Looking at the two fighting figures in the distance with increasingly powerful auras, these two fishermen who were trying to gain something felt like they were about to be consumed by the snipe and clam they were staring at.

“Please, let’s decide the winner quickly!!”×2

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