The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 495 The battle breaks out (please vote, please subscribe)

After seeing Lucy, Brandish suddenly burst out with strong murderous intent. This incident naturally attracted the attention of Erza and Timaria. The two immediately stopped their original exploration and demonstration and turned their heads. Focus on your companions.

Erza immediately sensed Brandish's malice towards Lucy. Although she didn't know the reason, she knew that she might be serious about it next, so she stood in front of Lucy without hesitation.

"Lucy, be careful!"

"I know..." Lucy hid behind Erza, trembling.

The hostility of the person in front of her came out of nowhere, and she had no idea why. But she knew very well that the other person was not targeting her because of Fairy Tail, but for other reasons.

‘What’s the reason? ? ’

Lucy was puzzled and felt that she was unlucky today.

Bald Boss: Who do you think is unlucky? ?

On the other side, Timaria looked at her TP-type best friend next to her nervously and curiously. This was the first time she had seen her look like this.

"What's wrong? Is there anything special about that girl?"

Brandish did not answer Timaria's question. She looked past Erza and fell directly on Lucy behind her. She asked coldly: "Those things on your body...are the twelve zodiac signs?" The star spirit key to the palace, right?”

'Is she hostile because of my keys? ? Why? ? What does she want to do? ? ’

Lucy was full of doubts, and subconsciously held the key bag on her waist with her right hand, fearing that the other party would snatch it away, and asked with a vigilant look: "What do you want?"

Although she knew that the next step would be troublesome and there might be a fierce battle, Lucy still answered the question bravely.

She knew in her heart that she was no match for the other party, but the Star Spirits had an incomparable status in her heart. They were both companions and family members, and no one could take them away from her!

Even if Zeref came in person today, he would never ask her to hand over the key! !

"Akuya is there too, right?"

Brandish's words stunned Lucy for a moment: Akuya? ? Did she just say Akuiya? This woman actually knows Akuiya? ! ! How can this be? !

Even among all the zodiac spirits, Aquia has extremely important meaning to Lucy.

In Lucy's memory, Akuya was handed over to her by her mother Leila when she was very young. Akuya watched her grow up and stayed with her throughout her childhood. The relationship between the two was very close. , they are both friends, family, and sisters, Lord...ahem!

The woman in front of me is about the same age as me, how could she possibly know Akuiya? !

"Do you know Akuiya?!"

Lucy was confused at this time. If the other party knew Akuiya, it was only possible before the Aquarius key was handed over to her. In other words, they met earlier than she did!

Could it be that they are the young ones, and he is the one who wants to win his love with a knife from the sky?

hiss! !

Thinking of this, Lucy couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: Damn it, I'm really a loser!

Wait...her hair is green too...

For some reason, Brandish felt that Lucy looked at her with a little more sympathy and pity, and this sympathy and pity was a bit unfair, which made her even more annoyed!

This woman is so annoying! !

really! She is...

"Leila's daughter?"

This tone sounded like a question, but also like an affirmative statement, which immediately stunned everyone.

When Lucy heard her mother's name, she was shocked again and couldn't help but asked: "Do you know my mother? What is your relationship with my mother?"

Brandish didn't answer, just looked at Lucy indifferently.

After a long time, she suddenly raised her right hand quickly and said at the same time: "It's too troublesome, I won't tell you!"

The next moment, Lucy disappeared on the spot!

Erza, Wendy:! !

The accident came so suddenly. No one expected that Brandish would suddenly take action, nor would they expect that his action would have such a terrible effect, and he would dare to directly make people disappear.



Erza and Wendy's expressions changed suddenly, but Lucy's call received no response, and she became even more anxious: "What did you do?!"

Her companions were attacked, and she didn't know whether they were alive or dead. Erza couldn't hold back for a moment, and immediately used knight magic to change her clothes. A sharp sword fell into her hand out of thin air, and with a step, she attacked in the direction of Brandish.

But the next moment, something even more unexpected happened!

Erza was shocked to find that her hands were suddenly empty, and then a chill hit her body. She couldn't help but look down, but she couldn't see the ground.

In just an instant, all her clothes were torn, and the sword in her hand disappeared. Except for a pair of white underwear, she was completely naked!

She didn't hear any sound, and her body didn't feel any sense of being attacked, but Erza knew that at that moment, she was attacked by Timaria!

"Miss Erza!!"

Erza's attack disappeared instantly in front of her, and she was still naked. Wendy was extremely anxious but could do nothing because she had no idea what happened at that moment.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The passersby on the side looked sideways, with dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the unexpected welfare in front of them, feeling deeply that they had come to the right place today.

"I'm fine!"

Erza didn't look shy, she just stood up calmly and put on a set of armor.

She knew that Lucy must have been shrunk by the other party's form magic, so she couldn't see it; and what happened to her just now was also because of the other party's ability to pause time.

"Oh? Your clothes were torn to pieces in the street, but you were surprisingly calm?"

Timaria looked at the serious Erza with interest, "If it were another girl, she would have been so shy that she would have hid, right? She is truly a wizard of Fairy Tail. This job My psychological quality is better than most people!"

“Bad taste!!”

Erza didn't give Timaria any good looks, and directly swore harsh words. Then she pointed the sword at Brandish and shouted sternly, "Restore Lucy to her original state!"

As soon as these words came out, Timaria showed a strange expression, "How strange! You actually said 'restore to the original' instead of 'return'. Could it be that you...know Randy's magic?"

(Randy is Timaria’s nickname for Brandish)

As soon as he said this, even Erza couldn't help but marvel at the opponent's agility, and felt more and more that the 'Twelve Shields' was more difficult than imagined.

But no matter how strong the opponent is, he can't just watch Lucy be captured by the opponent.

"Stop talking nonsense!!" Erza dived again, but this time she was attacking Timaria.

In her eyes, Timaria is definitely a higher threat than Brandish!

Erza's thinking is very clear: in this situation, Lucy has obviously been affected by Brandish's form-changing magic, but her life should not be in danger for the time being, otherwise Hololochim from the Clock Tower will definitely come to the rescue. As long as the opponent is defeated later, Lucy can return to her original state.

But this Timaria is different. She has magic that can suspend time. Even if she knows about this magic in advance, it is difficult to guard against it. If she cannot solve it as quickly as possible, then the subsequent battle will become very troublesome. !



The long-term tacit understanding allowed Wendy to make the most appropriate cooperation before Erza said anything, "Knight of God! Crown of God!"

Two high-level additional magics came out in response, turning into four white rays of light, which fell on Wendy and Erza in twos and twos, greatly improving their attributes and injury-bearing capabilities!


The magic power surged, and powerful air flow emerged from Wendy's body. The hair tie holding the twin tails fell off instantly, and the thick long hair was dyed a strange pink color by the magic power, and the whole person emitted a faint white light.

Wendy knew that the enemy in front of her was extraordinary, so she decisively entered the power of the dragon and danced in the wind! !

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