The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 592 Descendants of Gods and Demon Hunters

From the first meeting, Timaria felt that Urrutia was not a simple woman, and there was something about her that she disliked very much.

This situation is rare for Timaria, who likes girls.

Now she knows the reason, it's a same-sex relationship: Urrutia has the same magic power of time as hers, and she is also a magician who uses time magic!

For Timaria, the time-stop space is her own time, a time that does not allow other people to move. Urrutia can still move during this time, which is like invading her private territory and is the only one in the world. The most sinful person!

"I must make this woman pay the price!"

Just when Timaria was about to use her ultimate move to teach Urrutia a lesson that would be remembered for a lifetime, a sudden change occurred!

Crack! Snapped--!

But there was a crisp sound next to his ears, and at the same time, the entire surrounding space seemed like a mirror, being shattered and cracked by someone's force, and then the originally stagnant time began to flow again.

"Time magic, I understand it!"

Kira stepped out. At this time, he was smiling, high-spirited, head held high, his back straight, and his whole body exuded an indescribable confidence!

This short sentence made Timaria's face instantly stink. This woman is immune to others. You can directly crack it. You all like to intrude into other people's time, right?

Timaria immediately mobilized her magic power, but her expression suddenly became stunned, because she found that her Time Seal had been eliminated, and she could not use it again for a while.

No! wrong!

This feeling... is not that it is impossible to cast, but that it was deliberately erased the moment the cast was successful! Kira is the only one here who can do such a thing!

Timaria was so filled with hatred at this moment: "Damn it!! How on earth did this guy do it...?!!"

How did Kira do it? Of course it’s because of talent (plug-in)!

After traveling for more than twenty years, the magic power in his body that was already growing rapidly has reached a terrifying level over time. At the same time, his understanding of various types of magic is also increasing day by day.

Perhaps he was too late to react to Timaria's bug-like time-stop magic the first time, but based on the magic power remaining in the space after the time-stop, he could quickly analyze it and find a way to deal with it.

Of course, in addition to this method of using skills to crack, you can also directly rely on your own huge magic power to fight, but that is just using force to defeat cleverness without any technical content.

In the Fairy Tail world, when the magic power in a magician's body reaches a certain level, their resistance to magic will be raised to a super high level. By that time, their magic defense will be like the strongest city in the world. , no amount of magic can easily shake it.

Among the people present, only Kira and Gildas have reached this point, so they are not afraid of Timaria's Seal of Time. They can break free from the time pause with a slight burst of magic power; as for Urrutia, they are completely It's because of the magical properties.

Yes, when Timaria used the Seal of Time for the second time, Gildas was not immobilized. Instead, he used decomposition magic to shatter the time magic that acted on him. After that, he stood aside and peeked at the beauty. fight.

Kira is not Gildarts, he is not a reckless man, but a research-based and theoretical wizard. The reason why he does not choose to break free is to try to see if he can solve it in a technical way.

Now he succeeded!

And unlike Gildarts who could only break free alone, or Urrutia leading people to move around in time, by analyzing the nature of magic power, he has completely solved the bug-level magic of Time Seal, and also learned a secret skill by the way. .

‘I can also become the producer of [Time Stop Series] in the future! ’

Thinking of this, Kira became more and more proud, and the corners of her mouth almost reached the corners of her eyes.

"what are you laughing at?"

Urrutia frowned. She felt that Kira's smile had become weird. It was very similar to that lecherous uncle named Gildas, and it also looked a bit like the deceptive and evil expression he used to do to people in the past.

"Nothing... I just thought of happy things!" Kira waved his hand casually and asked, "By the way, have you ever thought about becoming an actor?"

What happy thing can make you smile like this? Could it be that he made money again?

Urrutia was confused in his heart, but he still answered Kira honestly: "No! Why should I be an actor if I am not a good magician?"

"Really...what a pity!"

"Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"Just out of curiosity..."

curious? Do you think I will believe your lies? ! Looking at the regretful look on your face, could it be that you want me to pay you back for filming?

Urrutia didn't know that his guess was very close to Kira's answer.

"You two... do you take me seriously?!" Timaria was furious, pointing at the two of them and started to curse.

Well what does that mean?

Breaking someone else's magic and then acting calmly as if nothing happened, is this a mockery? It's definitely a mockery! !

I can't bear it! The arrogant Timaria said that she could not bear this kind of contemptuous attitude!

But according to the rules, she couldn't do anything to Urrutia and Kira, and now that Kira had broken her magic, she didn't know how to deal with him for a while.

Apart from anything else, this magical power, which is not inferior to that of Mr. Olgaste, makes Timaria feel troubled.

"Forget it, keep fighting, I won't interfere."

Seeing that he had almost harvested, Kira no longer forced Lai Lai with Urrutia, and directly chose to retreat to Gildas' side.

There's no point in showing off, why not just watch beautiful girls fight?

"I said, Gildarts, is it okay if you don't take action? Juvia just launched an attack on Timaria! Your mission should be to protect her to enter the next level, right?"

"Don't worry, I will take action when Juvia can't hold it anymore."

Gildarts wanted Juvia to go through more training and see if he could improve his strength in the battle with Timaria just like he did just now.

Sure enough, Gildarts is still the same Gildarts! Although he has become more lecherous over the years, he is still as reassuring as ever in terms of leading the younger generations.

On the other side, after a short rest, Wendy finally recovered from the shyness of seeing Juvia's naked body, and joined forces with Timaria to fight. Their opponents were Gray, Urrutia and Juvia. Ya.

Since the Seal of Time had been cracked by Urrutia, Timaria did not continue to use this magic on the two opponents, but switched to other tricks.

"Scars of Time!"

Before Timaria could make any move, a strange magic power with the attribute of time fell on Gray instantly.


Gray's pupils trembled. The attack was so fast that he couldn't react at all. Before he could think about it, he felt an uncontrollable exhaustion welling up in his heart.

"what happened?!"

"My magic can be said to be beyond time, and it is impossible for ordinary people to capture it!"

Timaria was very satisfied with Gray's expression and couldn't help but start to explain his magic, "The Trace of Time can put all the negative conditions such as pain, fatigue, weakness, etc. that appeared on you in the past back on you."

"How's it going? You can't bear it anymore, right?"

Compared with the fight against Wendy in the original work, Timaria's move was obviously more watery, because she could have used "past pain" to torture Gray, but she did not do so, and just used one move 'Tired' intends to end the fight.

"Not good..." The endless exhaustion made Gray almost unable to stand still.

At the critical moment, Gray did not hesitate to use the evil-destroying power in his body. The next moment, dark magic lines quickly climbed up half of his body, raising his black hair upside down, and he regained his energy.

The cold air dispelled Gray's physical fatigue, and at the same time dropped the surrounding air by more than ten degrees, causing several people nearby to shiver.

"It's so cold..."

"Freeze it!"

Gray raised his voice and activated his magic power again. Everyone felt their eyes blurred, and an area of ​​tens of meters in radius was frozen into ice in the blink of an eye.

"Is it the same ice-based magic as Imber?"

Timaria looked around, and immediately her eyes lit up, "Is this the magic of hunting demons, the magic of destroying demons? I heard that people who use this magic will be swallowed by darkness in their hearts. Is that okay with you?"

"It's just darkness, not even close! As long as I still have my companions, I will never be swallowed by darkness!"

Gray's eyes were clear and firm, and his tone was sonorous and powerful. It was hard to believe that he was someone who would be swallowed by darkness.

companion? ‘Fairy Tail’ is really a unique guild! No wonder Mr. Olgaste values ​​​​it so much and allows us to participate in this assessment...

Timaria looked at Gray in silence for a few seconds, and suddenly seemed to understand something, and said: "I see... No wonder you can dispel the power of time."

"I once heard an ancient rumor that the power of demons and gods are opposed to each other. Your power to destroy evil is closely related to demons. And I am a descendant of Chronos, the god of time, and both magic and magic are inherited from him. …”

Descendants of gods and demon hunters?

What a fun fight!

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