From the white light lighting up, everyone being shocked, coming back to their senses and blessing, to being wiped out by slashes and laser beams, the whole process only lasted less than ten seconds.

Everything changed so quickly. Before several people said "Come on!", this strange scene of white light filling the mountains and forests disappeared.

In the field of vision, only the white solid mass of magic power was disintegrating. The strong wind caused by the drastic change in temperature blew the chaotic magic particles throughout the examination room.

The viewers were all silent, watching this scene quietly.

One moment, they were praising Natsu and Gajeel for their rapid progress and the magic they used could rival twelve shields. However, the next second they were annihilated by one move, which was a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, it’s not me who’s embarrassed!

"It's such a powerful magic to disintegrate such magic with just one move...and slashing!"

"Is it Kira and Dispel?"

At present, in the entire examination room, Disper and Kira are undoubtedly the only two people who can use this level of slashing and this type of magic, and they are Natsu and Gajeel in this examination. In other words, the four of them should be in a two-on-two battle at the moment.

So everyone couldn't help but started to complain.

I know you are strong, but you don’t need to be so high-profile, right? Can't we just let Natsu and Gajeel finish their moves? They are the candidates! Now that the battle has begun, why are you two supporters joining in the fun?

Kira and Dispel couldn't hear everyone's thoughts, and even if they heard them, they wouldn't pay attention.

If you ask why, it’s because they are there!

It would be okay if it was Natsu's white fire. After all, Kira himself had used this level of fire magic. However, the molten iron and iron blocks created by Gajeel were everywhere. Under their refraction, the area with a radius of hundreds of meters was The entire space became extremely dazzling, and as soon as I opened my eyes, there was a dazzling bright light.

Kira and Disper, who were among them and saw the white light at close range, were naturally the only two victims.

How could they endure this? Naturally, I intervened directly!

On the battlefield, the white light dissipated, the magic disintegrated, leaving only long and thick wisps of white smoke. The steel turned black again, and the temperature of the flame slowly faded, turning into an ordinary orange-red as if dyed.

Due to the intervention of Kira and Dispel, the two dragon-slaying secrets did not exert their due power. Instead, they exploded in the middle, causing a violent shock, which directly affected Natsu and Gajeel. The one was shaken away from afar,

If it weren't for the immunity attribute of dragon slayers, they would have suffered the backlash of their own magic.

At this moment, Natsu and Gajeel looked at Kira and Dispel, who looked like twins walking out of the forest side by side, and roared unwillingly.

"You two!! Didn't you say we would give you ten minutes?!" × 2

Faced with the questioning of the two men, Kira took out his ear piercings indifferently and said calmly: "Shut up! Let you guys fight, where are you setting off flash bombs? Do you know that young people need to protect their eyesight?! Eyes are damaged!" Haven't you heard of irreversible? If not, go back and read more books! You can't become an excellent S-class mage if you only know how to fight!!..."

Disper didn't talk as much as Kira, but after Kira finished speaking, he slowly said: "+1"

Kira: "...??"

"Next is our round, the rest of the gang is waiting to give in!"

Disper walked a few meters away, drew out the two swords from his waist, and faced Kira in a two-sword style stance, "If you are affected, I can't guarantee that you will be safe and silent!"

"What are you waiting for?! What are you talking about..."

"Idiot Fire Dragon! Let's go, let's go..."

Gajeel grabbed Natsu who was about to jump up, grabbed his collar and ran to the side.

Kira stretched his waist and calculated the time again, and found that there was still a little time before sunset, enough time for him and Disper to decide the winner.

"bring it on!"

With a soft drink, the battle was about to break out.

Disperti's sword struck first, and with two 'swish's', he swung out two white slashes that could easily cut through gold and jade. Then he leaned slightly and rushed towards Kira.

The two slashes were thick and long, obviously in the air, but the pressure of the sword left two clear and slender sword marks on the ground, dividing the molten iron into two halves, and struck Kira directly at an extremely fast speed.

"Slash test? It's the same trick again!"

Kira's strong combat intuition allowed Kira to predict the location of the attack in advance. He did not move his feet, turned his body slightly to one side, and two slashes flew past him.

Edras and Aslant's peers are completely opposite in their most obvious characteristics. The main difference between Disper and Kira is their attitude towards money. As for other aspects, the two are still very similar. For example, in When fighting, especially when facing powerful opponents, they like to test first and then explode, and will not amplify at the beginning.

“The set is not new, as long as it is useful!”

These are two swords with excellent forging skills. Disper has been using them for several years. Except for borrowing them from Kornuki for a period of time, they have almost never left their hands.

Disper held the sword high in his right hand, and gathered his left hand at his waist to gather momentum, ready to explode while Kira was dodging. Once he got close, he had the confidence to show Kira what "within three steps, the sword is accurate" And fast”.

"I just like to experiment with new tricks. If I'm not mistaken, swordsmanship should be the same as magic and technology. Only continuous innovation can make progress!"

Kira did not give Disper a chance to get close. When the opponent was halfway through the charge, he had already launched the dual magic of attack and defense.

"Gravity, twists and turns!"

Two force fields appeared in the air between Kira and Disper at the same time. One was a ten-fold gravity field used to exert gravity on the opponent, which was an offensive magic; the other was arranged behind the gravity field and was used to forcibly twist the opponent. Defensive magic against opponent's weapons, magic, etc.

Gravity is Kira's common fighting method, but twists and turns are less commonly used. This magic is inspired by Dark Night, but it is far more outstanding than Dark Night's magic. Dark Night can only distort matter or light to create illusions, but Kira is different. He has more magic power than Dark Night, so he can naturally do more.


Gravity did not stop Disper's figure. He still maintained his original speed and rushed forward at a seemingly slow but actually fast speed, as if the ten times gravity field had no effect on him.

"I am the strongest swordsman, and gravity has nothing to do with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dispere had already arrived in front of the zigzag force field. However, just before he was about to rush in, as if he felt something in his heart, he subconsciously jumped sideways to bypass the force field, then suddenly accelerated and pounced like a tiger.

"Although I don't know what this is, I have already seen through it!"

The sharp sword slashed straight down, shining brightly like a meteor across the night sky, almost falling close to Kira's face. The sharp sword energy even saw a few strands of red hair that had no time to dodge, and trimmed Kira's hair.

"See through? How did you see through?" Kira was very surprised and asked while dodging the attack.

When he saw Dispere bypassing the force field again, he knew something was wrong. He hurriedly kicked his body and retreated. At the same time, he gathered magic power with both hands to prepare for an attack.

A qualified magician must be good at taking advantage of geographical advantages, and the molten iron on the ground is undoubtedly the best weapon.

Gold Control Magic - Under the pull of magic power, molten iron erupts from the ground like a waterfall flowing backwards, and then quickly separates and cools in the air, forming steel projectiles.

Thunder Magic - Adding electric current to the iron anhydride projectile greatly increases its attack power. At the same time, it also has a paralysis effect on the target, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The casting time was very fast, and when the sword blade cut off Kira's favorite red hair, dense lightning bullets were already attacking Disper.

Dang Dang Dang...

The clear and dense sound of metal collision echoed in the woods. Dispere's hand speed of more than 20 years was beyond compare. It was obviously two swords, but he just danced with eight swords, two real and six empty. The afterimages of the sharp blades intertwined into a network, covering Dispel airtightly. There was no blind spot in 360 Degrees Red.

"Intuition! Intuition honed by fighting different magicians in Aslant for so many years."

What's surprising is that under such defense, he can still be distracted from answering Kira's question, "Although I don't have magic power, I'm not without talent!"

Hearing the other party's answer, Kira couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Ah, I know! Just like I can also use a sword, this is our talent!"

He still learned his swordsmanship from Disper, and now he was showing off in front of him, which gave him an inexplicable "tauran" excitement.

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