The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 604 Natsu: Do a hundred additions and subtractions in three minutes? Lucy may not even be ab

9745? ?

Is this data considered high or low? It’s hard to tell without comparison!

But soon everyone felt that there was no need to think about this question at all. Kira's level of magic just now was definitely considered high!

They may not be able to catch it anyway!

"Is the damage caused by the side effects more than 9,000? If all of them hit, this instrument will probably be scrapped, right? I don't know where its upper limit is..."

Everyone was talking about this.

As the only person present who had tested MPF except Kira, Makarov was stunned. His eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and there was a drop of snot hanging on his nose.

When he was invited to the Council for a test, he couldn't bear the requests of his old friends and showed off his skills. In the end, he shocked everyone with his 4523 Giant Fist, which was twice as much as the second place's 2178.

As a result, Kira now managed to hit more than nine thousand with just one blow? ! Or is it scratched? !

'Is this kid Kira... already so strong now? ’ Makarov was surprised and happy, ‘Not bad, not bad… there is a successor to the guild! ’

"Wow! President, can you shrink your face and show this expression? This huge snot looks so disgusting!!"


Strong is strong, but this way of speaking never changes despite repeated admonitions!

Makarov's face suddenly dropped: "What are you all doing in a daze? Continue quickly, it's Lucy's turn next!"

"Huh? Oh!"

Lucy was in a hurry when her name was called. She didn't know why Makarov was suddenly angry, so she could only follow the instructions obediently.

Boom, boom, boom...

"is 6!"

"She is indeed the luckiest Lucy!"

"Hehehe..." Lucy patted her head proudly and naively.

Brandish advanced six spaces, and then Makarov pulled out a card. He was stunned for a moment, and then said unhurriedly: [Lucky: Everyone takes one step forward! 】

Everyone: Are you really lucky? ?

There is no need to draw cards when the location is moved due to the execution of the content on the card, so this time it is a benefit for everyone.

"Next, Juvia!"

"It's 5!"

Gildas came behind Brandish, looking at the beauty's back and thinking wildly, with a crazy look on his face, and smiled.

Makarov draws a card: [Trap: Move the position one space to the right! 】

To the right? The track spirals toward the center, so moving one space to the right means moving one circle.

Everyone looked up, and then looked at Makarov dissatisfied: "President, are you sure this is a trap? It's obviously a reward! It just saves you a turn!"

"Of course! Look, if Gildas goes in the opposite direction, wouldn't it be an extra circle?"

Everyone can understand, but they are dissatisfied with this kind of luck.

"Continue! Gray...the number rolled is 2!"

[Punishment: retreat to the nearest grid of the same color! 】

Back to the nearest grid of the same color? ?

Urrutia had a sullen face, took two steps back and returned to the original spot, glaring at Gray fiercely with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to eat someone.

Gray: "..."

Why are you staring at me? I don’t want to either! It's all the president's fault!

Kira didn't care about Urrutia's moodiness behind him, because it was his turn to roll the points next.

Picking up a wooden dice in human hands, Kira shook it slightly. It was not light in weight, but there are tricks to throwing dice, such as technique, angle, strength, air friction, etc. As long as you calculate it well, you can throw it. Get as many points as you want, even this big one.

But... Kira won't!

So he could only try to come.

"Anyway, there are so many opportunities. Once you become more proficient in it later, your success rate should be higher!"

However, just when Kira was about to roll the points, he saw Gildas's stern old face from the corner of his eye, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

Kira has practiced magic to the point where he can use his thoughts first and his thoughts freely. In layman's terms, his hands are faster than his brain, so before his brain can issue a prohibition order, his hands have already moved.


The heavy wood fell "lightly" on Gildas' head.

"It hurts so much!!"

Giladas returned to consciousness instantly and his mind was clear. At the same time, he jumped up nervously, made a crossed defensive gesture with his hands in front of him, and looked around vigilantly.

"Who?! Who?! Who..."

Everyone: "..."

Who is this lustful old man who gets carried away after seeing beautiful women? shameful! Pull him down quickly! Don't say we know him!

What? daughter? Sorry, you got the wrong person!


Seeing that the surroundings were safe, Gildas seemed to finally realize that he had been tricked. He turned his head suddenly and stared at Kira with a dangerous look full of resentment.

"What good things have you done?!"

Makarov can actually understand Gildarts's mood at this time, because he was also young and experienced this kind of thing - although he often does it until now, and was still doing it until just now - whoever is looking at beautiful women Sometimes, it’s normal to get angry when someone next to you interrupts you like this.

But he can't stand on Gildas's side now, because the way everyone looks at Gildas has changed. The look of "this uncle is so perverted, everyone stay away from him" cannot be hidden. He can't let himself A lifetime of fame was ruined.

"I'm sorry, Gildas! It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I'm powerless..."

"Sorry, Gildarts! My hand slipped..."

Kira pretended to be nonchalant and said in a calm tone, "President, please broadcast it!"

Makarov drew a card and yelled "5 points! [Challenge: Do one hundred addition and subtraction problems within two digits within three minutes. If the answer rate is above 90%, then the advance will be the same as the current throwing point. number of steps]”

Looking at Natsu standing at the target position, everyone fell into deep thought: Addition and subtraction within two digits is not difficult, but one hundred in three minutes? The accuracy rate is over 90%. Even if they just learn addition and subtraction, children at the peak of their ability in this area may not be able to do it. Can Natsu really do it? Hubby may have done better than him...

"Test questions? Me??"

Natsu's face was full of surprise: Isn't this the S-level assessment? Exam questions? I am just an ordinary semi-literate magician who was raised by dragons. This question is too over the top! An average of two seconds is required to ensure accuracy. Not many people in the entire guild can accomplish such a difficult task, right?

"Yes, it's you!"

Looking at the helpless Natsu, Makarov smiled sinisterly on his big face, "Don't worry, Natsu! Nothing will happen if you lose. At most, it's just a wasted opportunity..."

"Okay then!" Natsu smiled innocently, his smile was bright and warm, just like the sun in the sky at this moment.

Makarov was stunned. He originally thought that if Natsu really didn't want to do it, he would just forget it.

That's right, Natsu is not the kind of person who gives up easily, and his potential is actually very high, he might be able to create miracles!

"Then give it a try!"

Natsu had taken cultural classes. Although he had forgotten the existence of Teacher Anna due to the influence of the solar eclipse, his body's memory of that smell... was the memory of mathematical calculations, which still existed in his subconscious.

But this time he chose the challenge not because of confidence, but for other reasons.

In Natsu's impression, Kira is the smartest person he has ever met. If there is no problem, it is difficult to defeat him. Maybe he can do it; and Lucy is the second smartest person he has ever met. Can she do it? Woolen cloth? Instinct told Natsu, no!

"Even Lucy may not be able to do it. Is it normal that I can't do it?"

Three minutes later...

"What on earth are I expecting... This is obviously a normal situation!"

Looking at the paper that Natsu handed in, which only filled out more than 70 questions, and the accuracy rate was less than 80%, Makarov felt that he was really old, and even his eyesight for seeing people had declined so much.

Natsu's potential is good, but that's in terms of combat. In a place like this that requires using his brain, he doesn't necessarily have much brainpower, let alone potential.

"Hey...challenge failed!"

Everyone nodded silently, without much surprise. If Natsu could really do it, they would feel like a ghost.

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