The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 626 Someone appears unexpectedly

In the cave, the huge emerald-colored figure gradually disappeared.

With the last traces of Kilconis left in the world completely gone, the Dragon Cemetery returned to its original peace.

After a long time, seeing that everyone had not come back to their senses, Kira complained first: "I just said that summoning it is useless. It is all about things we have known for a long time."

"What a waste of precious fifteen minutes of your life!"

Despite everyone's strong request, Wendy still used the 'Galaxy' to summon the undead of Kilconis.

The other party also cooperated with Erza and others' questions, truly provided all the information he knew, and told part of the past about the Dragon King Festival and Akunololia, and finally disappeared completely in laughter.

However, in the whole process, no one gained anything at all!

They were talking about things they already knew.

"Ahem... Although it's true to say that, if you can see the ghost of the dragon, this summons is not in vain."

"The idea that you can make money when you see it... I can't say it wrong, but it's too tasteless."

"Anyway, let's go find the needed keel according to the plan now!"

The cemetery is very large, and several people dispersed, picking and picking among the corpses like they were buying vegetables at a vegetable market.

"By the way, do you know? A long time ago, there was a magic guild in Magnolia, and they had the skeleton of a giant dragon as decoration."

With nothing to do, Kira took the initiative to chat with Natsu and others.

"Nani?! Really?"

"I've never heard of it at long ago was that?"

"How long? Let me think about it...about a hundred years ago, before Fairy Tail was established."

Kira walked among the dragon corpses, picked up a two-meter-long bone, knocked it to test the hardness, then took it in his hand and continued walking forward.

Maybe the bones taken from the dragon could be used as good magic materials.

"That magic guild is called the Blue Skull. It was the most powerful force entrenched in Magnolia before Fairy Tail was established. It was also the predecessor of the later 'Ghost Ruler'."

"The predecessor of Ghost?"

When the ghost was mentioned, everyone was stunned. It took them a few seconds to recall that it was the guild that attacked Fairy Tail last year and was later destroyed by Makarov and his men.

"Yes, they are the predecessors of ghosts! So you can probably guess what their character is like. They are just like the people of ghosts, they are proud, greedy, cruel, bullying, and in short, they are extremely bad!"

Kira continues to discredit a bunch of losers without a care in the world.

"Gajeel still retains the temperament of a bad guy! I often see him bullying Lebby!!"

With a look of disgust on his face, Habi rolled his tongue and said: "Natsu, the 'bullying' you are talking about may not be the same thing as the 'bullying' that Kira is talking about..."

"Hmm..." Lucy nodded sharply in agreement, "It's completely different! I can testify to this!!"

Everyone who co-authors understands the king, right?

Kira's voice faltered, and then he continued: "The four members of the first generation fought with them in order to regain the stolen Sirius Jade. Of course, they won in the end and successfully wiped out the evil force 'Blue Skull'. This is us. The reason why the guild and the 'Ghost' have not dealt with each other for hundreds of years."

"So that's it..."

In the dead of night, in a deep mountain cemetery, a group of young men and women were searching for corpses here. It was quite eerie when you think about it carefully. In order to ease the surrounding atmosphere, Kira told everyone about "ZERO".

Of course, Zeref's contribution was also highlighted, and everyone was shocked.

"Nani?! Zeref is the first and second generation's teacher?!"

"Nani?! When did the second generation become blind?!"

"Nani?! The first generation actually had a ghost playmate?!"

Thirty minutes later...

"Okay! Everyone, stop for a moment and come over to summarize your results!"

Hearing the sound, everyone gathered towards Kira's position, but their hands were empty.

“I didn’t find a keel that was the right size.”

"I do not have either."

"Me too."


Kira was immediately furious and roared at a few people angrily: "Are you guys coming here in the middle of the night just to listen to my story?"

"Even if you don't find the dragon bones that Natsu needs, are you just going to return empty-handed? Do you understand the principle that people who pluck out feathers don't leave empty-handed?! At least you can take a few bone sticks back like me and use them as pawns. Souvenirs!!!”

Several people looked at each other and asked: "We don't like these things, what souvenirs do we want?"

"That's right...who wants to look at a guy all day long? Even if you like it for a while, you'll find it irritating after a long time!"

"Kira, do you want to take them back as souvenirs? I didn't expect you to have such interest?"

"Of course not, I brought them back to make magic materials!"

"Magic material?!"

Natsu and the others were all dumbfounded, except Erza who was thoughtful.

She knew that Kira needed some strange materials when researching magic equipment, such as monster bones, hair, scales, body fluids...

Once upon a time, Erza would help Kira bring some materials back when she was working alone, but later she formed a team with Natsu and others, and Kira didn't do much research and development of new magic items, so she stopped doing this kind of thing.

"Giant dragons are the most unique race in the world. They are born with huge magic power and strong bodies. Even the bones left behind after death are also very good magic materials and can be used to forge excellent weapons, armors and the like. thing!"

Except for Kira, no one here knew the forging technology, so the topic could only be ended hastily.

"Are we going back empty-handed? What should I do with my keel chair?"

Before leaving, Natsu suddenly asked.

"There is a high probability that it is gone!"

Kira helplessly patted Natsu's cherry-colored head, which was a head shorter than herself, rubbed it vigorously and said, "But if you don't insist on using the entire dragon bone for decoration, and just want a chair, that would be fine. You can take some dragon bones back."

"When the time comes, let the workers incorporate the keel you brought over when making the chair. Maybe we can create a seat with the power of a giant dragon!!"

"Oh oh oh oh!! It sounds good!"

Natsu exclaimed and jumped for joy, as excited as a ten-year-old child.

However, when he turned around, his expression suddenly froze. After sniffing a few times, he quickly looked towards the shadow of no one.

This change made the others stunned, and they all asked: "What's wrong, Natsu?"

"somebody is coming!"


"At a time like this?!"

"Who is it?"

"Perhaps you are here to dig graves like us?"

Wendy on the other side was also aware of it and said warily: "No, this smell is very familiar, it's someone we know!"

Everyone was relieved when they heard that it was an acquaintance, but then a trace of doubt arose: "We know each other...could it be said that the guild sent someone here again?"

Suddenly, from the depths of the shadow where Natsu's eyes were staring, there was the sound of unhurried, light and heavy footsteps.

Since this cave is ventilated, it is obvious that there is more than one entrance and exit. The direction of the sound coming from now is not the direction when Kira and others came in, which means that the people entered here from other cave entrances.

Ta da...ta da...

There was only one footstep, and the frequency of walking was very regular. When people moved, they would occasionally step on the bones on the ground, making a crisp 'crackling' sound. The sound echoed in the empty Dragon Cemetery, firmly attracting everyone. attention.

It was like this in the middle of the night. If it wasn't haunted, then someone was pretending to be a ghost!

As the footsteps get closer and closer, the magic and smell of the visitor gradually become clearer.

"No! This magic power..."

Kira frowned, as if he had thought of something. His expression immediately changed, and he blocked everyone in front of them. Just when he finished all this and looked into the depths of the shadows, the person who came just walked out of the shadows. .

What appeared in front of everyone was a very familiar person.

Red hair, blue clothes, handsome and elegant, with a face as handsome as an elf, a temperament as divine as a god, and magic power as heavy as a mountain and as vast as the sea.

The group of people were instantly shocked, staring blankly at the person who came, and then looking back at the figure blocking them. Their appearance, demeanor, temperament, magic power, and smell were all as if they had disappeared.

The person who came looked exactly like Kira!

"Hey, hey...are you kidding?!"

"It feels a little bad now!"

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