The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 642 Zeref comes to the door

The centenary celebration lasted for a week, with numerous banquets and endless revelry.

The addition of Stinger and Rogge was a major event that happened on the first day, but for Fairy Tail, it was just an interlude. The real celebration had to be Dirty Dancing... No, the real one Big thing, or——

Asika was born!

The day of birth was the second day after the guild started its carnival week.

No one thought that yesterday they were saying that new blood would join the guild, and today new blood would be born!

Arzak and Bisca are not Yuri and Rita. They will not let their children be born in the lobby of the guild. Instead, they will be admitted to the hospital seriously, ask a doctor to take care of them, and beg for nothing. The ground brought Polyuska out of the woods west of Magnolia.

After Polyuska came out, as expected, she scolded Makarov first.

The old lady yelled that she didn't like humans, that she was a pharmacist, not a nurse, and that she couldn't deliver babies, but in the end she relented and went to take care of Bisca.

Typical knife mouth and tofu heart!

Although Pelyucica didn't help much in delivering the baby, because she was there as a person with in-depth research on potions and magicians' bodies, Bisca's entire delivery process went very smoothly, and her subsequent recovery was also smooth. soon.

After Aska was born, all the members of the guild were of course very excited and started the party again. The drunken Makarov even pulled up Polyuska and was about to dance on the spot, but was slapped unconscious by the old lady.

The entire guild was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Double happiness was coming, and the drunkards in the guild refused to miss this opportunity no matter what. A group of people got drunk in the tavern. They continued to drink when they woke up, and did not go home or take a shower. They looked like these dirty people in front of them who smelled of alcohol. A man is better and more attractive than the soft and warm big bed at home.

Not to mention dirty men, even this beautiful girl Kana became sloppy after drinking for three days in a row, and her whole body exuded a strong smell of sweat.

early morning.


Kira gently pushed the door open, and without any surprise, what came into view were tables and chairs that were in disarray, unpacked dinner plates with uneaten leftovers on them, and wine barrels everywhere. The wine glasses - there was also some strong-flavored ale left in them, and the drunkards who were drunk and unconscious - all had no image, and they were sleeping soundly, snoring loudly.

After looking around for a few seconds, Kira took steps, kicked the wine barrel out of the way, lifted up the fallen wooden table, crossed the bottles and jars, and walked towards the nearest person.

"I said... you are also an S-class member of the guild after all. Can't you pay attention to your image? If others see it, you will think that the female wizards in our guild are all imageless drunkards like you..."

Kira pinched her nose, stood in front of the drunk Kana, rolled her eyes and complained, with a funny nasal sound in her voice.

Originally, he didn't want to take care of this female drunkard, but he didn't say no. The smell was too strong and he could smell it as soon as he entered the guild. How could a person who loves cleanness tolerate it?

"Even if the president said to celebrate the centenary celebration, you can't drink like this!"

Kana is actually already awake. She woke up when Kira opened the door. After all, she is an S-class mage. Compared with other drunks in the guild, she has a more sensitive perception, so even if she is hungover, she will not be in the base. The moment he was pulled in, his body responded quickly and regained consciousness.

However, because he knew that it was Kira who came in, he did not get up, but continued to lie on the table, holding the half-human-high wine barrel with both hands, his eyes were misty, and he said vaguely: "Is there anything... Hiccup...what does it have to do with it? Aren't other people just like me?"

"The others...who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's Macao, Wakaba and the others... Huh? Where are they?"

It's strange. I remember I was drinking with them last night, but why are they nowhere to be seen now?

Kira Ning choked and replied speechlessly: "Makao was taken away by Romeo last night after you lost consciousness. As for Wakaba, he was taken away by his fat woman!"

It is no secret in the guild that Wakabafu is weak and his position in the family is stable.

"That guy was punished in front of everyone before he left. You clapped your hands and shouted louder than everyone else. Don't tell me you forgot?"

Kana was stunned when she heard this, blinked her eyes, and regained her consciousness: "Is that so? Why don't I remember it?"

"I forgot such an interesting thing! What a shame!"

"What about my dad? Where has such a big dad gone? Hey - Gildas! Gildas!!..."

I shouted several times, but no one responded.

After she listened, Kira released her fingers from her ears and said, "Stop howling. That guy left with a pretty good-looking aunt last night and hasn't come back yet. Well...most likely The life force has been squeezed out of me."

"What did you say?! That old bastard!!! I should have let him die outside\u0026\u0026 # ¥%..."

Kana's expression changed and she roared again, followed by a bunch of unpleasant words. Kira could only cover her ears again and turned around to clean up the messy tables and chairs.

Ten minutes later, Kana finally finished cursing, and all the energy she had gathered was gone. Kira then said slowly: "Are you done scolding? Come over and help clean up after you're done scolding!"

"What are you packing? Anyway, they will come back soon, and it won't be the same by then!"

After finishing speaking, Kana fell back and lay down on the wooden table again: "I'm going to take a nap first, and we'll talk and drink later."

Kira's eyes twitched: Still drinking? You haven’t had enough to drink after three days, right?

After three days of carnival, everyone who had to leave had left. People like Bob, Goldman, and Yajima, who had come all the way, all went home last night. After all, they all had their own busy schedules, so it was impossible to They stayed here for seven days, but they left reluctantly, even leaving behind words such as "the old people go back to work, and the young people are partying here, what kind of world is this", which attracted a kind of laughter from the young people.

If nothing else happens, the only people who will appear here in the remaining four days will be young people with nothing to do.

Even if this is the centenary celebration, old men like Volod, Prechto, and Ogast can't last as long as seven days, so even if they are still in Magnolia, there is a high probability that they will not be in the guild tavern. Stay all day.

When people grow old, they still have to serve themselves!

"You'll be drowned in a barrel sooner or later!"

"Huh? That's really what I dream of!"

Kana's voice became smaller and smaller, until the last few words were inaudible, followed by gentle breathing and gentle snoring. It was obvious that she was extremely sleepy, so even if she was still talking to Kira, He was arguing, but his body could no longer bear it, so he fell asleep in the middle of the conversation.

"This long did he drink last night?"

Kira complained softly, and his eyes fell on the dozen empty half-man-high wine barrels at Kana's feet. He vaguely remembered that when he left last night, at least half of them were still unopened...

Looking back, looking at the messy guild in front of her, Kira sighed heavily. Kira suddenly felt that Kana was right. The others would be here later anyway, so it was better to leave it to them.

At this moment, in the passive perception, a unique magic power suddenly appeared.

"Um...this is?!"

Kira's eyes widened in an instant, her hands stopped moving at the same time, she stood up and looked at the guild's door with an extremely solemn expression.

There is still nothing at the entrance of the guild, but according to Kira's magic perception, walking along the central street outside, thousands of meters away, a terrifying magic power is slowly approaching.

This magic power is extremely dark, extremely evil, and extremely turbid. It disappears and appears, rises and falls. When it is high, it is far better than the dragon. When it is low, it is not as good as Harpy. It is extremely unstable!

Kira had only felt this magic power once before, and only on one person.


"Why is he here at this time?"

"In the original work... Oh, in the original work, the protagonist group was sealed at this time, so it's normal that we didn't see him... No, no! Could it be that he knew about the Alvarez Empire, so he came to collect debts, right?"

We, the people, traveled to the Western Continent half a year ago, kidnapped Olgast, Serena, Brandish, and Timaria, and came back. They deceived Irene and Val, killed Bradman, and defeated To kill Neinhard is to declare war on the other party. It is reasonable for Zeref to come to the door.

No matter how much he doesn't care about the life and death of his chess pieces, he will not allow others to interfere in his chess game midway. This is a matter of principle!

After Kira put herself in her shoes, she realized that if these things happened to her, she would not be indifferent - no matter who it was, after going on a trip, he found that his ex-wife had been here during this period, and she was still there before leaving. It's impossible for him to take away his own prince without any reaction!

"No! I have to go out and take a look..."

"What if that guy comes to the guild and wants a wife and children?"

"Of course this kind of thing can only happen on the street!"

Thinking of this, Kira immediately stopped meaninglessly packing up, turned around and walked in the direction of Zeref.

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