The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 662 Marcus, you should set your goals higher!

"The rules of the next competition are as follows!!"

"Each team member of the eight teams, including alternates, has a score of 5 points, which means each team has 30 points!"

"The 'Fighting Mode' on the first and second days is a single-player battle, and the 'Fighting Mode' on the third and fourth days is a two-player battle. We will randomly select players to fight, and the person who wins the battle can get the rewards of the defeat. The points on a person’s body, and if there is a tie, the points for both players remain unchanged.”

"Once a contestant's scores are cleared, they will not be able to participate in the next competition, and of course they will not be included in the randomly selected targets of the 'Fighting Mode'!"

"By the way, people participating in the 'Competitive Mode' cannot repeat themselves. The 'rob' just now also belongs to the 'Competitive Mode'."

The rules are very simple, and both players and spectators can understand them immediately.

The 'Fighting Mode' is used to eliminate opponents. Unless the team's strength and luck are both bad, and all six players are eliminated in the first four days, there should be no problem in surviving until the fifth day.

If someone really can't survive, they will be at the bottom and miss the fifth day of the race.

After briefly narrating the upcoming game, the announcer changed his tone and directed the audience's attention to the highlighted 'fight mode'.

"What's about to happen next is a one-on-one battle between eight official teams!!"

Following his broadcast, a huge crystal screen appeared in the venue. The name of the guild and the names of the players kept beating. Every moment of change pulled the audience's heartstrings.

Finally, the beat settled on two names——

"The candidate for the first battle is..."

"Pakas from 'The Four-Headed Hound'!!...and Black Snake from 'Raven's Tail'!!"

who? Parkas?

Kira was stunned for a moment, and it took him a few seconds to remember the supporting role: "I feel like... there's nothing interesting about this scene..."

Pacas, the rumored top mage of the "Four-Headed Hound", uses the "Drunken Fist and Splitting Palm". The more wine he drinks, the more powerful he becomes in fighting. He is a master of pure physical skills.

And my impression of him was stuck on 'Erza said that Pacas was not inferior to her' and 'Pacas tied with Elfman seven years later', which was overblown. Role.

"Pakas..." Erza's face suddenly turned serious when she heard the name.

"Erza, do you know him?"

Lucy had never heard of this person before, so after seeing Erza's reaction, she immediately became curious: What kind of person could make Erza show such an expression?

A bright light flashed in Erza's eyes, and she became interested and talked about the past to the novices around her.

Back then, Erza was still a young girl, and her strength was far inferior to what it is now. One day, when she went out to work, she happened to meet this man named Pacas.

At first glance, the other person was just an ordinary drunkard, drunk and staggering around in a certain tavern. But after a group of ruffians walked into the tavern to collect protection money, Erza discovered that the other person was more than just an alcoholic.

The bully was domineering, bullying the weak, and touched the waitress in the tavern. Just when Erza was about to draw a knife to help when there was an injustice, Pacas asked the waitress to pour him a glass of wine, and then stood up to face the bully.

"I have killed 56 people like you!"

The bully had a mustache and held a knife in his hand. He looked extremely arrogant. However, it only took Pacas less than three minutes to beat dozens of bullies to the ground, wailing.

After that, he casually sat astride the ‘meat chair’ stacked up by bullies, casually took the wine handed to him by the waitress, raised his head and took a sip in a cool manner - the wine was actually still hot!

At that time, Erza compared her own strength with that of her opponent, and found that they were only in the middle.

"so smart?!!"

Lucy's eyes lit up when she heard this. Although she had never done this kind of thing before, when it came from Erza's mouth, the hint of admiration in her tone gave people a completely different feeling. .

"Then...what happens after?"

"After that? He hugged the waitress and disappeared somewhere."

Lucy: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"It wasn't until later that I understood why they ran away after beating someone. It must have been because they broke something in the tavern and they were afraid that people would chase them and ask for compensation!!"

Erza smiled slightly and raised her head confidently as she spoke, "Now that I think about it, I'm really slow! I waited until several years later when I broke other people's things at work before I figured it out..."

Now she has a lot of experience in this area, so she is very sure of her own ideas.

"Then what... I don't think they were afraid of being collected for debt at that time..."

Lucy was a smart person, and she suddenly thought of something Erza hadn't thought of. Her face instantly turned red and her eyes dodge, but she still couldn't help the spirit of complaining in her body.

"Huh? It's impossible, right? Why aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

Elu blinked strangely, and glanced at Makarov carefully to make sure that the old man was not paying attention, and then whispered, "Don't we often break other people's things and then run away? You can't do this kind of thing It should be very clear.”

"Haha...yes, yes..."

You don’t have to lower your voice to say this kind of thing! ! Who in the guild doesn’t know? !

"In the next few years, Pacas and I met by chance at work several times and competed several times, but we never came out victorious. He is indeed a very strong person!"

Gray's expression was suddenly moved: "Erza actually rated him as 'very strong'. It seems that this Pacas will be a formidable enemy in the future..."

Kira turned to look at Gray and felt that he must have forgotten that Erza also said that he was very strong, that Lucy was very strong, and even said that he was very strong overnight.

Sure enough, Erza is 'someone's very strong appraiser', right? Although the identification results are not particularly accurate.

On the field, the battle between Pacas and Black Snake has begun.

Both of them are magicians with slender bodies, but compared to the black snake who wears himself tightly, Pacas looks more powerful.

The strength of his opponent is unknown, but Pacas is not afraid at all. As the strongest mage of the "Four-Headed Hound", he has encountered countless strong men and has never suffered from stage fright!

The thick eyebrows were raised, and he smiled jokingly. Then, as if ignoring gravity, Pacas leaned forward, pushed out his palms, and danced like a tiger with one hand, like a butterfly walking through a flower. Relaxed, elegant and concise.

Looking at Black Snake again, he is also very fast. He keeps moving left and right with flexible steps, avoiding all the splitting palms. He also uses mimicry magic to use Marcus's sand magic, and he is not at a disadvantage in the fight.

"Is that my magic?!"

Marcus was surprised, he didn't expect his magic to be used so powerfully.

Mebis is still well-informed and quickly saw Black Snake's magic: "This is mimicry magic. Its characteristic is that it can simulate other people's magic to fight. It is a relatively rare kind of magic."

"It seems like that guy Ivan has done a lot of research on the people in our guild... What a despicable method!!"

The more Makarov thought about it, the angrier he became, and he shouted regardless of his image, "Come on! Pacas!! Knock that guy from Ivan's Guild to a pulp!!"

Things did not develop as he expected, and the battle between the two on the field was tense for a time.

"Since he can imitate other people's magic, why didn't that guy imitate Kira, Laxus or Erza's magic, but instead imitated Marcus's magic? Isn't this a waste of time..."

"'s so hurtful to say such things!!" Marcus was unable to refute and shed weak tears.

"I said, Marcus, this should be your most prosperous time, right? I used your magic to fight that Pacas back and forth! How long do you think it will take you to achieve this level? "

Hearing Kira's words, Marcus felt embarrassed again: " probably just takes that long, right? But I'm also very strong..."

"Hesitating to speak is a sign of guilty conscience!"

Kira's words immediately aroused Marcus's competitive spirit: "Damn it! One day, I will beat those two people down below to prove my strength!!"

“Oh oh oh well said!!”

"Marcus is so ambitious!! I'm optimistic about you!!"

Such bold words immediately caused a group of magicians to boo: "What a black snake, what a Pacas, your goal should be set higher! Did you see the Agil who just fought with Natsu? You should use He’s a target!!”


Now Marcus was immediately frightened: "But...but that person...I remember he was one of the Twelve Shields, right? That means his strength is at least the Holy Ten..."

"Kira is right! We have to work hard anyway, why not just set a higher goal?"

"Um...what, I think people should not be too ambitious..."

Kira shouted: "Don't feel inferior! Have you forgotten what relationship they have with us? Let's follow the path of Mr. Olgast and let you learn from him first. In the future, it won't be a problem to excel at others!"

Marcus: "..."

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