The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 680 A battle resolved in an instant

The huge victory body towered into the clouds, and the complete appearance could not be seen clearly in the audience. As the storm slowly dissipated, the Battle of the God of War finally appeared in its entirety.

However, because his body is too big, he only has one foot on the field, and the other foot is outside the arena. This tall mountain on the west side of Culokas looks like a trap at this moment. Shoes on his feet.

Zhan Zhijiao has thick hair on his head, a cold expression, and dark pupils, seemingly without any emotion. He has horns on his chin, a tall figure, dark red skin, and only wears a short skirt in the style of an ancient tribe, even if it is scaled down. He is also a tall and strong man; he holds a huge iron sword in his hand. The hilt alone is as big as an entire mountain. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can tell that he has the destructive power to easily destroy Kurokas.

"so big!!"

"Bigger than a dragon!"

Several magicians who had seen the giant dragon couldn't help but exclaimed, their eyes full of fear.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Kira suddenly understood why Alok could fight Laxus for so long. The characteristic of summoning magic on behalf of others is that the more you pay, the stronger you become. And if the magician who signed the contract paid a certain If there are some non-renewable things, then the 'assets' he owns will become less and less, and his strength will naturally decline.

Therefore, Alok in the year X792 in the original work may have been shaved off.

However, even if the opponent is stronger now than then, he will definitely not be able to defeat Laxus who is using his full strength!

"Is it really possible for humans to defeat such a guy?"

Looking up at this giant that exudes a dangerous aura, has no self-awareness, and only has killing instincts, the audience is all frightened. Only a few people are focused not on whether they can win, but on other things——

"Hey... don't you feel awkward standing under his crotch?"

"Look up, maybe there's a good view?"

"Shut up! Stop being so disgusting!"

"So... so... scary..."

The voices of the audience did not affect Laxus. He first looked up at the big monster, and then looked at Alok: "Is this your trump card?"

"To be summoned in a place like this, it seems that you don't take the Senate and the royal family seriously at all."

"The Senate and the royal family? What are those things?!" Alok laughed loudly: "I don't care about this. Even if all these people on the scene die, it has nothing to do with me!"

The road is narrow, old man!

Laxus didn't believe that after offending so many people, this guy would still be safe in the future... even though he might have been living like an underground rat.

But Laxus is not someone who cares about the other party. At this time, he only has this God of War in his eyes. As for the audience? He felt that there were other people around and he didn't need to worry at all.

Suddenly, the battle broke out.

He raised his heavy sword in his right hand and stabbed hard. In an instant, a sharp invisible wind pressure swept through the entire venue, suppressing most of the magicians and ordinary people until they could not stand up.



Amidst countless noisy exclamations, the tip of the giant sword fell in the air and stabbed straight in the direction of Laxus. However, Laxus turned into an element and dodged it. The iron sword just pierced the ground of the arena and penetrated. Potholes under the playing field.

During the whole process, the ground was as resistanceless as tofu, and then bottomless cracks split horizontally along both sides of the sword blade, and then divided into countless smaller cracks, and countless gravel fell into the pit.

The ground in the pit was also pierced, and the iron sword was immediately stuck by the mountain. The rocks flew and exploded under the influence of the huge force, making a clanging sound, but the audience could not see this scene.

Laxus dodged the powerful and heavy sword, and then jumped up. Taking advantage of the iron sword being stuck inside the mountain, he transformed into thunder and lightning and sprinted upwards along the blade at a nearly vertical angle.

Golden thunder and lightning wrapped around his body, making a rattling sound, which made Laxus' speed reach the extreme. The viewer only saw a thick golden thunder and lightning shooting straight into the sky, as if it was about to shatter the sky.

"As long as I kill this thing, I win, right?"

Facing one of the Eighteen Fighting Gods of Evil Demon head-on, Laxus suddenly felt heroic and full of fighting spirit. He unconsciously increased his magic power output, and soon passed over his palms, arms, and shoulders, and then continued to soar into the sky, arriving at The top of the head of Zhanzhidiao.

Make a fist, accumulate strength, and smash it down hard!

"Thunder Dragon's... Collapse Fist!!!"

boom! ! !

With a loud shout, Laxus hit the God of War Zhinu's head with a punch, and a shocking explosion suddenly sounded in the air. Dazzling golden thunder and lightning penetrated the clouds and mist, cracking the sky!

A powerful and heavy blow landed on the huge head of Zhan Zhijian. While the sky was filled with smoke and dust, the golden thunder and lightning shattered his body into pieces in an instant with a devastating force.

The body as tall as a mountain peak disintegrated into countless pieces of dark red meat and fell together, continuously evaporating energy in mid-air, and finally turned into pitch-black magic and dissipated into nothing.

Under the stunned gaze of the audience, Laxus used the flesh that had not dissipated to move several times in mid-air, and landed smoothly on the ground again with his body of thunder and lightning.

His expression was calm, as if the operation just now was just a trivial matter to him, just like an ordinary punch, without much consumption.

" is this possible..."

Everything happened so fast that Alok didn't even react. He opened his mouth wide and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. His mind was agitated, his pupils were shaking, and his legs softened and he fell to his knees.

"I lost……"

Dang, Dang, Dang! !

"Bibi bi...the game is over!!"

Chapati looked excited, and she was filled with excitement. She announced the result of the competition amidst exclamations, "The winner is Laxus Dolea from 'Fairy Tail'!!!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"


"Sure enough, you are right to believe in 'Fairy Tail'!"


The enthusiastic cheers of tens of thousands of spectators brought the atmosphere of the entire venue to a climax. Both wizards and ordinary people were immersed in this powerful aesthetics of power at this moment, as if their entire understanding of magic had been refreshed. Suddenly, he was filled with infinite longing and admiration for Laxus and the guild Fairy Tail.

In the Fairy Tail camp, all the magicians looked at Laxus with their eyes glowing, sparkling, and sparkling. The Thunder Gods even burst into tears with excitement.

"As expected of Laxus!!!"

"It's not a surprise. I already knew that guy could do it."


"Tch...that guy just knows how to be cool..."

"Jealous! You are clearly jealous!!"

At this time, Makarov looked at Laxus who turned around and walked off the field amidst the cheers, with a confused look on his face.

What did I just see? He actually defeated one of the Eighteen Fighting Gods of Evil Demon in one breath. Is that person really Laxus? How did he become so strong? Is this really my grandson? ?

"What's wrong, Sandai? Judging from your expression, you didn't expect him to be so strong, right?"

Seeing Makarov's expression, Mavis smiled, looking like a naughty and cute elf.


"You see, President, you are already old!"

Kira's voice rang out at the right time, "Today's young people are all cheating and progressing, and you older generations can't keep up!"

Makarov: "..."

Do you want to say something so heart-wrenching...

"If you feel that the truth is too painful, here is a reason that is easier to accept: The world today is filled with strong magic, which is much richer than it was hundreds of years ago, and it is still growing year by year, so the new generation will become more and more powerful. The stronger the magician becomes, the higher his talent becomes..."

Makarov was stunned and thought: Huh? This reason...seems to be acceptable...

After the end of the day, the score panels of the eight guilds also changed again. The current situation is as follows:

Fairy Tail: 40 points, 6 people left,

10 points: Mira, Laxus

Emperor's Shield: 40 points, 6 people remaining,

10 points: Imber, Jacob

Sin of the Witch: 35 points, 5 people left,

15 points: Urrutia

Eliminated: Lastiros

Scales of the Snake Princess: 30 points, 5 people left,

10 points: Yoka

Eliminated: Leon

Heart of the Dragon: 30 points, 5 people left,

10 points: Koray

Eliminated: Nadia

Four hounds: 30 points, 5 people remaining,

10 points: Pacas

Eliminated: Iyeka

Cyan Pegasus: 20 points, 4 people left,

Eliminated: Jenny, Lian

Crow's Tail: 20 points, 4 people left,

Eliminated: Black Snake, Yalok

On the second day of the Great Demon Fight, ‘Fairy Tail’ stood out.

The performance of Erza and Laxus allowed the entire Kingdom of Fiore to truly see the Holy Ten level battle and realize the value of Ishgar's First Magic Guild.

The viewers all cheered, rushed to tell each other, and even published newspapers and magazines detailing the process, spreading the reputation of "Fairy Tail" to every corner of the Kingdom of Fiore.

The magic crystal that recorded the wonderful game on this day also sold the largest sales volume and highest sales volume in Kurokas history.

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