In order not to let the reputation of the competition officials continue to decline, at the request of the officials, the announcer decided to start the competition.

"Before the official start, eight contestants please hold this!"

The mysterious pumpkin man came down from the judges' table at some point and came to Kira and others. Behind him were several staff members, holding special sniper rifles in their hands.


"What is this for?"

The Nanhua man gestured with his hands and explained: "The name of today's competition is 'Hunting'. Since it is hunting, of course there must be guns, pumpkin~"

Kira raised her hand: "Even for hunting, isn't it too dangerous to use firearms?"

Hearing the sound, the air suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at Kira with strange eyes: "..."

Dangerous with guns?

You magicians from Fairy Tail are so embarrassed to say that...

Yesterday Laxus was able to kill that big guy with one punch. You are more powerful than him. The danger brought by a mere gun is nothing compared to your magic move, right?


The pumpkin man shook his head and explained: "This is a magic gun, with a maximum range of one thousand meters. Just pull the trigger and it will automatically absorb the wizard's magic power and turn it into paint bullets."

"These pigment bullets are not very lethal, but they can leave colored marks on the target, which require special methods to wash away."

"It was originally a toy used for games, pumpkin~"

Now Kira understands, this is real CS? Although he has never played CS, he probably knows what is going on.

Pumpkin Man continued to explain: "The paints of these eight firearms are different, and each player corresponds to a color."

"The rule is to hit others as much as possible while avoiding other people's shots. In this process, all players are both hunters and prey."

"When the game time is over, the one who has been shot the least times will be the first place, and his personal score will be increased by 10 points; the person who has been shot the most times will be the one with the most eliminations, and his personal score will be added by 5 points; if it is the same person, naturally Extra 15 points, pumpkin~"

After the explanation, everyone finally understood the rules of the game.

"I see, it's this kind of 'hunting'..."

"It feels different from the 'hunting' I imagined. This should be called 'shooting,' right?"

"What a big loss, I'm not good at ejaculation..."

Several participants took over the firearms and whispered to each other at the same time.

Since what was shown today was titled "Hunting", several guilds, including many viewers, thought it was an encounter, so most of the people fighting today were rough guys like Yiye and Pacas, who were not capable of such delicate activities as firearms. .

At this time, all the magicians in the stands also heard the rules of the game clearly, and they all expressed regret.

"I should have let Jenny play if I should have. Her mechanical reception of magic, and the most important thing she lacks is experience in using firearms."

"If it's Alzak and Bisca, they should be able to do a great job, right?"

"Is Toby okay? I thought since it's 'hunting', he who is closest to the beast should have the most advantage..."

"What a pity. Our guild is full of men who use fists, and there are no people who can use firearms. WILD FOUR~"

In fact, whether it is pure shooting or pure encounter, it is better to arrange people than the current sneaky shooting. But now we originally thought it was an encounter and sent out candidates suitable for the encounter, but the results told us that it was shooting. This is very difficult. Feeling bad.

Kira strongly suspected that this was intentional by the organizers, just to let these strong men who were not good at shooting compete in a shooting competition to increase the excitement of the competition.

Think about it, if a magician who is so powerful that he is close to the Holy Ten, such as Jura or Laxus, because he does not know how to play with guns and is not good at shooting, is shot all over his body in various colors by others during the competition, and he is in a miserable state. How much reaction should it cause and how much heat should it generate?

But this kind of calculation is not difficult for Kira, because he is an all-round magician with almost no weaknesses!

After the Pumpkin Man left the field, there was a sound of iron rumbles, and the game began. The hunting ground slowly opened, and it was a city street that was realized based on Kurokas.


"The city actually materialized?!"

"Oh oh amazing!!"

"Hey, Lastiros, this is much stronger than your magic!"

"Nonsense! How can I compare with the official organization? They must have used a lot of magic crystals!!"

Lastiros looked stunned. The magic he was proud of was compared to that. Even if the other party used the power of Qiantianjia technology and the power of the kingdom, he still felt a little embarrassed.

Because, just in the past few days, he has learned that there are magicians in this world who can easily cause mountains to collapse and crack the earth with their own power. That is to say, as long as he is strong enough and uses the arc of manifestation to create A city is also possible.

The town that the competition official created for this hunting competition is a one-to-one architectural model of Kurokas. Of course, this is only a part of the city, not the entire flower capital. After all, the competition venue is not that big. .

Several people were divided into various locations in this concrete city. There was no one around, and they were surrounded by tall buildings. The only channel to receive news from the outside world was the sound of radio broadcasts overhead.

"Then the competition has officially begun. Hunters, please hide yourself, find your opponent as much as possible, and then take a shot from a distance!"

After Chapati's voice ended, everyone immediately took action.

"Shooting? It's so boring!" Brian cursed unwillingly, but he still walked to the highest point of the city with the gun in his hand.

He was a knowledgeable man and knew where the best sniping spots were for a gunner.

One night, Pacas and Toby ran around the streets with guns in hand, looking for the location of other people like headless flies. The noise was so loud that they could be heard from several streets away.

"Anyway, as long as I run fast enough, you can't shoot me!!"

"Idiot, how could you miss!" In the shadow behind a certain building, Mark Bess grinned, "I have the secret to making bullets turn!"

Since this competition is not a head-on encounter, he is confident enough to achieve good results with his twisted magic.

On the other side, Di Xizu stared blankly at the firearm in his hand with an indifferent expression.

When he was at the research institute, he also tried to use Silver to make magic firearms several times. Therefore, although he was not proficient in shooting, he was not blinded either.

"Wait a minute! This competition doesn't seem to say that you can't use magic, right? I have to think carefully about how to use my magic to have the greatest effect..."

Desizu is the Fly Dragon Slayer Mage.

Flies, in this world, refer to the concept of plague and disease.

In Kira's understanding, the prototype of this concept most likely comes from the myth of Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons in the past life in the West. Beelzebub, the demon 'King of Flies', is regarded as a disease-causing demon.

Just like Natsu eats fire and Laxus eats thunder and lightning, Desizu eats anything that can cause disease, usually a collection of germs or viruses, so his magic is naturally the same.

Generally speaking, it can increase its value in various forms and detonate germs in the opponent's body, causing it to become sick and lose its ability to fight. To a certain extent, it is similar to Macbeth's poison attribute.

"Sure enough, it would be easiest to release germs along the wind, or to plant germs at the moment when the bullet is fired, right?"

Thinking of this, Di Xizu raised his head to feel the wind direction today, turned around and walked upwind.

There are only eight people on the field, and they are all enemies except themselves.

Kira has already let go of magic perception. With his strength, it is not a problem to cover the entire city with perception, so he directly locks everyone's position.

Brian who was walking to the highest point, Markbeth who was hiding, Di Xizu who was getting further and further away, Yiye and others who were running around, all their positions were clearly known.

It’s as comfortable as turning on the perspective when playing a game!

"The one closest to me right now is... Timaria?"

In Kira's perception, Timaria is only two or three streets away from him, with a straight-line distance of less than 300 meters. It is the closest one, and the other party is still moving towards his position.

That huge and special magic power is dazzling and eye-catching compared to other people's. It's like a piece of extremely delicious lean beef cooked. Just the smell of it makes people salivate. How can I control myself when I am constantly seducing myself, shouting, 'Come and eat me...come and eat me...'?

"Hehehe... Since you brought it to your door yourself, you can't blame me for not giving you face."

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