The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 700 Those who protect the world, those who save the world

Kira's eyes gleamed as she thought about herself in another world, how much income she could earn in a year from a brand new kingdom established on the territory of the Kingdom of Fiore.

That must be a very huge amount...

This is what a man should do! !

When Lucy in black looked at Kira's expression, she knew what he was thinking and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

If she hadn't known that the 'Nirvana' of this world had been destroyed long ago, she would have doubted whether Kira would do something shocking next.

"And then??"

I have to admit that this world reversed by 'Nirvana' really makes Kira find it extremely interesting. Now that the selling point has come, he can't wait to follow it.

"Will I kill everyone in the future, lead Fairy Tail to defeat the Old Kingdom and the Guild of Light, establish a huge Magic Kingdom to compete with the Albarez Empire, and finally conquer the four continents of the East, West, North, and South with talent and resources? Became the master of the world??”

In Kira's view, as a time traveler, it is normal for him to have such a life trajectory! What's this? This is exactly the template for the male protagonist of Qidian Western Fantasy and light novel Overlord! !

As a male protagonist, if he doesn't ruthlessly rule the world and open up a harem, but ends up being stupid, shameless and impatient, and spreading demons all over the world, how can he live up to his status as an orphan at the beginning? How could he be worthy of this unparalleled handsome face? How can he be worthy of this body with super magical talent? !


"No! You are thinking too much!"

Lucy in black waved her hand and bluntly denied everything in Kira's fantasy. After thinking for a while, she added: "Of course, it's not that everything has not been done. In fact, you have unified the Kingdom of Fiore."

"Oh oh oh!!! Sure enough..."

Kira rubbed her hands together excitedly, "Then am I not the king?!"


It seems that Lucy's complaining personality has not changed...

"What about the back?"

"Later, your tyranny will be overthrown by us!"

"Ehhhhh?? How is that possible?! Isn't this weirder than me not having a unified kingdom? How did you do it??" Kira suddenly exclaimed, looking at Lucy in black in disbelief.

Didn’t they all unify the kingdom? Now that they are unified, those 'Balam' and 'Old Kingdom' people must have become their own. With their own methods, how can they still be given the opportunity to overthrow the kingdom?

There may be only one answer!

"Have you invited foreign aid?"

Lucy in black smiled slightly, nodded and admitted: "That's right! Fortunately, Maldo and Zeref got in touch beforehand. Not long after you unified the kingdom, he led the army of the Alvares Empire and invaded Ishgar. You, rescue the few remaining dark magicians and demons from the Light Guild!"

The dark magicians and demons of the Guild of Light...don't your words sound hot to the point?

"In your words, it's like 'the black magician came home from a trip and saw his child living in a dog kennel. He led hundreds of thousands of magic troops to destroy the dog kennel in anger'."

Kira's face was expressionless: "..."

Do you have any surprises that I don’t know about?

"Have Zeref and the others been affected by 'Nirvana'?"

"Sadly, yes!"

Lucy in black closed her eyes and luckily said, "But because of this, we got a temporary respite and bought enough time for the arrival of true peace."

"Um...peace?? You must have joined some church, right?"

Kira scratched his itchy scalp awkwardly. He felt that Lucy's eyes were not right when she said this.

Lucy in black did not answer Kira's doubts: "Zerf and his army fell into a short stalemate with the army led by you, because in terms of military strength, they are stronger, but in terms of high-end combat power, your side is indeed stronger. powerful."

"At this moment, an existence that no one expected appeared! He suppressed everyone in one fell swoop and completely disintegrated your newly established kingdom."

An existence that can suppress everyone? ? Who is so strong? ? Could it be...

A figure suddenly appeared in Kira's mind: black wings that covered the sky and the sun, chaotic and violent magic, a huge thing carved with strange patterns, a crazy roar that split the clouds and penetrated the rocks...

A scene he had seen in the past seemed to flash before his eyes, and then a familiar name blurted out from Kira's mouth: "Akunololia..."

"Yes, even Akunololia was affected by 'Nirvana' and became a big, good dragon!"

At the mention of this name, Lucy's eyes flashed with excitement, "His arrival broke the balance of the two magical countries and redirected the world to the 'light' side, so you failed."

Well, it’s really Akunololia! This guy's strength is a dimensionality-reducing blow to anyone, so it's not surprising that his kingdom will fall apart... What a ghost! !

"Why is 'Nirvana' effective against Akunololia?! He is 'magic immune'!! Isn't the 'Nirvana' in your world too ridiculous?!"

Kira slapped the table angrily and stood up, "The duration is so long, the effect is so strong, the range of influence is so's not normal no matter how you look at it!!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Lucy also became angry, and the emotions accumulated during that period burst out in one breath at this moment: "What kind of life do you think I lived during that period?"

"Every day when I wake up, I see either friends who have fallen into darkness or criminals who are doing good deeds. That kind of world where light and darkness are completely reversed. Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me as the only normal person?! Knowing that I had doubts about the future at that time. How desperate?!”

Fortunately, it was late at night, and there was almost no one around. Otherwise, it would definitely cause quite a disturbance. The tidbit of "the popular wizard Kira Hopelite and her female companion had a late-night quarrel in a restaurant" is trivial.

Kira was stunned by the roar of Lucy in black. Thinking about how miserable the other party was, the world had changed inexplicably. His companions who regarded him as family members became bad guys, and he was the only one who still retained his normal consciousness. Team up with a group of originally heinous villains to save the world...

Thinking about it makes me sting...thinking about it makes me collapse!

This is indeed not a responsibility that an eighteen-year-old girl should bear.

"I'm sorry! What's that? Take a sip of juice and calm down first..."

Lucy in black also knew that she had lost her composure, so she calmly said: "No, I want to apologize to you. This matter has nothing to do with you in the first place. I shouldn't lose my temper!"

After taking two minutes to adjust her emotions, Lucy in black continued the story.

"After Akunololia arrived, he immediately chose to join forces with Zeref. They used absolute force to forcibly subdue all the rebels in Ishgar and the Albarez Empire, and at the same time razed the evil-doing Magic Council. , and established Ishgar into a huge magic empire like the Alvares Empire."

"Then the two of them, together with people like Precito, Brian, Auguste, and Irene, began to look for a way to restore the world to normal with their magical knowledge far beyond ordinary people."

"Just like that, a year has passed, and we still know nothing about the reasons for the changes in 'Nirvana'. Many people have even begun to accept this new world."

Kira noticed that Lucy's voice turned into a whimper, and there was a familiar stubbornness: "But I don't want to! I want everyone to return to normal! Let the world return to the way it was before!!"

"Fortunately, Zeref and Akunololia still supported me. It is precisely because they stood firmly on my side that the people below did not raise any objections openly."

Even though Kira had anticipated such a development when she heard about the reversal of good and evil between Zeref and Akunololia, she was still shocked when she heard what Lucy said.

Black Dragon and Zeref join forces to manage two continents and maintain world peace, light and justice?

What an outrageous thing this is! !

"Soon after, the voice of 'cancel and return the world to normal' became louder and louder, and even Precito, Brian, Erin, and Ogast gave up their research one after another, which made Zeref and Akuno Luolia has to pay attention."

"They told me this, and I decided to launch a plan that had been proposed but quickly dismissed, which was to use an 'eclipse' to change the past."

"After my efforts, everyone finally agreed to this plan. However, in order to maintain the stability of the original world and not cause too many historical changes, the only people who use 'Solar Eclipse' to travel through time and space to find a solution to 'Nirvana' are I’m the only one who came up with this plan.”

"As for the magic power needed to open the 'Solar Eclipse', it will be provided by all the magicians on the two continents, plus the 'Fairy Heart' made by Precito through the 'Curse of Anxelam'."

Now Kira finally understood the reason why Lucy was here.

I have to say that the map of Yan State is really long.

"It's just that when I passed through the Eclipse Gate, I found that I was not going to the past, but to a parallel world!"

After explaining the reason for her journey, Lucy changed her tone and began to talk about the causes and consequences of her appearance here.

"I kept a record of all the worlds I passed through during this period. The first world where there was an incident in 'Nirvana', causing the reversal of light and darkness, I recorded it as World No. 1."

"The concept of 'parallel world' was told to me by Kira from World No. 3."

"And now this is World No. 7!"

The so-called quantum mechanics cannot explain parallel time and space. If the original comic is World 0, the origin of everything, then the fandom is a parallel world. This is Kira's long-standing view.

So when he learned that he was in the Fairy Tail world, he always regarded his world as a parallel world. After that, what he saw, heard, felt, and learned was the same as the original setting. He didn't make a fuss about the differences or additions, but naturally accepted this and that setting.

So at this moment, Kira easily accepted Lucy's statement.


Why is No. 1 in the world where good and evil are reversed, but No. 7 here?

Obviously I am the time traveler! I am the protagonist! ! The world I am in should be World No. 1, right?

But then I thought about it, Lucy is the real protagonist of the original work and the recorder of the parallel world. So it doesn’t seem difficult to accept it by giving her a face and sorting her records?

"Okay, number 7 will be number 7!"

Why do you say it so reluctantly?

Lucy in black blinked in confusion, silently complaining in her heart.

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