The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 869 This rain will let the world know my arrival

On the magic flying carpet, Kira seemed to be in a very happy mood, and even began to pull out a song from the depths of his memory and hum softly.

"A rain has trapped us here. Your indifferent expression will make me sad. The rain in June..."

Not far away, looking at Kira who was immersed in his own singing, everyone was speechless. They wanted to complain that his singing was terrible, but they were afraid of being beaten, so they could only endure the torture silently, and then turned their anger into appetite. Crazy destroying the food on Zhu's table.

Robin didn't think Kira's song was unpleasant, or in other words, she no longer cared about whether his song was good or not - she couldn't understand it anyway.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes Kira's subsequent move, and then a ray of light visible to the naked eye emanated from his hand and spread in all directions. Soon, the top of his head turned into the dark clouds now.

In other words, the current changes on the top of his head were caused by him.

After thinking about it, Robin still asked a question that he was very concerned about now: "Did you bring these rain clouds? How wide are they covering?"

Kira stopped singing and said calmly: "The whole of Alabasta!"


Robin took a breath of air, her face was horrified, and she looked at Kira's handsome young face, her eyes full of disbelief: "Is this... the power of magic really that strong?"

When she asked this question, she had already decided that even if Kira threw the deadlock of 'joining a guild' and 'knowing magic' again, she would break the lock and show him her determination!

"Of course! Magic is the most romantic and magical thing in the world!"

At this point, Kira's voice suddenly paused, and then added, "By the way, I think the second most romantic and magical thing in the world is black technology."

Even the simplest magic is very romantic, even if it is just a small lighting magic, the same goes for fireworks magic, but only very powerful technology can make people feel magical and joyful.

Suddenly, Lucy looked at Kira, who was standing proudly with his hands on his hips: "I said, Kira!"

"What's wrong?"

"You said before that you wanted to make big news in Alabasta. Now the rain all over Alabasta is indeed heavy enough, but it seems that except for us, no one knows that this rain is caused by you, or even I know you exist!!"

Kira was stunned for a moment, and the smile froze on his face. After two seconds of silence, he turned to look at the others: "Is there such a thing?!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Everyone nodded.

"Indeed, even during the hunting in the rainy land, didn't you just make a sound and not show your face?"

"What do you know? Big names must maintain a sense of mystery and cannot show their faces easily!"

"But if you don't show your face, how can you spread your reputation?"


That makes sense! If you don't show your face, the people of Alabasta won't know that you saved their country, so how can you become famous and turn the sea upside down?

Kira suddenly discovered that since coming to the pirate world, his IQ seemed to have dropped off occasionally. However, this was definitely not his problem. The fault was with the world. As we all know, few people in the pirate world had brains.

"Isn't it just showing your face? It's simple!"

Kira snorted coldly, stood up, walked to the flying carpet and took a look down, and found that most of the anger of the rebels had dissipated. This was normal. A heavy rainstorm in the entire country was a rare occurrence in a hundred years.

"You're not going to jump from here, are you?" Robin asked.

"How is that possible? You know nothing about the power of magic! Even if I don't go down, I can let everyone see me!"

But when Kira clapped his hands, a massive amount of magic power instantly spurted out and shot straight into the sky!

The next moment, a whirlpool mouth suddenly appeared in the originally dark sky. Then, out of the whirlpool mouth, the clouds paved the way, and the golden light opened the way. A towering magical virtual image reached into the clouds, holding thunder in hand and stepping on the wind and clouds, like a god coming to the world. Appearing over Albana.

The magical virtual image is very tall, can drive thunder and lightning, and is majestic. People in the entire Kingdom of Alabasta and even people in the surrounding sea can see it clearly.

The flying red hair, the bright blue eyes, the handsome face, the noble and luxurious clothes, and the mysterious aura made tens of millions of people in the entire country suddenly feel lost and dumbfounded.

"What...what is this??"

The huge phantom of Kira froze the nearest rebel army and the royal army. They could not see that it was a phantom, they only thought it was a real person, and they were suddenly frightened and covered in cold sweat.

"Is he a giant? Or is he the patron saint of Alabasta?? He appeared with the heavy rain. Could it be that he made it rain in Alabasta?"

On the other side, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were all deeply fascinated by the giant in front of them. All six eyes turned into twinkling stars, constantly shining with golden light, and their mouths became even more greedy. Drooling, completely uncontrollable.

"so big!!!"

"How handsome!!"

"so envious!!"

Not to mention the three of them, even Zoro and Sanji, who had always been calm among the crowd, were also dumbfounded and amazed at this time.

"Hey hey hey... is it true?! Isn't this too big an exaggeration?!"

Sanji ignored the cigarette butts that were wet by the rain and fell to the ground, and looked at the two women behind him: "Nami-san, Vivi-san, could this be a mirage?"

Nami shook her head: "No, in this kind of climate, there is no way there is a mirage..."

"Yes, I have never heard of such a mirage anywhere in Alabasta!"

The heavy rain fell like it was free of charge, soaking the clothes of the two girls, Nami and Weiwei. If they were not still wearing large desert cloaks, their perfect figures would have been exposed in front of everyone, but at this moment they were Ignoring the soaked clothes on my body, the shadow above me spoke.

"Citizens of Alabasta, we are the wizards of 'Fairy Tail'. We are now adhering to the concept of rescuing people in need and bringing heavy rain to your country for seven days and seven nights. I hope you rebels will not be ignorant of good and evil, and immediately Stop the war, go back to your homes, drink water, take a bath and sleep comfortably!"

Kira actually thought of the scene in the Empire chapter of the Fairy Tail comics where Mavis used illusion magic to create his own shadow on the battlefield to guide the wizards, so he could not adhere to the 'traditional craftsmanship of the guild' The idea of ​​​​losing it was also corrected for myself.

"Magicians?! Are they the ones in the Rain Land?!"

"They should be their friends..."

The Straw Hats suddenly realized, and then they all put on smiles: "First they defeated Crocodile, and now they have solved the war and brought heavy rain to Alabasta. They are really a good group of people!!"

"Yeah, yeah... Speaking of which, I met this guy in Nahana before, and he said that the record pointer in the small garden was left by him!"

Nami immediately exclaimed: "What did you say?! Doesn't that mean that my one million Baileys was taken away by him?!"

The secret treasure box containing Alabasta was found in the small garden, but she stuffed one million beli into it before opening it. Later, when the box was opened, the money inside was gone, which made Nami always feel that she Damn it, now I know that these people who call themselves magicians must have tampered with it!

However, Nami later thought that Nokigao had told her that a blond girl who claimed to be a wizard had been to Cocosia Village. When she left without saying goodbye, Aaron and his gang were hacked to death for no apparent reason. , which convinced her that Aaron and his group were solved by the magicians, so she stopped pursuing them.

The rebels on the other side: "'Fairy Tail'?? Which organization is it? What are mages? Why have I never heard of it??"

This patron saint has a very bad temper...

However, compared to the astonished rebels, there were more excited, cheering, and excited people in Alabasta at this time. This country has not had rain for three years. If it can really rain at this speed for seven days and seven nights, With heavy rain, the whole country might really be like its original state.

"Did you hear it? The giant said that he brought this rain, and that it would rain for seven days and seven nights!"

"Seven days and seven nights! Is that really possible? Alabasta is a desert kingdom!"

"A miracle!! This is definitely a miracle!!"

"I have decided that after today I will build a statue for the Rain God and worship it every day!"

"It's great that Lord Rain God asked us not to start a war! Now Alabasta can be saved!!"

"Big news!! This is big news!!"

Outside the south gate of Albana, under a rock, several people dressed as journalists were hiding.

Their faces were filled with excited smiles, and the corners of their mouths could not be lowered. They held a field camera in their hands and pressed the shutter with their fingers to take pictures of the shocking scene not far away.

Taken from this angle, the photo of the figure in the sky is as powerful as any strong man on the sea, and it is enough to make people in the whole world look at it.

These people are reporters from the World Economic News Service. They have been working in various cities in Alabasta. This time the rebels attacked Albana, they got the news as soon as possible and came here in advance to record the battlefield. I was prepared, but I didn’t expect an unexpected surprise.

A reporter smiled and said to his colleagues: "Guys, I can guarantee that the content we send to the headquarters today will be on the front page of tomorrow's news!"

Another reporter also had an uncontrollable smile: "Yes, yes!! I have a hunch that this month's bonus and promotion will not be less, maybe as much as two months' salary!"

"Be brave! What if the president gives us a promotion?"

"Hahaha... Don't expect that kind of thing! Even if the team leader goes up, it won't be our turn..."

"Idiot! You, a man with no dreams and ambitions, are destined to be a group member for the rest of your life!"

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