The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 874 Mr. Warring States, you know me

Chapter 874 Mr. Warring States, you know me...

"However, what the World Government means is that they can summon the dead to fight, and they killed a main force of the Four Emperors in one move. This kind of power has never been seen before, whether it is the influence on the forces on the sea or the government. So big that a reward had to be put on them and the navy was sent out to capture them.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was in an uproar. Although the navy had expected this, they still felt a little uncomfortable when they actually heard this order coming from above.

"Are we going to put a reward on this group of people? Obviously they are not pirates, but I thought they would be treated as pirate hunters for the time being..."

"As soon as this bounty order is issued, it means that the forces in the New World will be reshuffled!"

"Now that they still call themselves 'Magisters', aren't they afraid that they will become real pirates in the future? After finally defeating a Big Mom, another Yonko-level pirate group is coming??"

No matter they are doves, hawks or neutrals, they do not want to see such a pirate force in the new world, but the government's order is absolute, even if it is the Warring States Period, it cannot be withdrawn, so everyone can only look towards the front. The three generals are waiting for their speeches.

The first person to answer was Aoki. His attitude was very clear: "Mr. Warring States, you know me. I applied for my leave a month ago and you approved it."

"Besides, there are a lot of potential pirates in the first half of this year's Grand Line. I think I have to go and take a look, and take this opportunity to kill a group of pirates."

Since the World Government has clearly ordered a bounty on Erin and others, the navy must take corresponding actions as a statement. Issuing a bounty order is the first thing. As for the second thing, it is to send the navy to attack. These are all certain. However, no matter how you look at this matter, it has a style of government forcing the people to rebel. If it is really done, you will definitely feel uncomfortable for a long time.

So now Qingzhi chooses to leave directly, just looking for excuses to shirk.

‘It’s strange that you would solve it! Who in the entire navy doesn’t know how lazy you are? If you are expected to hunt down pirates during your vacation, you might as well expect a discount on the market’s vegetable prices tomorrow! ’

So Sengoku turned his attention to Kizaru.

"Mr. Sengoku, you know me well. I have to stay at Marinjoa to protect the safety of the Tianlong people. I can't go out at will~"

"And I have other duties, such as cooperating with Dr. Vegapunk in the research and development of the 'Pacifist', so I am very busy all day long!"

‘You are so busy! Are you busy drinking tea and manicuring your nails? Telling lies with your eyes open in broad daylight! ! ’

Sengoku cursed the water-skimming monster in his mind, and finally looked at Akainu and Garp.

"Hahaha... Warring States, you know me. The navy just recruited a new batch of sailors this year, and I have to train them. I don't have time at all!"

Warring States no longer wanted to listen to them anymore, so he immediately made a decision: "Then let Sakaski go this time!"

Akainu: "...?!"

it's me again? ! Why does this happen to me every time? !

As the representative of the hawks in the navy, Akainu has always pursued "absolute justice". He always kills pirates without mercy, so that countless pirates on the sea are frightened.

But in fact, his ruthless methods are only used against pirates, villains, thugs, and rebels. He will not attack others unless necessary. But in order to maintain his iron-blooded style, he always shows off Just a bad face.

Any organization needs a different voice to ensure that the organization's actions do not go to extremes. The hawk in the navy, represented by Akainu, fills this role very well, but he has a fatal flaw. ,That is……

If you are not good at words, you will only rush!

If it weren't for this reason, he wouldn't have suffered many defeats after becoming the marshal of the Shanghai Navy, and he would have been ridiculed and humiliated by his navy officers and his immediate superiors.

But this characteristic, in addition to Akainu's own personality, is also closely related to his stance and style - a tough person doesn't need to pay attention to so many scenes.

They don't need to, and they can't dance like a kaleidoscope, or be as indecisive as a woman. They just need to be like a sharp knife, aiming at the target and stabbing hard.

"I understand!" Akainu pressed the hat on his head and quietly accepted the task.

A soldier's duty is to obey orders. Even if he doesn't think that Irene and others are evil thieves, it is true that they affect the balance of power in the new world and the stability of the sea.

Besides, how can someone who summons the dead to fight be any better? The objects of the summons are big pirates like Rocks and Roger. What is their motive? Do they have greater ambitions to break the trend of checks and balances among the four emperors? After the defeat of the Big Mom Pirates, will the remaining pirates under her lose control? Will the other three 'Four Emperors' take this opportunity to reshuffle the forces in the New World? …

Each of these things needs to be confirmed by him!

There's no way Porusalino and Cuzana can do this!

Seeing Akainu accept the order, Aokiji and Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they gave Akainu a look that said, "I wish you luck." Then one of them put on the blindfold again, the other took a sip of tea, and they felt comfortable.

Sengoku was also very satisfied with Akainu's reply. At least he didn't hear another sentence like "Mr. Sengoku, you know me... blah blah blah", so he also took a long breath and said: "Then this matter is settled. Got it!"

Then, he looked at the intelligence department responsible for keeping an eye on the new world: "What happened to the Big Mom pirates after they were defeated?"

An unknown minor general stood up and replied: "Still in the Tolant Sea, according to the news, they are concentrating their forces and preparing to counterattack back! That group of people seems to have no intention of killing them all... No, they are not even a sea None of the thieves were killed! They just occupied Cake Island and did nothing to the people living there."

Garp was outspoken and said immediately: "It looks like they are a group of good people! I don't know if they are interested in becoming a navy..."

"What are the trends of Whitebeard, Kaido and Red Hair?"

"There is no response at the moment. They should have received the news at the same time as us, and they should still be waiting and watching. But considering that the dead people summoned in this war are not trivial, considering Kaido, Whitebeard and Big Mom's past with each other , I will definitely send someone to check it out.”

Warring States nodded and interrupted him, knowing clearly: "It's really tricky!!"

"Okay, let's discuss the amount of their reward..."

In the new world, the Big Mom pirates were defeated, and Charlotte Lingling was driven out of the old base Cake Island by a woman of unknown origin. This news seemed to be wrapped in the wind, accompanied by a journal and newspaper worth 1,000 Baileys. , quickly spread throughout the sea areas, and also reached the ears of the remaining three 'Four Emperors'.

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked at the newspaper in his hand and said nothing for a long time.

His long-suffering eyes fell on a name, a picture, and a figure in the newspaper, and the memory of long ago was awakened again.

"Lingling actually lost... Could it be that a new era is finally about to begin?"

In the new era, are there any ships that can carry ourselves?

The decline in physical function brought about by old age, coupled with the injuries accumulated from decades of continuous fighting, and the side effects caused by using the Shock Fruit, caused his body to suffer from serious malfunctions, and he could not even fight vigorously with others.

Lying on his 'throne', Whitebeard suddenly recalled his last meeting with Roger more than 20 years ago, and the great secret treasure he learned from him. He suddenly thought that he had gone out alone to hunt for Teach, and had not yet If there was any trace of Ace's whereabouts, a kind of sadness of a hero's twilight years could not help but surge into his heart.


"Dad, I'm here!"

"Find a few people to go to the Tolant sea area to see Lingling's condition, and make contact with the new group of people. Remember to find someone smarter..."

Whitebeard suddenly paused mid-sentence, and changed his words, "Forget it, go there in person, and be faster! Remember, don't conflict with any force, and don't think about forming an alliance. You just need to get the people there. Just bring the situation back!"

"Okay dad, I'm going right now!"

Marco immediately agreed, grabbed a piece of bread from his friend who was eating and drinking next to him, and was about to leave, but was stopped again by Whitebeard.

"One more thing, call Ace back!"

"Okay daddy!"

"One more thing, go after you're full!"

"Okay daddy!"

New world, an uninhabited island.

On the edge of a huge pothole, a tall drunk man was crying loudly: "Wow! Lingling!! What's wrong with you Lingling?! You were raped by that kind of woman who came out of nowhere!" Defeated, why don’t you make me sad like this!!..."

A group of ordinary-looking pirates stood blankly in the distance, watching their boss sitting there crying unbridled, and repeatedly lamented, 'I really don't understand the thinking of a strong man, a little person like me.'

"Brother Jack, what should we do next?"

Everyone looked at the eight-meter-tall man in front of them, with two extremely precious ivory decorations on his head and shoulders.

'Drought' Jack, one of the three major posters of the Beast Pirates, is also a legendary pirate, and his most talked about legend is '1 billion Baileys and 900 million tusks, unique in ship technology' This family', it can be said that half of the people in the New World know his reputation.

A trace of irritation flashed across Jack's face: "What's the rush? We'll wait until the boss finishes crying!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw the ‘boss’ they called, Kaido, the ‘Hundred Beasts’, walking over with a mace in his hand: “Young boys, cheer me up!!”

The young men stood up instantly and shouted: "Boss Kaido, what are your orders?"

"Come with me to the Tolant Sea, I will avenge Lingling!!"


In the new world, the territory of red hair, a group of pirates are having a banquet. The pirates are feasting, changing glasses, laughing and making noise, and the banquet is filled with cheerful air.

"I really didn't expect that something like this would happen... Aren't you going to take action?" Hawkeye put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at the imageless red-haired, one-armed middle-aged man beside him.

"Ah what?! You want to poop?? Then go! Why are you telling me such a thing? I don't have any paper with me..." Shanks was joking with his friends and couldn't hear what Hawkeye was saying. I just thought it would be interesting to reply like this.

"Huh..." Hawkeye took a deep breath and tried his best to calm his heart.

He understood Shanks' character, so he did not continue to ask. He just looked at Beckman, the military commander of the red-haired pirate group and known as the 'smartest pirate': "What do you think he will do?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Beckman chuckled and replied: "Who knows? Even he himself may not be sure of our captain's character."

Sure enough, asking is in vain!

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