The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 878 Can my split fruit be so strong?

On the pirate ship, Bucky stepped forward angrily and loudly scolded Gildarts and Ace for not taking him seriously.

"I said, how long are you two going to be so wild?!"

"What's wrong? Do you want to eat too?"

Gildas picked up the bread next to him and handed it to Bucky generously, "Here you go, eat as you like, no need to be polite to me!"

Bucky immediately roared after hearing this: "This is my food, you bastard! Why do you make it look like I'm the guest?!! Damn it! This tone and way of speaking... is indeed the same as that annoying guy Exactly the same!!”

"Who are you talking about??"

"none of your business?!"

Although he was very angry, Bucky still sat down and continued to drink and eat meat.

if not? Who would be so angry that they can’t even eat on their own ship? If a good feast of wine and meat is eaten by someone who is angry with you, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?

"You just said you were a wizard, right? Do you know these people?" Bucky took out the newspaper and asked, pointing to the photo of Irene on it.

According to the news in the newspaper, this group of people also call themselves magicians, use magic, and no one knows their origins. If they are all like the uncle in front of me, and came from the space passage of another world, it would be very reasonable. .

Should I say it or not, it is indeed a world of pirates. The average person has a lot of nerves. A few words of communication can make people accept the weird setting of "people coming from another world".

But Bucky believed this statement because he had seen people who could travel through time.

When he was in the Roger Pirates, Kozuki Oden's wife Amazuki Toki was a person with superhuman time fruit abilities and could travel through time. She even traveled through time more than 800 years ago.

Therefore, Captain Bucky has seen the world and will not be surprised no matter how incredible things happen to him.

Gildas took the newspaper and read it, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh oh oh!! It's Irene-san?! And the Mira siblings are also there!! They actually appeared in the newspaper?! Let me see... it's above Said they defeated a big pirate named 'Big Mom'?? The Yonko...are they very powerful??"

“Of course it’s awesome!!!”

The gang of pirates couldn't help but exclaimed, "No, compared to this, uncle, are you really in the same group with them??"

Are they considered a group?

Erin is Erza's mother, Brandish is Lucy's friend, and Mira and the other three are also there. More than half of the people are 'family members', so it's not wrong to say that they are in the same group.

Thinking of this, Gildas scratched his head and said: "Well... I can only say that we are from the same place, and we have a good relationship. We are like a 'family' of our partners."

"Isn't that the same group?"

Gildas shook his head: "You can't say that! Let me give you an example. You and Ace are both from this world, and your relationship is not bad now. Can we say that you are partners in the same boat? ?”

Ace immediately answered: "No! I'm from the Whitebeard Pirates! I'm not from Bucky's ship!"

"Then why are you still here?" Bucky snorted coldly, his expression seemed to be a bit incredibly arrogant.

"Hehehe... of course it's for a ride! Didn't you just decide to go to the new world? Then give me a ride!" Ace was not polite to Bucky at all. He looked like a The scumbag who has completely taken over his arrogant girlfriend.

"...Can you please have a little face?"

Bucky was very depressed. Why did he always meet guys who were similar to Shanks and had annoying personalities? !

Arrita, Kabaji, Mochi and others were shocked: Is this the magician? ! Beings similar to those legendary figures who defeated the Four Emperors? ?

"Say, uncle! What on earth is magic?"


Gildas held his chin and gave a few people some popular science: "In the atmosphere, there are things called 'magic particles', and we magicians can transform our spirit, will and emotions into magic. Magic is in Through special running routes in the body, it combines with the magic particles in the air to release magic."

"Magic can be awakened by oneself, or it can be learned through magic books or teachings from others, but it depends on the mastery. Therefore, most people only practice the kind of magic that suits them best. Only a few geniuses choose to learn it. Two or more magics..."

It took Gildas ten minutes to popularize the concept of magic to all the pirates on the ship. However, based on their IQ, they could only understand it as "superpower" and "the ability of the Devil Fruit to not be afraid of sea water."

"Having said all that, uncle, what is your magic? Can you also eat fire??"

Ace still can't forget the scene where Natsu ate his fire, so he has been thinking about whether he should work more on his Devil Fruit abilities in the past two days?

Maybe if you raise the temperature a little, he won't be able to eat it? ?

"My magic is very dangerous! It's better not to show it easily..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone felt a violent vibration in the ship's hull, and the surrounding sea became undulating.

"What happened?!"

Bucky, who has rich sailing experience, immediately noticed something was wrong: "Could this feeling be...??"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "bang" sound coming from the sea ahead, and at the same time, a sea king species hundreds of meters high suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea! !

The giant Neptune's stupid eyes full of clear stupidity stared blankly at Bucky's pirate ship, as if looking at a delicious mini cake. The huge mouth quickly opened, and two rows of sharp triangles could be seen in its mouth. Teeth, a scarlet and foul-smelling tongue, and a bottomless, pitch-black throat.

For a moment, the entire Bucky Pirates screamed in terror, their faces turned livid, and their eyes and tongues all jumped out of fear.


"Oh no, Captain!! It's a large-scale Neptune type!!!"

Bucky was sweating profusely, and his voice was trembling as he spoke: "Don't, don't, don't...don't panic!! Isn't it just the Neptune type? I can solve this kind of thing with a Bucky bullet in minutes!!"

Can you wipe your sweat when you say this? ! Not convincing at all! !

On the entire pirate ship, Ace and Gildas were the only two people who didn't panic.

Ace has been in the New World for a long time and has become accustomed to Neptunes of this size, while Gildarts has absolute confidence in his own strength.

However, even though he was not panicked, Gildas was still surprised: "There is such a big sea beast in this world? It can be compared with the giant dragon! I don't know if its defense power is the same as the giant dragon? "

"Uncle, are there dragons in your world??"

Ace's eyes lit up, "Yes, I remembered it! The newspaper said that the woman who defeated 'Big Mom' ate a devil fruit in the form of an animal-type fantasy beast, but now that you have confirmed that it is not With the ability of the Devil Fruit, does it mean that she is really a dragon??"

"No... Aslant does have dragons, but Irene-san is actually a human, but hers is a little more complicated!"

Seeing that Gildarts had no intention of continuing, Ace vaguely guessed that the specific situation should be relatively secret and not suitable to be spoken out in public, so he did not continue to ask, but turned to look at the giant creature in front of him.

"Uncle, can you handle it? If not, I'll do it!" Ace pressed his hat down, and his body was already on fire.

Gildas raised his eyebrows upon seeing this, and also clenched his right fist to gather strength: "Oh? Are young people very confident? They just said that you are a pirate with a bounty of 550 million beli, right? Why don't we take action together? Okay, just let me verify the power difference between the two worlds!"

"no problem!!"

The pirates looked at the two confident people, their originally frightened faces slightly relieved, but they were still confused.

"Are those two crazy?!"

"Is it possible that they plan to beat them away with their fists??"

"Idiot! How is it possible to do something like that?!"

"No...that's not certain. After all, that man's nickname is 'Fire Fist'!!"

"Judging from the momentum, that uncle is not inferior at all! Could it be that he is actually super strong??"

Gildarts and Ace looked at each other and smiled, and then their momentum soared crazily. At the same time, the Sea King opened his huge mouth and bit down hard on the pirate ship!


"fire punch!!"

Accompanied by two loud shouts, a white light full of dangerous crushing energy, and a fist condensed by flames, came out side by side, one on the left and one on the right, and landed heavily on the giant sea king in front of him.

boom--! !

The moment it hit the Neptune type, scorching flames quickly spread on its surface, and the high temperature burned its skin into a charred black color. Then crushing magic followed, and its powerful cutting ability, in a flash of white light, will The behemoth in front of him was cut into countless neat square pieces of meat, and fell onto the sea with a plop, causing waves.

The smelly, bright red blood fell on the sea like rain, dyeing the surrounding sea red. In this bloody ocean, there were pieces of burnt black, snow white, or bright red meat floating, and the aroma of cooked meat floated. Mixed with the stench of blood, it gave this group of pirates who had never seen the world before, a new kind of shock from a small place.

However, the attack power of Fire Fist and Crushing Magic is more than that!

Under the influence of high temperature, the seawater began to evaporate, and wisps of white mist steamed upwards, blowing in all directions along with the hurricane stirred by the crushing magic;

The terrifying crushing power will continue to cut the sea surface within hundreds of meters into pieces after penetrating the Neptune. From a distance, the sea surface will look like tofu, cut into fixed sizes by machinery manufactured in a factory.

" awesome!!"

"A single blow could cut a sea king species hundreds of meters into pieces?!"

"Fire Fist only roasted the Neptunes, but that uncle actually cut the Neptunes into pieces, and also cut the surrounding sea into squares. What kind of terrifying attack power and control power is this?!"

"Hey, hey, hey... is it true??! Is it possible that that uncle, like the woman in the newspaper, has the strength to withstand the 'Four Emperors'?"

"Isn't it?! Are all magicians such powerful beings??!"

The whole Buggy pirate ship was hissing continuously, which was the sound of the helpers gasping in shock.

Bucky looked at the Bucky bullet in his hand that had not yet been fired, and then looked at the neat pieces of meat on the sea, and two snot dripped down from his nose.

"Powder... crushing magic... is it so strong??"

For a moment, a bold idea came to Bucky's mind: 'Can I also exert this level of attack power with my ability to split the fruit? ’

Bucky set his sights on Gildarts. This time, he no longer found him repulsive because his temperament was similar to Shanks. Instead, he felt that his whole body was dazzling and he was incomparable with him.

"If I can learn his abilities, maybe the Shichibukai... no, the position of the Four Emperors! It will be as easy for me as searching for something!!!"

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