The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 885 You have all moved into Apaya, what more sand do you need?

"Is the god you just mentioned called Enelu?"

Erza and others have full confidence in Kira's information, even if they are in heaven now, but out of caution, and Kira just said that Laxus is on this island, Erza Only then did Sha ask.


Kira noticed that after hearing Enelu's name, these people did not show nervous or timid expressions. Instead, they looked at them strangely, as if they had heard some incredible name.

"What's wrong? Isn't it??"

"Originally, it was, but a month ago, four... Qinghai people who should be the same as you came here. They defeated the fifty magic soldiers and four priests here one after another. In the end, they even defeated Enelu! The magic soldiers and priests were defeated and conquered by him, while Enelu’s whereabouts are unknown.”

Kira: "..."

Erza and everyone: "..."

four people? a month ago? This is definitely because Laxus and those people didn't run away!

Lucky was unaware of the expressions of the magicians and continued: "Those people occupied the shrine of God, but they neither inherited the name of 'god' nor managed Angel Island. We entered Apaya. Most of the time, they didn’t send people to expel or hunt, just like..."

"An unknown extra who happened to be passing by??" Kira blurted out.

Lucky looked embarrassed: "I don't know what a second-hand player means, but the other party did not leave his name."

On the side, the man named Camachili wearing a pink straw coat and a real mohawk continued: "Those people helped us drive away from El Nilu and allowed us to return to our hometown. To be honest, this We are grateful to him.”

"It's just that Wapa has a stubborn personality and feels that we did not fight back our hometown by ourselves, which would be an insult to the name of the descendants of the great warrior Calgara, so he goes to the shrine of the gods every few days to fight with those people—— Of course, it’s just that he hasn’t been able to win even once so far.”

All the magicians rolled their eyes angrily, and secretly complained in their hearts: ‘It’s just that I haven’t been beaten before! That was Laxus, and Kira was probably the only one sitting here who could defeat him. ’

Wapa had a cold face and defended his failure: "That guy can also use the power of lightning. He should have eaten a devil fruit like Enel, but he is not a natural type."

Robin suddenly heard: "Oh? Do you actually have any records about devil fruits here?"

Wapa glanced at Robin and said: "It has always been in the historical records of Shandia, and occasionally people from Qinghai come here, and they will leave relevant records!"

"I see……"

"But you are not pure...well, I mean, you are too stubborn, right?"

Lili suddenly spoke up and looked at Wapa in confusion: "For you, returning to your hometown should be more important than anything else, right? Now you can rebuild your hometown here. If you didn't fight that Ani Road, it wouldn't be there." chant……"

As a Transcendent who was born in Edras and left his hometown to go to Aslant, Lili felt that he had a lot of topics to talk about with these returning guys who looked like primitive people.

Lucky and the others were all stunned: "This cat can actually talk?!"

Is this a concern? ? Listen to me carefully! !

After a brief moment of astonishment, Wapa snorted coldly, blew out a puff of smoke, and said: "Of course the ones you shot down are different from those shot down by others!!"

"What's the difference? I don't understand..."

Perhaps because Lili had a cute image and looked like a child, Wapa softened his tone a little and explained patiently for the first time: "For Apayado, the war between Sandians and Sky Islanders has lasted for 400 years. Years ago, the hatred left over from generations cannot be easily solved by just a few outsiders beating away Elnilu!"

"In the final analysis, they are similar to Elnilu. They occupied this place with sheer strength and then specified the rules. The only difference is that they are not as dictatorial as Elnilu and allow anyone to go to the island."

"But after all, they are not Skylanders. They have not experienced our history, and they will not be able to stay here for long in the future. When they leave, Enel will still come back to continue his rule. Even if Enel does not come back, we The conflict with the Kong Islanders is still there!”

The news that Laxus drove away Enelu sounds exciting, but if you think about it carefully, you will realize that this is only treating the symptoms and not the root cause.

Lili understood what he meant and could only express regret.

As Wapa said, the main conflict between the two sides is the issue of Apayado's ownership. It is impossible for the Sandia people to allow their hometown to belong to them. It depends on the charity of others, and it is impossible for the Sky Islanders to give up what they have already obtained. soil of.

"I have a question, why do the Skylanders have to occupy this place?" Habi asked, raising his hand like a good student in class.

Wapa was silent for a moment and replied: "...According to what they say, the earth is the eternal longing of the Sky Island people."

Kira knows that the infinite land Enel has been looking for is the moon. After losing to Luffy in the original plot, he successfully arrived at the moon in a golden ship and met the moon man there.

Those lunar people are short in body and have wings on their backs. They live under the craters on the lunar surface. They have advanced lunar technology and enemies called space pirates.

According to the speculation of the Tieba boss, the Sky Islanders are from the moon. The reason why they look forward to the earth is because that is their hometown. This is the same as the Sandians who have always wanted to take back Apayado. On a certain level symmetry.

Later, because Sky Island contained a substance that could make people gigantic, the original short lunar man became the normal size he is today.

In order to find energy, the moon people came to the Pirate Planet. Their first stop was Sky Island. Some people settled here, while others continued down to Qinghai, and some of them settled on Gaya Island.

Unsurprisingly, the Lunarian tribe is also a branch of the Lunar people, but for unknown reasons they turned into white-haired and black-skinned flame birds.

Then there are the small humans, who live underground like the lunar people. From the fact that they were captured to make SAD, it can be seen that they have excellent science and technology. This is similar to the lunar people, except that they have no wings. As for the reason for taking off their wings, It is probably to better integrate into One Piece, after all, Qinghai people are very racially discriminatory.

The Sandians moved very quickly. Ever since Laxus occupied Apayado a month ago and opened it to all Sky Islanders, they quickly moved their secluded village "Yinyin Village" here. .

The main reason why they are one step ahead of others is because there is one girl among them, Aisha, who has had a very high-level heart network since she was born.

The heart network is the domineering power of seeing and hearing. After awakening, it can sense the attack breath and predict the opponent's next actions. After further training, it will have different effects depending on the person, including peering into the heart, listening to all things, predicting the future, and emotional perception. Bioinformatics exploration...

Kira suspected that Heart Net might be the original name for Sensoku Haki. Considering Oda's shaping of Wano Country and the clichéd symmetry, perhaps Ryu Sakura was the original name for Armed Color Haki.

Aisha is 11 years old this year. She is dressed the same as ordinary residents of Sandia. She wears an earthy yellow hat with white cloth covering her short dark red hair. She wears a light orange suit that looks like the material is made of linen. Dress, carrying a white shoulder bag, bare feet, looks like a wild... girl, natural and innocent, lively and cute.

At this time, she was happily sharing her treasure with Wendy, which was a bag full of sand. Judging from the way she regarded it as a treasure, she probably wouldn't be happy even if the same volume of gold were exchanged with her.

Kira was puzzled by this at first. You said that a large group of you have returned to Apaya, so why do you need more sand? Thinking about it later, maybe this is about not forgetting your original intention?

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