The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 896 CP9? ? Is it strong? ?

Kira knew that the reason why there was such great turmoil in the new world was all because of the previous confrontation between Erin's group and the Big Mom Pirates.

In particular, Neinhardt used the memory of corpses in the battle to summon legendary people such as Roger and Locks. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for the Navy to intervene in this matter. After all, for the Navy, like Aunt This kind of pirate should die immediately. They probably want the Big Mom Pirates to be defeated.

In the restaurant, in front of the dinner table.

"No! I have to hurry up. I'll be late and I won't even be able to catch a hot fight!"

Kira put down the newspaper in his hand and began to eat hard, "I will go to Carrera Company to rush the work later. If it doesn't work, we will leave first and come back to pick up the ship later. But that way, our appearance will not be so dazzling." So cool..."

In Kira's mind, this way of appearing is definitely one of the most romantic ways to save a situation.

Just imagine, it was a battlefield with several forces and tens of thousands of people. Everyone held their own positions, and everyone was red-eyed. They killed in darkness, unable to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and blood flowed like rivers, but they still refused to put down the sword in their hands. , all they want to do is wipe out all the enemies who are not from their own camp. Even if some people realize that something is wrong, they cannot stop at all.

And at this moment, he descended from the sky in a spaceship, shocked the whole audience with his absolute strength, forcibly suppressed everyone, and then looked down at them like ants, with a cold, ruthless, indifferent, tough, and majestic voice, Order everyone to stop fighting immediately and go back to their homes.

This is definitely a more impressive appearance than the red-haired one showing off at the top!

It's just that the development of the story cannot be so simple. At this time, there must be someone who is blind but powerful enough to attack him, such as a certain naval admiral or a certain Yonko. The other party will also yell, "It's up to you." Just a little-known brat' or something like that.

But the next second this person will be brutally slapped in the face, suppressed to the ground by his own fingers and unable to move. In the end, everyone will be knocked down and gasp, looking at him with horrified eyes, shivering under his terrifying strength, and can only Helplessly swallowing defeat, retreating with hatred...

After a few mouthfuls of food, Kira had already imagined a famous scene in his mind where he led the crowd to stop the war.

Robin was curious about Kira's attitude: "Why do you have to join in the fun?"

"Because this is how Fairy Tail does things!"

Kira lied with her eyes open, and there was no sign of lying at all. If it weren't for Hubby's complaints next, Robin would have almost believed it.

"No! It's just Kira who wants to stand out!!"

"Are you being pushy?" A strange look flashed in Robin's eyes, "Kirasan looks very mature and doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to be in the spotlight..."

"Mature?? You mean Kira...??"

Everyone looked in disbelief. They stopped eating in their hands, and their eyes wandered dully between the devouring Kira and the elegant and quiet Robin.

"Robinson, do you have something wrong with your eyes? How has this guy matured?"

"It's just... Kira has such a bad character, he's just like a naughty child who hasn't grown up..."

"Natsu, you are not qualified to talk about Kira..."

After the meal, Kira set off for Carrera Company, saying that he would come to pick up the ship in a few days. At the same time, the magicians who were taking a walk and strolling around in the Seven Waters City also met Got into their own troubles.

Since there are many interesting places in the Capital of Seven Waters, and there are too many people in their group, they did not move together. For example, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, Gray, and Juvia just went to eat and drink. , various activities, and experience the fun of the carnival; and good students like Lebby who are inconvenient to wander around and like to read books, naturally go to places like bookstores. Of course, she does not act alone, but has other people. Have people by your side.

At this moment, on the street, the younger brother of the famous gangster Frankie family was following a group of magicians without hesitation.

"Brothers, this is the group!"

"This morning, I saw with my own eyes that red-haired kid pawned a big bag of gold from the gold shop. According to the boss, the bag of gold was worth 1 billion Baileys!!"

The person who exchanged the gold for money was Kira, and of course the Bailey he got was also in his hands. However, the French family saw that Kira was not easy to deal with, so the method they chose was to kidnap people related to Kira, and then Send threatening blackmail letters to Kira.

And the person they were targeting was the seemingly weakest and easiest lamb in the team, Wendy.

But before taking action, some people still hesitated: "That's still a child! She's such a cute little girl. Do we really want to do something to her?"

"We're not going to hurt her, so what are we afraid of? I think her partner takes good care of her, and she won't give up the 1 billion Baileys in exchange for it..."

After being educated by the gangster leader, the gangsters of the French family finally strengthened their belief and assigned manpower to all the younger brothers: "Listen up, you two will go over there to cause trouble and attract other people's attention. , pay attention to the more noisy the better; you two take action directly, use drugged handkerchiefs to arrest people and run away; the three of you are responsible for watching; the three of you are responsible for breaking up the rear..."

"That's the whole plan, do you all hear it clearly?"

Brother A: "Listen clearly!"

Brother B: "Listen clearly!"

Brother C: "Listen clearly!"

Unknown voice: “Listen clearly!!”

"Very good, let's start now... eh??"

The gangster leader's voice suddenly stopped, and his movements paused. The last voice just now seemed a bit unfamiliar. Who was speaking? ?

The gangsters also realized that something was wrong at this time, and turned their heads stiffly. Then they were shocked to find that they and the others had been surrounded by the target they mentioned.

"What are you guys... planning to do to my friends??"

Several cold gazes surrounded them from front to back, left and right. The feeling was tens of thousands of times more terrifying than being stared at by criminals, pirates, tigers, or Neptunes! !

"Uh... we..."

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang... puff puff...

Without giving any chance to defend themselves, Nazgre and others took action together. Without even using magic, they beat this group of evil-minded guys until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. They fell to the ground without even the strength to cry out.

"Thanks to Erik-san for telling us in advance this time, otherwise Wendy would have been in danger! Thank you so much!!"

Eric smiled coquettishly, his eyes falling on Wendy: "Whether... Even if I don't remind you, Wendy can handle it alone!"

He knows that although this little girl named Wendy is only 14 years old, her use of dragon-slaying magic has reached a level that many dragon-slaying magicians cannot reach, and she can already use the power of dragons freely!

You know, he himself didn't even see the threshold of dragon power!

On another street in the inner city, Robin, who was shopping with Lebby near a bookstore, passed by a tall figure wearing a mask and his body covered by a white coat.

"We are CP9..."

Robin was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat. She turned around subconsciously, only to find that the man had disappeared. After thinking for a few seconds, she followed him.

The scene turned, and in a hidden and dark alley, Robin stood opposite the tall figure who called himself CP9. This man was naturally Bruno, the bar owner who was undercover in the Capital of Seven Waters.

Just yesterday, a group of them reported the news of Nico Robin's appearance in the Capital of Seven Waters, and immediately received instructions to take her back, and their boss, Spandam, also issued an order. The Pluto blueprint plan was terminated, allowing them to end the five-year mission that had made no progress.

At this moment, Bruno and Robin were standing face to face. He was holding a phone bug in his hand. This phone bug had an arrogant and extremely ugly face, and threatened Robin in a very unkind tone: "Nicole Robin" , you don’t want to see those people who are with you now being wanted by the World Government, right?”

Robin: "..."

"You should know very well that no one can escape unscathed in front of the World Government. Do you want to see them wanted by the World Government like you, and live like mice from now on, living in uneasiness every day?"

Spandam brought out the World Government as a threat, trying to use words to bring back Robin's unbearable memories, confusing her thoughts into a mess, and finally agreed to her terms.

If it were before, she would have chosen to escape without hesitation - Robin has rich experience in this area. If she wanted to escape, even if the CP9 members lurking in the Seven Waters City came together, they would not be able to catch her. Gotta keep her;

If she had met Luffy's group before, had seen Aokiji on the way, and had been almost wiped out by the group, she would have chosen to sacrifice herself in exchange for the lives of her friends;

but now……

Robin only had one doubt in his mind: Do these people really think they can deal with these magicians?

"How's it going? Have you thought about it clearly, Nico Robin??"

"You know, right? The members of CP9 are killers who have received special training that goes beyond 'human limits' and have acquired superhuman physical skills. No one can survive in their hands!!"

"Now the life and death of those people depends on you! If you don't plan to surrender and capture them, CP9 will immediately dispatch and kill them all!!!"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly appeared in the alley: "You are so loud! Do you even want to declare war on Fairy Tail?"


Bruno was startled and immediately looked for help. He saw a red-haired girl in armor appearing at the end of the alley. He recognized that this was the woman named Erza among the group of people. She also went there yesterday. One of two people at Carrera.

'what happened? I didn't even notice when she appeared...'

Under the mask, a few drops of cold sweat slowly flowed down Bruno's forehead and down his horned face. The intuition cultivated by many years of being a spy made him realize that the woman in front of him was no ordinary person, and he was probably no match for her!

Erza walked forward, her cold gaze always fixed on Bruno. When she stopped three meters away, a silver-white sword blade appeared in her hand with subtle ripples in the space.

"Come on! Let me see how strong you are after training beyond the limits of the human body and gaining superhuman physical skills!"

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