The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 966 Obtained the second road sign text

"The whole prison is in the shape of a tower, with a total of five floors... No! If the legend is true, it might have six floors. These six floors are called 'LEVEL1', 'LEVEL2' from top to bottom... ...'LEVEL6', a pirate of Ace's level will at least be suppressed to 'LEVEL5' or even 'LEVEL6'!!"

"As the 'World's No. 1 Prison', Impel has countless guards, but two of them are the most troublesome, namely 'Director' Magellan and 'Chief Guard' Ame no Shiru!"

"It is said that their strength is stronger than ordinary elite lieutenant generals, only lower than the 'admiral'!..."

After talking non-stop for more than ten minutes, Bucky stopped, then drank a glass of wine to moisten his throat: "That's all I know."

"Yeah...I know! Thank you so much, Bucky!!"

It was rare for Luffy to listen carefully to what Bucky said from beginning to end without missing a word, because he knew that it was related to Ace's life and death.

Bucky suddenly fell silent. He thought of his interactions with Ace a few days ago and his old captain Roger. He gritted his teeth and made a decision that went against his life philosophy: "This time Ace was arrested. After all, I am still involved, and as compensation, I can help you get Impel’s permanent pointer.”


The unexpected words made Luffy feel sad and happy. He hugged Bucky's shoulders and cried and howled: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" !!”

Bucky broke away arrogantly and shouted loudly: "But that's it, I can't do more! Don't even think about breaking into Impel or something with you!"

On the sidelines, Kabaji, Mochi, Arrita, Mr.3 and others who were watching this scene were all shocked by Bucky’s unexpected move. But they knew that Bucky had always regarded wealth as his life and would never give up a dime. Excellent quality.

"Is that man really Captain Bucky...??"

"I must be dreaming!"

"Does he really consider Ace a brother?"

"I don't think he is the kind of loyal person at all..."

Looking at Luffy and Bucky who were singing and dancing and were as close as brothers, Nami suddenly realized something and asked a very fatal question: "I said I got the permanent pointer, but how to do it specifically?"

"Go buy it on the black market!"

"I see...wait a minute! Doesn't that mean we still have to use our money?!" Nami figured out the key and suddenly felt like she had been cheated.

Bucky quickly stuffed the last few treasures into his clothes, and then straightened his back confidently: "These are already my money!!"

"Also, please clarify something. I am taking care of your business now!"

New world, Zou.

After Kaido and Big Mom joined forces, Kira also joined in and provided them with the location of the third piece of historical text, that is, no one knew what mistakes were made eight hundred years ago, and the punishment has been walking on the sea. of the elephant owner.

There is also a country on the back of the elephant owner where the fur tribe lives, managed by two leaders, Inuarashi, the Day King of the Furry Principality, and Viper, the Night King of the Furry Principality.

This dog and cat once went to sea and were one of Kozuki Oden's nine ministers. They followed him for a short time on Whitebeard and Roger's ship. His almost pathological loyalty to his master Oden was definitely A stench that subverts common sense.

Kira provided the location information of the road sign text, and Auntie got the life paper to Zou through a clever robbery of her employee Beckmus. Together, the two sent people to Zou to seize the stone tablet.

As for Kaido, since he had no role in this transaction and could not get a share of the pie, he could only rush back to Wano to get the road sign text.

He was not an idiot. When Kira proposed to go to Zou to get the road sign text, he immediately realized the crisis of falling behind, so he thought of using his own road sign text in exchange for the text that Big Mom was about to get.

So if nothing else, after this, Kira and Big Mom will each have three pieces of text, while Kaido will have two pieces.

Although there is one more piece of text, Big Mom is now gone from all nations, and Kaido still has Wano and other territories, so the influence of the two is back to about the same level.

Not many people went to Zou. The Big Mom group only sent one Katakuri. On the Mage side, the only one who followed Kira was the Erza team who loved to join in the fun. The rest stayed in the Ten Thousand Nations to engage in construction. They were against The maritime hegemony and historical truth of this world are of little interest.

Also following them was Robin, who was keen on studying history.

Now the 35 islands in the Tolant Sea have been integrated together by Kira and Irene using the 'world's only' magic, forming a huge island that is extremely rare in the new world.

In terms of area, the current Ten Thousand Nations can even be compared with Alabasta and Elbaf, two ancient countries with long histories!

Following the guidance of the life paper, Kira quickly drove the Hope to Zou's side.

Looking at the giant elephant in front of them, Natsu and others were shocked and exclaimed: "It's so awesome!! This is definitely the biggest elephant I have ever seen! It feels bigger than a dragon."

If you keep talking about this, I won’t feel sleepy anymore!

"There are big and small dragons, Natsu!"

Kira turned to Natsu and others to learn more about science, "You may not know that among Kirtina's 'Five Divine Dragons', there is a 'Wood Divine Dragon' Aldoron, which appeared in Aslant's history. The biggest dragon ever!"

"The palm of Aldoron's hand is bigger than Magnolia. There are people building towns on it. The whole body combined has an area of ​​several Fiore Kingdoms. That's bigger than the elephant master in front of me. Much bigger!”

"Ehhhhh??!! Is this true?!"

Katakuri glanced curiously at Kira and the others who were chatting, unable to decide whether he was bragging or telling the truth.

The speed of the Hope was very fast. In less than a day, several people arrived at Zou from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms, and then headed towards the Forest of Whales. In order to avoid trouble, Kira also turned on the invisibility magic for the Hope, so the journey was smooth. Without any hindrance, no one from the fur tribe discovered the existence of Kira and others.

"Sneaking in so easily? I thought I was going to have a fight with those fur tribes... Didn't I say that road sign text is a very important thing? Why is the defense so poor?"

"Does that need to be said? The good things must be hidden, and then you can take a look at them for a long time! If you keep someone guarding them, wouldn't there be three hundred taels of silver here? These fur tribes are very good at it, and they can't find us!"

"Are those the fur tribe you just saw? They look like animals with human intelligence. There are really all kinds of weird species in this world..."

"Kira, you look so skilled in this operation. Don't you always go to strange places like this?"

"Nonsense...nonsense...!! Don't slander me! I'm a serious person!!"

"Really?? It sounds so guilty..."

"The Forest of exactly what its name suggests. This tree looks almost like a whale."

After a few people arrived at the Forest of Whales, Kira let go of his magic perception and quickly found the cave in the tree. The secret door was of no use in Kira's eyes. He broke it open in a few clicks and followed it through. Go up the stairs for a short distance and come to a large cave. The red historical text is majestically placed in the center of the cave.

"Got it!"

Use space magic to collect the text of the road sign, and then the group of people returned the same way and left in a swaggering way on the Hope. Until they left Zou, no one from the fur tribe found out that anyone had been there, and no one knew about the text of the road sign they were guarding. Has been stolen.

"Isn't it good for us to steal things like this?"

"What is stealing? Can the magician's thing be called stealing? It's taking! Just put the thing there, and no one is watching. It is an ownerless thing. Of course, whoever gets the ownerless thing can get it. of!"

Under Kira's eloquence, the ignorant Wendy learned a lot of knowledge that she had not learned in class.

On the Hope, Kira first asked Katakuri to complete the rubbing, and then threw the text of the road sign to Robin for study.

"Sure enough... I was right to follow you!" Robin was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

Less than a month has passed since I took refuge with these magicians, and I have already obtained two pieces of text, and I am about to get the third piece, which is also the most important road sign text...

I had never dared to think about such a thing before, and I had never been so bold in my dreams!

"Where are we going now, Kira?"

Kira glanced at Habi and came over, and said matter-of-factly: "Of course I'm going to Wano to collect debts. Kaido has already given me the road sign text, so of course I'm going to get it!"

"Are you going to take that guy with you too?"

Natsu pointed at Katakuri who was drinking black tea and eating donuts. Since he came to the Hope, the movable area on the airship has become smaller.

"Kaido and Big Mom also have a deal. As a temporary ally, it's nothing to give him a ride."

Katakuri wisely put down the afternoon tea in his hand and said to Kira politely and sincerely: "Thank you very much!"

"You're welcome, just pay the boat fare!" Kira said, took a donut from in front of him, poured herself a cup of black tea, and began to enjoy it.

Katakuri: "..."

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