The Magic Outfit

Chapter 105: Intrigue

Moving straight along the star road, the scene in front of me suddenly twisted. Immediately afterwards, a forest hovering in the sky appeared.The trees in the forest had no leaves, and the root system was more developed than the crown, as cobweb-like. The roots of the trees are connected into a strange space, and a ray of cold air is wandering non-stop.

Several people have passed through the forest one after another, and there is a vast wetland below. Su Tang entered the demon world for the first time. He frowned and carefully surveyed the surrounding scenery.

He has seen the scenery of the human world and the demon world, the difference is not big, but the demon world is filled with a strange atmosphere, whether it is growing vegetation, or walking beasts, are completely different from the human world and the demon world.

Everything here seems to have been transformed by some powerful force.

"Go here." The figure greeted and changed direction.

Su Tang and others hurriedly followed the steering.After more than half an hour, a faint gray fog appeared in front of them. There was a huge city hidden in the fog.The city was like a volcano, with thick smoke. It spewed out from the center of the city and rushed up to a height of several kilometers, turning into a black sea of ​​clouds.

The light here is very dim, and with Su Tang's eyesight, things have become blurred. As for the Lords of the Wraith and the Lords of Langxie, they are far inferior to the Su Tang, and their subconscious slowed down.

"It's the sacrifice of the city in front of you." The figure said: "Don't talk about leaking your mouth, just call me Master Tianxing to stay there. Remember, as long as I laugh, it's a hands-on signal."

"The power of the predecessors, one person is enough, what can we do?" Lord Willing smiled bitterly.

"You must at least keep your gluttons, and don't let them shut down the engine." Said the figure.

As the city of sacrificial offerings got closer and closer, a weird building appeared in their vision.The building was straight up and down, almost hundreds of meters high, and it looked like a giant pillar in the sky from a distance. .

There is a flat field at the top of the giant pillar, and there seem to be several figures shaking. Although the distance is less than 100 meters, they still can't see clearly. The overwhelming black sea of ​​clouds was born from the giant pillar.

At the next moment, the Lord of the Awakening first landed on the flat field, Su Tang stood in a stable shape, glanced around, there were more than a dozen monks around, there was a prison cage in the center of the flat field, and there was a person in the cage. On the ground, he was covered with a silver-white thing all over him, making him look like a statue, even his eyes and mouth were glued.

Su Tang burst into his heart. If the person in the cage was the fifth prince, why couldn't he sense any dragon spirit? Moreover, the gluttons of the fifth prince seem to have stopped breathing, and the blood veins no longer flow, which is not like a creature at all.

"Heaven wakes up, who are these of them?" An old man with a disheveled hair slowly came out of the crowd: "Why have I never seen it?"

"Essence of Essence, do you remember every monk of the Heavenly Daoist League?" The main face of Tian Xing revealed an unpleasant color: "The Lord of Kunpeng? Did you let him go?"

"Want to escape from me, he owed at least tens of thousands of years of practice." The old man with the disheveled sneered, then probed a little, and countless magic charms suddenly appeared in the flat field, and then a group of white flowers rose. Come up.

The old man with the disheveled hair walked over. The group of things seemed to be composed of countless spider silks. He stretched out a piece of spider silk and showed a face in it. It was the king of Kunpeng.

At this moment, the Lord of Kunpeng is already breathing, and the fluctuation of the spiritual power has become very weak.He has to see the sky and struggled again, but to no avail, he barely opened his eyes and saw it. Lord Langxie then saw Su Tang again, not knowing where he came from, his eyes widened suddenly.

"It's not a small credit to be able to capture Kunpeng's Lord." Lord Tianxing slowly said: "Sir Xihuang will be very satisfied. Your luck is good."

"It depends on who you compare with, and I compare with you, of course." The old man with the disheveled hair smiled.

"You, what do you mean?" The Lord of Heaven Awakens paused.

"Okay, God awake, it's not the time now, do you still want to win the prestige?" The old man with the disheveled hair did not take it at all. Fart rolls, 3,000 monks, you have brought in less than three hundred. Lord Xi Xiong is generous, and seeing your past credit, there is no embarrassment for you, but you should also be a little self-knowledge, thinking you are eight veterans What about? "

The Lord of Awakening was silent for a long time, and said softly: "You are really a villain"

"It doesn't matter whether I am a villain or not, anyway, I didn't take the monks in the league to death" The old man with the disheveled hair replied coldly: "I am the master of the Western Emperor, I will take care of everything in this trip. Finger and finger. "

Su Tang has been silent, but when he saw these lips, tongues, and swords, he all understood that the Lord of the Awakening was indeed a spy sent by the third prince Li Xuan, but there were two senior spies mixed in the Heavenly Dao League. Choosing one of them as a victim, in exchange for another traitor's skyrocketing and becoming the head of the eight veterans, if the Western Emperor did not come out of the mountain, it is estimated that the current Heavenly Dao League has become the treasure of the third prince.

Therefore, the Lord of Heavenly Awakening decided to avoid this conflict. He knew that he could no longer mix in the Heavenly Daoist League, and he was angry at the choice of the third prince.

In other words, he may not know that he also has his own companion among the other eight elders, otherwise there should be some vigilance.

"Interesting ..." Lord Tian Xing smiled: "Why didn't you dare to talk to me like this a few years ago?"

"You hadn't done such a stupid thing a few years ago. What's the point of irritating you?" The old man with disheveled hair replied in return.

"Do you know this time in Tianle Mountain, the third prince Zhan Lian once gave me a chance." Lord Tian Xing said leisurely, he leaned down while touching it, stroking the face of Lord Kunpeng with his fingertips, Lord Lord Kunpeng I felt very panic and tried to avoid it, but my body was too tightly wrapped by countless spider silks to avoid the hands of the waking Lord that day: "If I want to, I should build my own residence in Tianle Mountain now."

"Jian Lian asked him to take refuge in Tianle Mountain?" The old man with disheveled hair was surprised, and then stared at the side of the waking Lord that day: "Why don't you agree? This should be a good escape route for you? Ha … I understand, you know that the Western Emperor is out of the mountain, and the true dragon's luck has been exhausted? "

"Sir Emperor Xihuang ..." the awakening lord sighed that day: "You think I made such a big mistake, how could it not punish me, Sir Xiong? Because it was me who blew out the blood of the true God and awakened him Yeah "

"Wh ... what?" The old man with the disheveled hair froze.

"He dared to betray me, and I naturally wanted him to look good." The wake-up Lord's face became weird that day: "Do you think that all monks in the world should be his stepping stones? Yuck shit."

"Betray you? Who betrayed you?" The old man with disheveled hair was even more puzzled.

However, Su Tang felt thrilling and thrilling. His sources came from several sources, and a summary analysis made it easy to infer the course.

That day, the Lord of Awakening had been operating in the Heavenly Daoist League for many years, and his ambitions had slowly expanded.He eventually returned to Tianle Mountain and succumbed to the three princes, and he still controlled the Heavenly Daoist League and became a hegemon.From these two choices, , You can clearly see the nature of man.

The ambition is strong, and he will choose the former with conscientiousness, conservative, and the latter will choose the latter out of ten.The Lord of the Awakening doesn't want to succumb to the third prince, he wants to stay in the Heavenly Dao League, control this enough and true dragon A series of confrontational spiritual practice, create their own hegemony.

It is a pity that the third prince Zanxuan had an insight into the change of the mind of the awakening lord, so he decided to let the awakening lord fail.

If you guessed right, when the awakening master took countless monks of the Heavenly Daoist League to Tianle Mountain, he must have contacted the third prince Lixuan in advance, and the third prince Lixuan gave him a vague guarantee. The ambition is well hidden, and in the development of the state of affairs, it can also be seen that the third prince Zhan Lian does not want to completely destroy the Heavenly Dao League, but also wants to become the master behind the scenes.

As a result, the Lord of the Awakening suffered a real head-on attack along the way, and the casualties were exhausted. The third prince Zhan Lian gave the Lord of the Awake a chance, hoping that the Lord of the Awakening could stay in Tianle Mountain and continue to serve him. , But the awakened dream of the awakened lord of the sky should categorically reject the three princes, and choose to return to the heavenly alliance.

In retaliation, the Lord of Awakening awakened the sleeping Western Emperor at any cost. His actions completely disrupted all plans of the third prince Zhan Lian, and then these battles came into being.

These big existences are fighting against each other, really one by one, Su Tang's eyes are flashing.

The most advantageous thing for him is that no one can see his true face, so he can learn slowly and grow slowly.

"The one who betrayed me, of course, is the third prince." The waking master looked up to the distance that day: "Now, he is coming soon, haha ​​..."

At this moment, a turbulent dragon's air came from afar, and the old man with the disheveled hair was shocked and turned back quickly. The main fists of the God of Awakening suddenly swayed, hitting behind the old man with the disheveled hair.

Booming ... The old man with the disheveled hair suddenly gleamed tens of thousands of golden lights behind him. Although the body protection mind released by him was extremely powerful, he still could not completely break the fist of the Sky Awakening Master, and his mouth spewed out blood, and his figure was involuntarily. Slammed forward.

The Lord of the Awakening swept up, his hands were wrong, and there were two more spirit swords in his hand. The spirit sword released a sharp roar and continued to chase down the old man's back.

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