The Magic Outfit

Chapter 112: Enter the battle

The head monk looked back at the master of Kunpeng, and with his practice, he could not see the depth of the king of Kunpeng, but the master of Kunpeng behaved so arrogantly, wanting to have his own ability, the head of the head monk sucked one. A tone of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Not too far forward, another group of monks in similar clothes ran out from both sides and blocked the middle of the promenade, then a white-haired monk came out, staring at the monk headed here, and slowly said: "Dayu, we have already said that. It belongs to me. From the front of Zhengxin Temple, it will belong to you. Now what do you mean by running to me with someone?"

"Before I was forced, I could only deal with you in vain, but now the prince is close, and you still dare to be unreasonable? Now let go, you can not blame the past." The monk headed by him had a backer, and his tone seemed firm: Do n’t blame me for abandoning my past love ”

"You're not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue," the gray-haired old man glared.

"Courage ..." The monk headed suddenly pulled out his long sword.

"The first insurgent should be punished, and the evil should be treated again," Su Tang said suddenly and coldly. With the star-level thugs like the Lord of Kunpeng, it is natural to use it more.

"Follow the orders." The Lord of Kunpeng was very face-saving, and immediately responded, and at the next moment, his figure swept forward like lightning.

The speed of the Kunpeng Lord is unparalleled in the world.Even if it is a true god-level existence, it depends on luck and environment to have a chance to stop him.At the moment, it is launched with all its strength.The monks on the opposite side did not respond at all until they saw clearly. When the Kunpeng Lord was in the figure, the Kunpeng Lord had stopped at the side of the old man. He slowly raised his hand and his fingertips were stained with blood.

The old man's throat made a gurgling sound, his figure swayed, and then fell forward.

The monks on the opposite side were all in horror. They did not even see how their leader died. This was an overwhelming force, and their fighting spirit collapsed instantly.

Some monks stood still, some monks quietly retreated to both sides, and Daewoo Xingjun, headed here, shouted sharply: "The lord is destined to treat the sin from the evil one, do you dare to be arrogant? Do you really want to be arrogant?" Take the dead end? "

The monks on the opposite side stopped at the same place in fright, and a few who wanted to escape secretly dared not move.

Su Tang walked forward slowly, leaving a large crack on the front door, and he could see countless broken runes. Obviously the monks had been cracking the spiritual array here.

Su Tang raised his hand and pressed it lightly on the door of the temple, which made a dull roar, and then slowly opened to both sides.

Although this scene was foreseen early, the Daewoo Star King and his subordinates were still dumbfounded. This is the sight of the endless sea.On ordinary days, only the fifth prince can go in and out freely. Even approaching is a violation of the decree, even if the five princes gluttonous couple of personal disciples, they must avoid

There was nothing in the hall door, only a faint mist, the mist condensed into a large vortex, which was slowly rotating.

The vortex in front of you is a reduced version of the endless sea outside. The vortex here has changed and will also affect the endless sea outside.

Most of the monks in the Endless Sea have never seen the scene in the temple, and they all stretched their necks and looked at them, some of them showed the color of luck, and some looked very disappointed. give up.

Su Tang walked slowly to the center of the vortex, and his figure seemed to become a virtual image, and that vortex could not have any influence on each other.

At this moment, a sudden noise came from afar, and Su Tang couldn't help but stop and look out.

"Master, those rebellious monks are here to make trouble again" Nao Xingjun hurriedly shouted.

"Sir, let's take a look." Lord Kunpeng said.

"Okay." Su Tang paused, and then added: "Seniors don't kill too much, and it may be useful to keep some connections."

"Following orders." Kunpeng's Lord bent slightly.

Su Tang's tone of expression is very similar to that of the real superior, and the Lord of Kunpeng is very obedient, but how long can this relationship last? Do n’t talk about outsiders, not even their own.

That Dayu Xingjun and his subordinates naturally didn't understand the past of Su Tang and Kunpeng Lord. The appearances of Lord Wei Ling and Lord Lang Xie were a little weird. They are not fools. A certain amount of frankness was shown. Such forwardness and respectfulness represented the unresolved knot of the Kunpeng Lord.

Su Tang's response is impeccable. The question is, will he really believe in Kunpeng?

It is absolutely impossible.Although they did not have many contacts with Su Tang, they also knew that Su Tang was not a good generation, especially Fengxiazhuang.When Su Tang mentioned Ye Bei and Xuan Mu, his appearance was very calm, and it seemed that They didn't put Ye Bei and Xuan Mu's death to their hearts, and Xuan Mu's inadvertent defamation, dissatisfaction, and jealousy of Su Tang revealed that they must have inside information.

It's just that they dare not think deeply, let alone guessing what is of no avail, they might as well settle to the status quo and accept Su Tang's remarks.

It seems that even if they occupy the endless sea, they can maintain peace for a period of time, which is temporary.

Su Tang watched the Lord of Kunpeng swept away and turned his mind, the door of the temple slowly closed, leaving the others outside the door.

Lord Welling and Lord Langxie did not think they could go in. They glanced at each other and both smiled bitterly.

"Kunpeng's master conceals his scheming, as for the demon master ... I don't know exactly what he thinks." Lord Welling sighed: "What should we do?"

"Let's go step by step," said Lord Langxie with a helpless tone: "Although the Lord of Kunpeng has a life-saving grace for us, we have tried every means to resolve the enmity between him and the brother of Heavenly Demon. "

Lord Welling's brows shook. Lord Langxie seemed to remain neutral, but he had already expressed his position implicitly. He didn't owe the favor of the Kunpeng Lord, and naturally he would not help the Kunpeng Lord. There is only one choice left.

"I don't know when Master will be able to get out ..." Lord Welling sighed again.

"The foundation of Brother Tianmo has been stabilized. Even if the Venerable Master comes out, it is impossible to control Brother Tianmo."

"Master has graciousness for him to rebuild, in any case, he will not make Master embarrassed, right?" Lord Willing said.

"En?" Lord Langxie smiled. "Except for the two of us who have no interest in the real dragon, who do you think is serious?"

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