The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1119: Set off

"In front of me, do you still have such a face to say?" Su Tang said.

"You can be promoted to the Great Holy Realm in more than 20 years, and it's already outstanding. How about me?" Ye Fu's mouth refused to lose. "Do you think anyone can compare with you?"

"Forget it, don't tell you this." Su Tang said: "This time I came to tell you that I have to leave, maybe it will take a long time to come back."

Su Tang has made sufficient psychological preparations for this trip. The Yuren Sword is not an ordinary spiritual treasure. The True God Poor Light is also not the few real dragon princes who have not yet been able to ascend to God. Without a trace, I immediately found the true **** to be poor, killing people and winning treasures, and then escaping again. It was purely a dream to be a fool. This time I might really spend much time.

"You didn't come to quit the last time you left, this time ..." Ye Fushen's face changed, and he paused: "How long will it take?"

"I'm not sure, maybe it's a few years, a few decades, or maybe we don't have a period of meeting again." Su Tang said.

Ye Fushen stopped talking, silently thinking about something.

"At that time, Evil Monarch will depend on you." Su Tang said: "Xiao Ru, and He Ping, they have no control over Evil Monarch. You can't stop adjusting like you used to."

"I know." Ye Fushen whispered.

"You?" Su Tang did not believe at all.

"The monks in the evil monarch are all brought out from the human world. Unlike outsiders, this is our root." Ye Fushen said slowly: "As long as the evil monarch can keep running, it is possible almost every year. The practice of breaking the starry sky barriers went out from here, and in time, our strength will become stronger and stronger. And, after all, everyone grew up from the same mountain and water, let ’s talk about the devil gods, listen to He Ping, they said I want to go outside and go alone, but I have n’t left yet, not because they are timid, but because I do n’t feel at ease here. "

Su Tang exhaled gently.

"You are the same as He Lan Dasheng. The situation is a little bit more stable. You all come back here and spare no effort to help everyone." Ye Fushen said again: "Because you have suffered and experienced here, how sad it should be Can you really cut off your past? You have made some achievements, some people applaud you, you have done the wrong thing, some people regret for you, this is right, on the contrary, live, no one Miss, no one feels sad, is it still called alive? "

"You know these truths, I don't have to say more." Su Tang said: "Heran University Holy Gathering has set up another teleportation spirit array here. Good for you. "

"What is the little endless sea?" Ye Fu sank.

Su Tang shook his head: "I have done all that, what should I do in the future, you can do it yourself."

Without waiting for Ye Fushen to speak again, Su Tang's figure had disappeared without a trace.

Outside the evil monarch, He Lan Feiqiong was setting up the Spirit Array. Su Tang didn't disturb her, and swept directly in the direction of Xiaoding.

Xiao Budian has had a sense of responsibility and never goes out again. She often stays in the ancient evil lineup.At this moment, she is sitting on the top of a statue. Seeing Xiao Doudian look like this, he was surprised and stopped at a distance.

"Brother, hey ... I feel your breath from the far away" With the words, the little blue bird drilled out of the ear hole of the statue, flapped its wings, and swept straight towards Su Tang. On Su Tang's shoulder.

Su Tang is really too lazy to care about this little thing: "What are you doing?"

"She's retreating, just like this a few months ago, she didn't move who asked her." The little blue bird replied.

"A few months ago ..." Su Tang pondered for a while. It should be when he was promoted to the star master. It seems that his breakthrough has once again affected the little ones.

"Big brother has something to do with her? I told her that," the little green bird shouted.

"Forget it." Su Tang shook his head: "I'll go around somewhere else." After talking, Su Tang turned to leave.

"Brother, won't you sit for a while?" Said the little green bird.

"Sit on your head" Su Tang couldn't help it, that is, there was no one nearby, and the little blue bird screamed randomly. If it is in the starry sky, it may be humiliating.

The little blue bird watched Su Tang take away seriously, and then spread his wings and fell beside Xiao Doudian: "Okay, okay, don't pretend, I have deceived him."

Xiaodou's double pupils immediately recovered and looked a few times in the direction of Su Tang. Then he said to the little green bird in a somber tone: "I did as you said, and if it fails, I will never spare you"

"Boss, I know you can't bear it ..." cried the little blue bird.

"Can't bear it?" Xiao Budian suddenly probed her hand, grabbed the beak of the little blue bird, and pressed it down, and the little blue bird's body fell immediately.

"Don't fight, boss, I really have a plan." Little Jade Bird wriggled a few times and shouted.

"Couple? Let's hear it" Xiao Xiao shouted.

Little Jade Bird got up and leaned into Xiaobu's ear, muttering something, and Xiaobudian showed suspiciously: "Is this possible?"

"Oh, boss, your fist and whip are the best in the world, and the second one is the puppet he called, but when it comes to the mind, the two of you can't compare with me." That little Bluebird said.

"You are so arrogant and dare to say that you have a mind?" Xiao Doudian said slowly.


"Don't you think I'm going to be angry?" Xiao Budian suddenly found his hand again, pushed the little blue bird down, and then sat down under the head of the little blue bird with one butt, and then punched.

It took almost half a day for He Lan Feiqiong's spirit array to be arranged, and the original teleporting spirit array was also destroyed by her.

"It's time to go." The impatient sitting up stood first.

Si Kong was talking to Su Tang in a whisper, and sighed softly: "I won't say anything else, be careful yourself."

"Master, this day will depend on you." Su Tang said.

At this moment, He Lanfeiqiong beckoned here, Su Tang also stood up and walked slowly to He Lanfeiqiong, Si Kongcuo, Ning Zhanqi, He Ping, Bao Lan and others all stood up, their mood Somewhat heavy, although Su Tang did not explain too much, only said that there are important things, it is estimated that it will take a long time to come back, but they all feel that there must be a big risk in this trip, because Su Tang has said that he has left Just go, if solemnly told them to do so, only twice, the first time was just promoted to Xingjun, and the other time is now.

The spiritual array set up by He Lanfeiqiong radiated a radiant light, and then Bai Ze's figure appeared in the array. He smiled and bowed to He Lanfeiqiong, then let it aside.

"The expedition?" He Lanfeiqiong whispered.

"He is still closed," Bai Ze said.

"Then don't disturb him." He Lanfeiqiong turned to look at Su Tang: "Let's go."

This world has been completely closed. The people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in. They can only walk from the spirit of He Lan Feiqiong, and when they get there, they will return to the small endless sea.

Su Tang, He Lan Feiqiong, and Moo walked into the Spirit Array side by side, and their figures disappeared into the light.

In the small endless sea, Wang An, Xi Xiaoru and others were already waiting. When they saw the figure of Su Tang, they barely smiled.

"Which of you want to go back and see, you can go at any time, the Spirit Array will not be closed, and you won't consume much Aura." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"Tianmo, here, I have a few words to tell you." Fang Yizhe said.

"Oh, don't be bothered, it's not too late to wait until we come back." Pixie was impatient again, his eyes were sharp, and he saw that Xiang Xiang had made a look at Fang Yizhe just now, and Fang Yizhe only stood up. It's all trivial words that you mutter.

Su Tang smiled and looked at Xi Xiaoru, then said: "Don't go around this time, wait for us to come back."

"If you want to go, you can't go, both sides are sealed ..." Ding Haixing Jun murmured.

The three of Su Tang left the endless sea, walked out of the Dragon Palace, and whispered, "How do we go?"

"Brother-in-law, your experience is much more than the two of us, or you come up with an idea." Su Tang said.

"Outside, I also blacked out my eyes, so let's go find some friends and inquire with them." Xie said: "It's a little slower to walk with the dragon palace's flying car without the driver. But hiding in the car will save a lot of trouble. "

"Trouble?" Su Tang froze.

"Alas ... Brother, when I was young and full of temper, I became more tempered and caused trouble everywhere. Although I didn't dare to say that the enemy family was full of the world, it was not much better." Xie sighed: "Just last time I went to Jiutian Xingyu To guide you, if it did not happen to meet the Chou family, it is estimated that there will not be so many things, I have run out long ago. "

"Okay, listen to you." Su Tang said.

The three people got on the flying car of the Dragon Palace, with Su Tang's support, of course, they could freely travel through the endless sea, and they were speechless all the way.After half a month of walking, the car drove into the field of molten fire.

"This is the molten Martian domain." Xie said.

"I've been to the Melting Martian Realm, is it the territory of the Heavenly Dao League, is your friend's sect gate here?" Su Tang said.

"The nonsense star field is so big, except for the arrogant guys of the real dragon veins, who dare to say that the entire star territory is their own territory?" Pixie said with a lip: "True dragon veins can at most control their own sect. The star field is like the sea, and the monk is just an ant in the sea. Do you want to know the entire ocean? "

"Are you sure your friends can help us?" He Lanfeiqiong changed the subject.

"If he wants to help, he should be able to give some suggestions." Xie Pao paused: "Don't talk when you get to the place, so that he won't be able to see the details. It's enough for me to work with him."

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