The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1131: Intercept

At this moment, the widow who has fully exerted her body has taken Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong into the starry sky. Seeing no one around, and no sense of spiritual fluctuations, everyone's mood is relaxed.

Although this trip had long been expected to be relatively resistant to the existence of the true **** level, it was still too early, not to mention the fact that the other party was the real dragon seven prince Jade Canine.

Among the four princes who have been promoted to the gods by the real dragon, the strongest is the eighth prince Shaoyan. This is undisputed, and the most brutal and vicious means is the seventh prince. Angrily angry at Seventh Prince Jidi, the consequence is not only that his sect was destroyed, but countless creatures at the location of the sect were all slaughtered. This kind of thing has been done many times.

"How is it possible?" Moo slowed down and made a sharp cry: "I have swept all traces, how could he find us ?!"

"True God-level existence must have a means that we cannot understand." Su Tang smiled bitterly.

This is the first time he witnessed the power released by the True God. Thousands of Dao are not directed at them, but an indiscriminate attack. Even so, they have made them shocked. If the other party shot against them , The force will be tensed dozens of times, or even more.

Thinking that he had three flaming arrows to protect himself, coupled with the seven layers of magic equipment, he would be able to interact with the true god-level existence for a week or two. After witnessing it with his own eyes, he realized that he really wanted more.

Not at all a level contest! The gap between the true **** and the star owner is even greater than that between the star owner and the ordinary monarch.

"Look ahead!" He Lanfeiqiong suddenly shouted.

There were several thunderlights in front of them. The thunderlights were originally scattered everywhere. It seemed that they sensed the fluctuation of the spiritual force they released. The thunderlight began to condense to one place, and then slowly rotated to condense into a vortex.

At the next moment, a figure came out of the vortex, but at the first moment, Su Tang and others knew that the figure was Seventh Prince Ji Can!

Thousands of meters away, the figure of the seventh prince Jiu Ji is very small, but the golden light that he emits is like a substance, which seems to cover the entire starry sky, covering every corner.

At this moment, the seventh prince eyed evil smile, raised his hand and threw a spirit treasure, the spirit treasure flew towards here like lightning, but in the blink of an eye, Su Tang and others felt a strange sky above him.

Although he was acquired by mosquitoes, he was an archaic relic, after all, he is now restored to its original state, and its volume is extremely large. However, compared with Lingbao under the sky, he is still pitifully small.

"Not good ..." The mob yelled, hurriedly changed direction, shot at full strength, trying to throw away the slamming Lingbao.

However, that piece of spirit treasure, like a tarsal maggot, followed them closely, getting closer and closer.

He Lanfeiqiong jumped up suddenly, Qijie Quan was running at full strength, waving towards Lingbao above.

Booming ... The fierce and fierce fist struck the huge Lingbao, Lingbao looked no damage, and then the rewinding strength was wrapped in He Lan Feiqiong, He Lan Feiqiong's body protector sent out With countless gleams of light, he could clearly see that the body protector's mind was constantly stripped off with vigor, and merged into the void of the star field. He Lanfeiqiong's figure also lost control and fell down.

Boom ... Su Tang, who released the magic wings, broke into the turbulent turbulence, grabbed He Lanfeiqiong, and then swept back. The desperate desperate fleeing to see Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong were in danger, He had to slow himself down a little bit, which also proved that he was very loyal.

Su Tang threw down He Lan Feiqiong, and turned back to meet the looting spirit treasure. He turned his spirit pulse to the extreme. The blade of the magic sword shuddered continuously, making a sharp hissing noise. Suddenly, the magic There seemed to be something broken in the sword, but Su Tang had no time to think about anything else, struggling to cut the sword light out.

In fact, Su Tang has a lot in mind. With the power of He Lan Feiqiong, he not only failed to pose a threat to Lingbao, but was injured himself. He shot with all his strength, and he may not be stronger than He Lan Feiqiong. , Let Mo and He Lan Feiqiong escape first.

Boom ... The depressed Lingbao in Jianguang's stunned scene appeared, and the seemingly indestructible Lingbao was cut by Jianguang into a long crack!

At this moment, Su Tang was in a trance, he instinctively felt that what he cut was not a spiritual treasure, but a world!

Su Tang can see that the creatures in the world are looking at the sky with frightened eyes, the earth is shaking, countless cattle and sheep are running away like crazy, and the birds and beasts in the mountain forest have been greatly frightened, even the fish in the water. In the non-stop jumping out of the water, what seemed to escape.

Before Su Tang had eased his mind, the huge rebound impact had already hit the body. Su Tang turned into a powerless straw in the turbulence and rolled back thousands of kilometers before barely vibrating the magic wings to stabilize Body shape, but his face had become like gold paper, and then turned around and chased in the direction of the princess.

Just a blow, Su Tang has completely lost the courage to fight. He thought he still has a pardon seal spell, a forged dragon fist, a pneumatic mountain and river, and a real soul shield. The other party is confused about the situation. Eighty-nine will be frightened by their hands and fight hard, and there may not be a turnaround, but the power of that blow made Su Tang fully understand how big the difference exists between the two sides.

However, at this time, the seventh prince, Ji Can, became stunned. He even forgot to chase Su Tang, and was dull for a long time before he roared: "Impossible!"

At the next moment, the seventh prince Jade Eye Detector recalled Lingbao, which was a purple-golden round bowl, and a very clear crack was left on the edge of the round bowl. The seventh prince Jade Eye looked at it for a moment. Even more dazzling, then, Seventh Crown Prince Jade's body moved, and at this moment, a voice came from afar: "Old Seven, what's going on?"

"These little beasts almost ruined my spirit world!" Seventh Crown Prince Jiao growled.

"How could ..." Puja, the fourth prince, was stunned: "Once the spirit species reaches the boundary level, it is all-encompassing and self-contained. Even when the father Wang is heyday, it is impossible to damage you so quickly. God Realm? "

"Are you blind? Can't you see yourself ?!" Seventh Crown Prince Jing sighed.

The seventh prince, Jigyu, also has the ambitions of the city government. He has good qualifications and enters the country very quickly. However, he has a fatal weakness, that is, he is very prone to anger.

The fourth prince Pu Lao was well aware of the fault of the seventh brother, and was not angry. He flew over and carefully observed the purple gold bowl of the seventh prince's eye. Then he suddenly said: "As far as I know ... there is only one kind of unknown treasure. Only then has this power to break the world ... "

The seventh prince, Ji Can, was in anger, but it also reflected what the fourth prince Pu Lao said. His anger was a little slow, and he changed into a shocking color: "Emperor ..."

"It's the Emperor's Heaven." Puja, the fourth prince, said: "Have you ever seen clearly, what kind of spirit treasure did the monk use?"

"It's a sword." Seventh Prince Ji Can replied.

"Spirit Sword? It shouldn't be the Emperor's Heaven anymore." Puja, the fourth prince frowned: "Or which spiritual array is the real **** comprehending? Inscribed on the Spirit Sword ..."

"Spirit Array? Even if the mother's pardon decree, it can only temporarily imprison my God Realm." Seventh Prince Ji sneered sneered: "Is his Spirit Array more powerful than the mother's pardon decree?"

"I'm just guessing." Pu Yao, the fourth prince, said: "So what's the matter with you? Is it something wrong with your God Realm itself?"

"Sixth Brother, just mentioned Emperor Tian suddenly, is there a bit of remorse?" Seventh Prince Ji Can has calmed down now.

"Lao Qi, what do you mean?" Pu Zi, the fourth prince, asked indifferently.

"Haha ... So I said, if we really want to return to the unification, we must beat you to death!" Seventh Prince Ji Tui said: "Because we don't talk about others, even our brothers, we must guard against each other. "


"The youngest man gave out the sword, and he wanted to lay the trap and lead the emperor Xi. I was stupid and didn't know what he was going to do, but I knew that he wanted something better than the sword and the sword. The Emperor Xi is more important, "said the seventh prince, Ji Can, slowly:" The eighth, apparently reconciled with the third, and then rushed around, persuading us a few to cooperate with the third, hehe ... his character can be Isn't it so sincere and focused on the overall situation, is it possible that he has decided to make the Royal Sword in his heart? "

"Almost." Pu Yao, the fourth prince, smiled.

"Fourth brother, you also let me take a look at each other." Seventh Prince Ji Su continued: "My God Realm is damaged, you can think of the emperor at once ... It should be day and night thinking, and the soul is not keeping the house, and then unconsciously exposed the tone Right? Brother, do you have news of Emperor? "

"What about you?" Puja, the fourth prince, no longer smiled, and his expression became very serious: "What did you do for the first time you came over?"

"Of course it's a statement, let the third brother don't always stare at me." Seventh Crown Prince Ji Can said: "I can't help it anymore, I'm so annoyed? The harmony between the brothers is gone."

"It seems that you are right ..." Pu Yao, the fourth prince, suddenly sighed.

"What's right?" Seventh Prince Ji Su stunned.

"After the father's disappearance, our brothers have been separated from each other. They have long been separated from each other." Pu Yao, the fourth prince, shook his head while talking: "The third son tried to pinch us together, he was doing something impossible. Things ... "

"You figured it out too? Congratulations!" Seventh Prince Ji Can's smile became more evil.

"However, there is one thing, you have to help me, seven." Puja, the fourth prince, said: "This is a private matter of our two brothers."

"What? You talk about it first."

"Remember the disciple accepted by Lao Jiu?" Puja, the fourth prince, said.

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