The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1139: Xing Luojie

"Sister Sister ..." Zhen Miao Xingjun sighed: "Everything that can be left by the Emperor of the East is a star-level existence that separates the Sect. They already have their own world and no longer rely on the Emperor's. God Realm, if the five of them are willing to help you, you even have the qualification to monopolize the Star Realm! "

"Star master level exists?" He Lanfei Qiong paused: "Where do they need to listen to me?"

"They have been favored by the Emperor Dong for a long time. You are the heir of the Eastern Emperor. They naturally want to treat you kindly." Zhen Miao Xingjun said.

"Sister, you are walking in Xingyu, and your experience should be much deeper than mine." He Lanfeiqiong smiled: "These words ... Do you really believe it?" Although Helan Feiqiong is young, everything about her depends on herself The others did n’t say anything but Bai Shi, if she was alive, Bai Ze would naturally obey the rules. If she died, He Lan ’s expedition might not be able to control Bai Ze, maybe an inner bar would happen in a blink of an eye, unless He Lan Feiqiong Entering the state quickly, Bai Ze quickly left behind.

It ’s not that Bai Ze ’s nature is cold, and people ’s judgments and ideas will always change with the situation. Since He Lan Feiqiong received the Great Thousand Spirits, entering the territory can be described in thousands of miles. Bai Ze sees all this in his eyes, how Maybe it can resist such temptation? !

If Bai Ze is willing to assist the Helan expedition, it is his pure heart, and it is also common sense to repay He Lan Feiqiong for his support. If he tries to replace it.

Zhen Miao Xingjun stopped talking for a long time, and slowly replied: "If you have a chance, you should always try it."

He Lanfeiqiong smiled again, she did not have much hope for this matter.

"Shadow Demon ... hehe, you should be called Demon now, but I always forgot to change my mind." Zhen Miao Xingjun's eyes turned to Su Tang: "This time I wanted to persuade you to help me, but I didn't expect that But you have been persuaded, so that's fine ... It is a heavy burden to put down, success or failure, depends on your own fortune. "

"I feel that there is not much hope, because I am not willing, so I want to work hard again at last." Su Tang smiled bitterly as he took out the crystal ball: "The blood of the poor light seems to have little effect. In the direction of the blood lead, I do n’t know how many star fields have been crossed, but the blood lead has not changed. "

"Take me a look." Zhen Miao Xingjun extended his hand.

Su Tang handed the crystal ball over, and Zhen Xingjun took the crystal ball, narrowed his eyes for a moment, his eye waves suddenly changed, and then took a dark purple porcelain bottle from his own ring, dived his tail finger in, and then again Use your finger to lightly touch the crystal ball, a faint sparkle flashes out, and then it turns into a lingering smoke, slowly drifting to the outside.

The smoke leaked out of the door. Zhen Xingjun walked to the door a few steps, pushed the door open, and saw the smoke spread across the promenade, and then went down to the stairs.

It didn't take long for the ray of smoke to permeate the street. The pedestrians on the street felt weird, some bypassed the smoke, and some stopped, pointing at the smoke.

Seeing this scene, Su Tang, He Lan Feiqiong, and the others all changed their complexions.

"You've been fooled, and some people have done things in the blood of poor light." Zhen Miaoxing said.

"Let's go!" Su Tang whispered.

The peasant threw some Rongshen Pills, and the first flew out of the window. Su Tang and others followed.

A few hours later, Su Tang and others have left the original domain from Xing Lu. Although the strength of Zhen Xing Xing Jun is very poor, she has Pegasus to travel and can keep up with everyone.

Su Tang and others stabilized their bodies and looked towards the star road at the rear. The wonderful Xingjun took out a dark purple small porcelain bottle again. The dim smoke diffused out of the crystal ball again, and continued to explore the one they had just walked out of. Star road.

"It seems that this thing will be thrown away, otherwise no matter where we go, we can't avoid their tracking." He Lanfeiqiong frowned.

"It's easy to throw it away, but we can't find the true **** to be poor." Xi said.

"It's okay, there is me." Zhen Miao Xingjun smiled: "Don't forget, I am a disciple of the emperor, and the sword of the royal man is the spiritual treasure of my master!"

"What do you do?" Su Tang asked.

"You just follow me first." Zhen Miao Xingjun said, then she put the crystal ball in the sling of Pegasus, and then suddenly shot, her fingertips hit the horse's neck, and the Pegasus hurt. , Immediately screamed, spread his wings, and swept away without looking back.

"Just like that." Zhen Miaoxing said: "When they find Pegasus and find something different, we will have gone without a trace."

"I'll take you away," said Ge, as he released his appearance, and as a mass of blood swelled, he turned into a giant mosquito again.


A few days later, they came to an unfamiliar star field, and could not find the star road, but Zhen Xingjun was very familiar with this area, and he fell into the cloud, and there was an ordinary mountain forest below. Next, there is only a very small wooden house, which has not been repaired in a long time, and seems to have been abandoned.

After recovering the truth, Miao Xingjun first landed in front of the wooden house. She looked back at Su Tang with a strange look, then walked in with a smile.

When Su Tang and other mermaids walked into the wooden house, Zhen Xingjun had lifted a few planks in the corner, and a black hole was exposed below.

Jumping down, I saw a very narrow channel, not very far, and suddenly a group of fierce scorpions swarmed out of the cracks in the cave wall, and the claws of the teeth attacked them, but the worst stars here are the worst. In Xingjun Realm, ordinary scorpions actually attacked them, undoubtedly looking for their own way of death, they didn't need to do anything at all, just released their breath at will, and crushed a large group of scorpions into meat.

The remaining scorpion was in a bad mood, and then drilled back along the fissure and walked to the front. The real star Jun said softly: "We have stocked the scorpion here to prevent some mortals from entering by mistake and triggering our prohibition. . "

"Where is this place?" Asked the girl muffledly. The place here was too narrow, making him very uncomfortable.

"You will know by the front." Zhen Miao Xingjun said.

Not too far away, a cliff appeared in front of him. Zhen Xingjun stopped and took a few pieces of magic symbols from Nahua. She carefully separated them and hit them one by one on Su Tang and others.

"Almost, come with me!" Zhen Miaoxing said, and then jumped out of the cliff, she did not release the imperial art, and she fell straight down.

Su Tang and others also jumped out of the cliff, and after falling more than a hundred meters, a curtain of light bloomed suddenly, wrapped their bodies in it, and then a flower in front of them, a lush world appeared below them.

This should be a spirit domain. The strange thing is that the spirit domain is very small, only about 100 acres in area, surrounded by a deep darkness.

There is a grass field in the spirit field. A man wearing a straw hat is busy in the grass field. He seems to be a farmer carrying a bamboo basket full of young plants.

Sensing the fluctuation of spiritual power, the farmer looked up and looked up, Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong were both stunned. Then He Lanfeiqiong said with a smile: "Fenyu Xingjun, why are you here?"

"I've always been here, Qianhua Xingjun, I haven't seen you for a long time." Fenyu Xingjun also smiled, but when he saw Su Tang, his face sank, and then said: "It's wonderful Xingjun, why are you messing with him again? "

"Fenyu Xingjun, it used to be misunderstanding, don't talk nonsense." Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "You don't know yet? Qianhuan and Shadow Demon are both descendants of the Eastern Emperor!"

"What?" Fen Yu Xingjun was stunned, his eyes widened: "What are you kidding?"

"Why did I make a joke with this kind of thing?" Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "It's a long story, let's talk while walking."

Fenyu Xingjun hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Okay ..."

He is accustomed to the idea of ​​Zhen Xingxing Jun to take his idea. Although he is suspicious of Su Tang, he can only bear it.

In the middle of the spirit domain, there is a small courtyard, the construction craft is very simple, should be completed by Fenyu Xingjun independently.

Under the leadership of Fenyu Xingjun, a few people walked into the main room, and there was an inner room in the main room. Zhenxian Xingjun quickly stepped forward and reached out and gently wiped the door curtain of the inner room door. A burst of brilliance.

Zhen Miao Xingjun turned his head, and once again put Su Tang and others on the charm, then went to the inner room.

There is another flower in front of them, and there is another very similar spiritual realm in front of them, but the scenery in the spiritual realm is different. Fenyu Xingjun has planted the elixir he needs in the spiritual realm there. There is no weeds here, and there is no house. There is only a vine rack in the middle. There is a crystal on the side. There is a Taishi chair under the grape shelf. An old man is sitting on the Taishi chair and closing his eyes to raise his mind.

"Good fragrance ..." He Lanfeiqiong said softly.

The grape shelf is covered with grapes, each of which is golden yellow, and emits a burst of bright light, which is not an ordinary product at a glance.

The old man opened his eyes to see Zhenxingxingjun, stood up quickly, bowed and said, "Master!"

"Don't care about me, I just passed a few friends." Zhen Miao Xingjun said softly.

Su Tang suddenly stopped, and He Lanfeiqiong was also thoughtful. The wonderful star paused for a while, then smiled and said, "See?"

"The layout here is very similar to Daqianling ..." He Lanfeiqiong whispered.

"It's not like it, it's a copy." Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "The emperor Zhi Zhi is peculiar. He doesn't need to practice, he can accumulate aura, so he spends almost all his time in other areas. For example, he created this Xing Luo Realm according to the layout of the Great Thousand Spirits. "

"This is the handwriting of Emperor Zhi?"

"Well, it's just a pity that Zhi Huang couldn't find the corresponding spirit treasure. Xingluo Realm is still much different from your big thousand spirit species." Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "Your big thousand spirit species can live Innumerable, each spirit is a world, and the starry world ... hehe, you also saw it. "

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