The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1144: Rolling

At this moment, He Lanfeiqiong has raised his fist to the extreme, and then punched out.

The strength of Qijiequan condensed into an overwhelming tsunami and swept straight towards the second prince. At the same time, the thousands of ray of light lingering around He Lanfeiqiong also turned into a shooting star, wrapped in the strength of the fist.

The two pupils of the second prince Yun suddenly shrunk, he could not care about the punching power of Qijiequan, but the starlight wrapped in the punching strength made him feel the threat of death.

At the moment when Daqianling Seeds shot, the sky and earth suddenly became dark. Where the stars swayed, they could clearly see that the air had been ripped out by Daqianling Seeds with countless thin cracks.

"Bulling the sky ..." The second prince Yun Lai withdrew and retreated, calling out the emperor's monarch's nickname. Then he pulled out an exquisite and small umbrella with his backhand, and Shen Nian worked hard.

Boom ... countless meteors exploded in succession, seeming to destroy the shock wave of the world, the ground around the second prince Yun'an was cracking, and the adjacent small mountain village had been completely crushed into smoke , And the hill behind the second prince Yun'an struck one after another in the impact of starlight.

The whole world seems to be broken. At least within a few kilometers of He Lan Feiqiong and the second prince Yunai, it is full of doomsday scenes. If there is no Divine Guardian, the people in it will escape the turbulent turbulence. Burned to death by the seemingly boiling air.

Seeing this kind of scene, the wives and annihilators in the distance are struggling for a while, skimming to the distance to avoid being affected. The real star king is far away, but she ca n’t escape alone, trying to observe On the battlefield, she couldn't see anything. Even though she had walked tens of thousands of meters away, she was still in a storm formed by turbulence, and the world was full of flying sand and rocks.

Only Prince Eryun ’s umbrella remained calm. Before the attack, Prince Eryun ’s teeth were clenched and his eyes were wide open. He had used his full strength, but when the first attack exploded, he Suddenly relaxed.

He Lanfeiqiong's momentum was extremely appalling, and even reminded him of the Eastern Emperor of that year. When he was a young boy, he was a wild and unrestrained monk. There are some awes in the Heavenly Dao. There are not many who dare to ignore the Heavenly Dao and run wild, and the Emperor Dong is one of them.

However, the Emperor Dong, who had a career in killing, met the Emperor, and suffered many defeats and defeats. After many years of struggle, he was subdued by the Emperor and finally became the mainstay of the emperor ’s heaven. His anger was also resolved. Many, but still the number one fighting madman in Emperor Day.

He Lanfeiqiong's momentum is very similar to that of the Eastern Emperor, but the actual combat power is much worse.

Booming ... Fisting around with starlight, bombarding down constantly, the small umbrella in the hands of Prince Eryun's hands has been transformed into a light curtain, covering the surrounding space of more than 100 meters in a circle. During the impact, Prince Eryun's He kept retreating back, he didn't want to retreat, but could not help himself.

However, He Lanfeiqiong gave a full blow, and that was the end. It was possible to push the second prince back to the limit. With her power, she wanted to hurt a true god-level existence. That is impossible.

The starlight became dim, and He Lanfeiqiong took a slow breath. Her body was trembling slightly. Although the power of this punch was amazing, she also consumed too much spiritual power.

The second prince Xun Lai put down the umbrella in her hand and looked up at He Lan Feiqiong in the distance. The annoyance, anger, and anger just now all disappeared. Instead, she went deep into the calm of the bone marrow.

For a moment, the second prince Yunao suddenly smiled: "It's a pity ... you are only in the Star Realm, and you are not allowed to stay!" The voice just fell, and the second prince Yuna's figure flew up like lightning, and flew straight at He Lanfeiqiong.

At the beginning, he was still thinking about catching alive, because Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong revealed too many secrets, he was curious, but after seeing Helan Feiqiong's practice, he changed his mind, He Lanfeiqiong had won the Emperor A little true story, such a monk must be killed!

The second prince Yun's figure had just started, Su Tang suddenly flew from the side, He Lanfeiqiong shot all out, and even he had to walk away. Although he and Helan Feiqiong were together, the big thousand spirits did not recognize him. He will not avoid him.

"Dead!" The second prince Yun'an didn't look at Su Tang at all, but flicked the umbrella in his hand gently. In his mind, the only person who had to kill immediately was He Lan Feiqiong.

Boom ... Umbrella shadow suddenly turned into a swelled light curtain, facing Su Tang, but Su Tang not only did not retreat, but accelerated the speed, because when he pulled the magic sword from the scabbard, the magic sword There seemed to be something broken, and he suddenly developed an indescribable courage, the second **** of the true **** class, Xun Pai, was just a small mosquito to him.

Su Tang did not understand how this kind of near-crazy self-confidence was born, but he chose to trust his instincts.

Sword shadow is like a note, instantly penetrated the light curtain, and curled straight to the second prince Yuna.

The second prince was stunned, and immediately opened his umbrella.

Boom ... If the second prince was hit hard, his figure flew out into the distance, and a spit of blood spit out.

Su Tang was in a state of indifference, his figure threw himself again, and the magic sword waved with all his strength.

Second Prince Yun's head dropped and looked at the umbrella in his hand. A deep crack had appeared on the umbrella. Numerous arcs of light spewed out of the crack. The faster and faster the spray, the more urgent the spray. She suddenly understood something, and then screamed: "Huang Tian ..."

This scream came from far away, and Zhen Xingjun heard it, as well as the ghosts and annihilation. The former became dumbfounded, while the latter's movements became apparently stiff.

Su Tang continued to chase after the second prince Yunai, a sword was faster than a sword, the strange power that had just bred, made his courage more and more agitated. It seemed that he could easily destroy this original field with a sword. The great existence of the true **** realm is nothing extraordinary.

The second prince Yunai no longer dared to parry the sword light released by Su Tang, and drifted back one after another. For a moment, he suddenly roared: "It's daring!" The voice did not fall, and the light curtain that enveloped him exploded and turned into Countless light and shadows, rolling in all directions.

"It's a real dragon illusion! Let's avoid its sharp edge first ..." The real star king in the distance screamed anxiously.

However, Su Tang in the fierce battle could not hear it at all, nor could He Lan Feiqiong, who was hurrying to adjust her breath in place, could not hear her. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she secretly prepared while watching the battle.

Su Tang showed the magic sword, and the sword light rolled towards the approaching light and shadow. Those light and shadow had been transformed into a piece of looming dragon, rushing at him from all angles.

Boom Boom ... With just a sword, more than a hundred light dragons were cut off by him and turned into scattered light spots. This scene made Su Tang's confidence more firm.

However, after Su Tang forcibly broke into the thousands of dragons, the second prince Yun's body had disappeared. Su Tang could not help but froze for a moment. At this moment, the image of a light dragon in the back was distorted. Then the second prince Yunai rushed out of the Guanglong, raised his hand and punched at the back of Su Tang.

Su Tang responded very quickly, sensing that there was a sudden fluctuation of spiritual force in the rear, and immediately turned around, but the second prince Yun'an shot was faster, and the magic sword in Su Tang's hand was not yet able to swing, and his punch had hit his back heart.

Boom ... The aperture formed by Su Tang's body-protecting mind is violently oscillating like a bubble. His body flew out for more than 100 meters along his fist, and his face became blood red, and a mouthful of blood was about to flow from his The throat spewed out, but he swallowed it back.

In fact, the second prince Yunai had been hit hard when he attacked the God of Wisdom, but he just couldn't take care of it. He was almost destroyed by Su Tang and his mortal spirit treasure was hurt. The situation is not optimistic. In its heyday, this understatement was enough to kill Su Tang.

"Stupid!" Said the second prince Yun Lai coldly, then his figure flashed and disappeared again.

Numerous light dragons rolled towards Su Tang like tide water, and kept exploding on his body protection mind. The power released by the magic sword just let Su Tang relax his vigilance, thinking that the other party's spiritual formula is not great. But when he was completely in it, he understood that pressure.

Lines of light dragons pounce on him from all directions, no matter how powerful his magic sword is, it is impossible to break the void and annihilate all the air, and the layers of thousands of light dragons are like he is from all directions The pooled air made him unstoppable.

Booming ... The light of Su Tang ’s body protection mind is quickly dimming. For a true god-level existence, Guanglong ’s attack power is indeed very weak. Su Tang has suffered thousands of attacks in the blink of an eye. , His body protection mind was not broken, but the other party ’s psychic victory over Yiroukang, up, down, left and right, and there were surging light dragons everywhere, even if Su Tang had three heads and six arms, there was no way to resist this kind of continuous nonstop Full-scale attack.

Su Tang's thoughts were turned, and the amnesty order Lingmantra was immediately released, and a charm appeared in his palm, and then exploded, the light curtain formed by the charm completely swallowed the surrounding light dragons in it.

Su Tang didn't have time to relax, the second prince Yun'an figure appeared without any warning behind him, raised his hands and threw three punches in succession, the first punch made Su Tang's Lingfu light curtain violently shocked, the second punch The light curtain was torn apart, and the third punch was hitting Su Tang's body protection mind.

Su Tang groaned and immediately turned around, but the second prince Yun's figure disappeared again, and then appeared again behind him. Su Tang backhanded a sword, and the sword light rolled straight to the second prince's 屑 屃, the second prince's 屑 屃With a sneer, the figure changed positions one after another.

Su Tang's Jianguang had just bloomed, but found that the second prince Yunai had switched to his left, Jianguang whirls sharply, but then found that the second prince Yunai appeared again in the sky.

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