The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1149: Retreat

The young man didn't sense the fluctuations of the Demon Demon Record, otherwise it wouldn't? This calm, but, the hostility from the Western Emperor reminded him of the past unconsciously, and his emotions were agitated.

"All the cause and effect are derived from this ..." The young man sighed again: "It's a good thing to beat a snake without killing seven points. It sounds good, but if you change a situation or a different angle, you might have to think carefully. The world is changing. , The sun and the moon are changing, the people's hearts are changing, and even Taoism is changing. In fact, all things in the world have never been set in stone. The rules I adhere to must also change. That time ... it was my fault. "

The middle-aged man in a red robe could not understand or dare to talk indiscriminately. After waiting for a moment, a glance at the corner of his eyes suddenly found something strange and said with courage: "Master, is your spiritual treasure missing something? "

Above the young man's head, hovered a round mirror-like thing, densely covered with eyes, all eyes blinked at the same frequency, but in the center of the round mirror, there was a cup-sized The black hole, and the eyes around the black hole, looked dull, and the shape was slightly twisted, as if it had been hit hard.

"You see it?" The young man smiled.


Sumo and Zhen Xingjun waited in fear, but after a little more than a hundred hours, Su Tang floated out of the tree shadow and was ushering in the brilliance released by the Demon Record. He suddenly realized and hurriedly waved. The Demon Demon Recorder was received back.

"Tianmo, are you okay?" Zhen Miao Xingjun said quickly.

"Fortunately." Su Tang glanced in the direction of He Lan Feiqiong: "But we have to find a place to retreat and retreat for some time."

"Qian Huan's injury is serious?" Zhen Miao Xingjun couldn't help but sink in her heart. He Lan Feiqiong had the inheritance of the Eastern Emperor. Whether she could grow up enough to affect the future direction of Tiandao League, Zhen Miao Xingjun was very concerned.

"That's a true god-level existence ..." Su Tang smiled bitterly: "I can help her heal, but the damaged repair has to depend on her."

"I know him, he is the second prince!" Zhen Miao Xingjun said.

"I also know." Su Tang said, he didn't know before, but at this moment the second prince Yun'an has been suppressed in the Demon Demon Record, and he has learned enough information.

Liu "I didn't expect that ... the air extinction turned out to be a spy of a real dragon!" Zhen Miao Xingjun gritted his teeth and said: "It's my fault, it's affecting you."

"It's not just you can't think of it, we are also caught off guard." Moo sighed.

"How long has Airborne joined the Heavenly Dao League?" Su Tang asked.

"At least it has been thousands of years." Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "He can really hold his breath. He has been guarding the dojo outside the town. There were many opportunities to return to Zongmen, but he gave up."

"You seem to know him well?" Su Tang asked again.

"He and Elder Wu are very good." Zhen Miao Xingjun explained.

"This time, it is estimated that we have no chance to chase down the true god." Said Xiao.

"Why do you say that?" Zhen Miao Xingjun froze.

"For the few real dragon princes, is the sword of the hero or the demon record important? Should it be self-evident ?!" Xi said: "The air destroyer should see the demon record, wait for him to send the news Back to the true dragon ... hey, will the few real dragon princes let us go? Not to mention, the devil seals the second prince Yunai in the Demon Demon Record, and they will turn all their energy to deal with ours. . "

"Don't worry, I have Xing Luojie, and I have been hiding for a year and a half. There should be no problem." Zhen Miao Xingjun said.

"I can't believe you anymore!" The girl sneered.

Zhen Miao Xingjun brought them to see the air this time, the main purpose is to let the two sides release their previous suspicions. Prince.

This woman is too good to provoke trouble, and the woman wants to stay away from the other party, try not to be mixed up.

"I have just said that this time it was my fault." Zhen Miao Xingjun said rightfully: "As for Xing Luojie, you don't need to question it."

What did the other want to say, Su Tang suddenly said: "Alright, let's go back."

The princess no longer spoke, Zhenxian Xingjun turned his head and swept down, Su Tang waved the tree shadow, lost his support and the unconscious He Lanfeiqiong planted again, he floated gently, hugged He Lanfei Joan.

In a few moments, several people had returned to the small village that had been completely destroyed. The wonderful star Jun pinched the spirit, a misty light slowly rose from the dust, she waved, and the first flew in. .

After entering the Xingluo Realm, the wonderful Xingjun fell beside an old woman and whispered a few words. The old woman was stunned and then scanned the grassland with her confused eyes.

Zhen Miao Xingjun sighed softly, and then flew towards the spirit array leading to the next star realm. The old woman stayed in place for a long time before turning around and taking a stiff pace towards this side. Come.

It's just that her vision towards Zhen Xia Xingjun seems to be a little unsound. In the sorrow and unwillingness, there is a hidden hatred.

Most monks can cover up their fluctuations very well. The old woman did not deliberately show it to Zhen Xiaojun, but it was difficult for herself.

"What's going on?" Su Tang whispered.

"Aren't you worried that the monks of the real dragon will chase you in?" Zhen Miao Xingjun said: "I'm going to destroy this astral world and cut off all traces, so you should be at ease?"

Su Tang frowned. Although Zhenxing Xingjun wanted to ensure everyone's safety as much as possible, the practice was a bit rough. For example, his evil monarch station, evil monarch station recognized him as the master, and the monks of the human world were investigating. Before breaking the starry sky barriers, he practiced in the Evil Monarch Terrace. If he suddenly announced that he would destroy the Evil Monarch Terrace, it is estimated that the monk of the Evil Monarch Terrace would be in an uproar, and he would not dare to say anything on the surface. Mindful, this kind of thing cannot be used to distinguish right from wrong simply by ownership. They practiced in Evil Monarchy all the year round, and have already regarded Evil Monarchy as their own home.

However, this is the housework of Zhen Xingjun, and he can't say much.

After passing through several star circles one after another, the wonderful star suddenly stopped his body, then turned his head and said, "Let's rest here."

Su Tang glanced around, and then slowly placed He Lanfeiqiong in the grass. Although Helan Feiqiong's face turned a little ruddy at the moment, her eyes were closed and she had not recovered.

Su Tang took out the Demon Demon Record, he no longer used Shennian to suppress the fluctuations of the Demon Demon Record. A firework burst suddenly, immediately hit the edge of the astral world, was bounced back, and turned into a piece of light rain, Zhen Miao Xing stared for a while, and then showed his ecstasy.

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