The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1154: Evil tiger

"What? The ancient real dragon is in front ?!" Zhen Miao Xingjun was taken aback, and his face had become ashen.

"I don't know where, I only know that he must be in Wanhua House." Su Tang said slowly.

"How can the ancient real dragon do?" He Lanfeiqiong said: "Seeing you, he can't even escape, can he dare to come out and stop us?"

Zhen Miao Xingjun had already sprung back, and was ready to persuade Su Tang and He Lan Feiqiong. Hearing these words, he was stunned again. Su Tang had just talked to her briefly about some things, but did not mention it. And the ancient real dragon, she did not know that the ancient real dragon had suffered a big loss in the hands of Su Tang, and was almost sealed by Su Tang in the extermination record.

"Can't be careless." Su Tang shook his head: "The strength of the ancient real dragon is unfathomable. He has been hit hard and lost his real soul. With that broken body, he can actually escape the seal of the Demon Devil, if he In the heyday, it is estimated that turning between palms can make us die. "

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world." He Lanfeiqiong said.

At this moment, the dazzling bloom of light suddenly burst into the night sky. Su Tang and others looked up together and found that two huge light groups were chasing and agitating in the deep night sky. After the barrier of the sky, it infiltrated into the Wanhua House, which seemed to make the whole world bleak.

After all, Su Tang and He Lan Feiqiong arrived in the Star Realm, and the pressure generated by the spiritual shock spread to this side, and there was little left, so they could keep calm, and the Real Star King could not sustain it, True God Level The great power fluctuations will have a crushing effect on the monks of the ordinary star monarchy.

"That's ..." Moo took a breath.

The battle in the starry sky seems to have divided the victory and defeat. One of the light groups was fully separated and fell straight towards the sky of Wanhuafu, while the other light group was hotly pursued and disappeared in the sky in a blink of an eye. Shock, everything is calm.

"They seem to have entered Wanhua Mansion ..." He Lanfeiqiong said slowly: "Did you feel it? The pressure in the Forbidden God's Realm suddenly increased a lot."

"Only one came in." Su Tang said softly.

"How do you know?" He Lanfeiqiong stunned.

"Look for yourself." Su Tang nodded the sky with his jaw.

He Lanfeiqiong turned his head to look up, and was seeing a huge light cluster reappear, passing through the starry sky, and soon disappeared into the depth of the starry sky.

"Come in ... Could it be that the true **** is poor?" Xie said: "The one who drove him in is Xihuang?"

"No wonder Xihuang let us come to Wanhua House." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"It seems that he has planned it for a long time." Zhen Miao Xingjun smiled bitterly: "He was really considerate to you, actually sent you such a gift, but ... you may not be able to eat it. "

"No." Su Tang shook his head and said: "True God Qiongguang was originally going to enter Wanhua Mansion, and Xihuang was only a symbolic stop to consume the power of True God Qiongguang."

"Why do you say that?" Zhen Miao Xingjun said.

"Because the ancient dragon is here." Su Tang said.

"What should we do? Do we have to go back and block the true god's poor light?"

"It's so big, and it's more than just this road. It's useless to go back." Su Tang pointed his hand forward, where it was the direction that triggered the real soul restlessness: "Go over there, if the true **** is poor Ancient Dragon, we will meet him sooner or later. "

Although I do n’t know what Su Tang ’s reasons are, He Lanfeiqiong and Piomi both believe in Su Tang ’s judgment. As for the real star king, there is no idea at all at this moment. Seeing He Lanfeiqiong and Piomi have no objections, I have to go with you .

Along the way, they quickly passed through the Greedy Wolf Country, and to Luofeng Mountain, the official quotes they bought were indeed useful. In fact, the country composed of monsters did not want to really provoke the practitioners. There are official quotes in their hands. With respect and recognition of their country system, the demon races can never go wrong.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and it was still safe. Although there was no official quote, the monsters encountered on the way would not deliberately embarrass them.

Looking at the hills in the distance, Su Tang suddenly stopped his body and said: "Here ..."

While Su Tang was talking, in another place, a figure was looking at the endless mountains in front and sighed, "Finally arrived ..."

Several huge tigers walked out of the forest slowly. A pair of unsightly eyes accumulated on the figure, but they did not dare to move. The figure was thin and long, with a thin eagle nose and a line of sight like a blade. Sharp, carrying a giant sword with a simple and dignified shape on his back. The giant sword has no sheath. Even in the Forbidden God's realm, they still exude a fierce breath. They are not only afraid of that person, but also that sword.

The figure didn't seem to see the tigers with bad intentions, and suddenly took a big step forward.

More and more tigers came out of the forest on both sides. They slowly gathered together and followed the figure forward. It was not long. The tigers gathered together had almost reached thousands.

These huge tigers gathered together to form a very terrifying atmosphere, but the figure did not care at all, walking leisurely on its own path until there was a buzzing in front, and countless bees with white jade gloss When the overwhelming flood came, his eyes only appeared to freeze for a short time, then suddenly stopped, and said in a loud voice: "Lu Wu, Baihao, you two have been working as watchdogs for so many years, you should also take a break. Do you really want to force me to shoot? "

That figure's voice is not loud, but it seems to have inexplicable penetration, passing through the jungle, passing the mountains, and echoing pieces, as if there are countless people roaring.

In the depths of the forest, there was a high platform. Two people sat on the high platform like dead wood, and the voice of the figure passed by them. For a moment, one of the handsome young men said: "It really is him, How to do?"

"The lord will not come to us if he has a chance to live." Another burly brawn said nonchalantly: "This time the lord is really out of business, what should I do? Just do what you should do . "

The young man was silent, and for a long time he shook his head: "I'm just afraid ... we can't stop him for long."

"It's just a fight." The burly man said.

Su Tang, who was on the side of the mountain, did not know what was happening more than a hundred miles away, but he sensed that the position of the ancient real dragon seemed not far away from him, so he proposed to rest for a day first, and he should use his best state Facing the ancient real dragon.

In the early morning, Su Tang and others set off again, but after only more than ten miles, they all sensed a dangerous breath and couldn't help but stop and carefully observe the forest in front.

For almost a dozen breaths, with a rustling sound, a huge golden tiger stepped out of the forest. The tiger was injured, and his eyes were blind. Natural, but these can't conceal the crazy murderous opportunities it emits.

"There are really monsters who dare to come to trouble." He Lanfeiqiong frowned.

"It's just killing." Moo sneered.

"There is more." Su Tang frowned.

At this moment, a tiger of the same shape came out of the forest, and their pose was several miles long, condensed into a tide, and slowly came up to this side.

"So many ..." Zhen Miao Xingjun changed color, she was just Xingjun, and was affected by the Forbidden God's Realm. The tigers on the opposite side were very large, with a head and tail of eight or nine meters, and their weight might have reached a thousand pounds. If she can release all her combat power, she is not afraid. In the current state, she can only deal with a few tigers at most. If surrounded by tigers, she must be torn apart.

"I'm afraid it can't be avoided." Su Tang said softly: "Well, you pay attention to the protection, and leave the rest to us."

"Fight ..." He Lanfeiqiong left two words, and rushed straight into the throng of tigers. The remnant soul of the Eastern Emperor was awakened by the aura forced by Su Tang for the day, although it only lasted for a moment, it was completely The smoke disappeared, but for He Lan Feiqiong, that moment was several years, because Dong Huang used Shennian to teach her.

So at this moment, He Lanfeiqiong was very grateful to Su Tang, but she was very good at covering up her emotions, and did not show a little bit.

She almost lost her chance. When she just started to practice, even though the Emperor Dong had so much experience and insight, she could n’t tell her, just like a little kid who had n’t even touched a knife, let him learn space weapons. The repair and maintenance is a waste of time.

After He Lanfeiqiong has been promoted to the star master, and qualified to learn, the remnant soul of the Eastern Emperor has run out of light. If it is not Su Tang who forcibly poured into infinite spiritual power, the remnant soul of the emperor will gradually fade away. Opportunity for dialogue.

That is not only a regret, but also a loss, a huge loss!

It was Su Tang who saved all of this. In the end, the Emperor Dong went very well and said everything he should say. The reason why He Lan Feiqiong trusted him so much was because of the messages left by the Emperor Dong.

In the past, He Lanfeiqiong practiced Shanhai Jue, and his fist was like a mountain and sea. He fought hard and hard into the unobstructed, because the heart and soul of Shanhai Jue was to destroy the withered will. The stronger the will, the stronger the fist.

Now He Lanfeiqiong, the boxing is a little less domineering, a little more light, of course, the strength has not become lighter, the first looted tiger was hit by her boxing jaw, and the huge body looks like a big one. Flying up like a worm, flying a dozen meters high, and rolling out of the distance, it fell heavily on the ground.

If there is no restriction on the domain of the forbidden god, this punch is nothing, but at this moment, it can also release such a fierce force, which is surprising, and even Su Tang and the moan can not help but stay.

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