The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1162: Legal world

Boom ... The sword light of Su Tang and He Lan Feiqiong's fist, both hit the back of the third prince Zhan Xuan, now Su Tang and He Lan Feiqiong have recovered their strength, their attack is much stronger than just now There was obviously a violent shock in the realm of the mind of the third prince.

However, the third prince Zhan Lian always focused on the ancient Zhenlong and continued to fly forward. Although the ancient Zhenlong was at an absolute disadvantage, his expression was not panic-stricken, and he opened his mouth and spit out a note.

Boom ... Su Tang only felt a sudden dimness in front of him, and then an inexplicably irresistible force pulled him down, and the flat field at his feet seemed to become a void.

Su Tang wanted to get rid of that kind of power, but he could n’t even move a small finger, and could only feel his own falling deeper and deeper, until he entered the endless darkness, the time seemed extraordinarily long, it seemed that after a few hours, even After a few months, suddenly felt a slight shock, he was finally able to see things again.

At the next moment, Su Tang showed his astonishment. He could see He Lan Feiqiong, he could see the maid, and he could see the ancient Zhenlong and the third prince, he was normal. However, he even saw that it seemed to have returned to normal. The real star king, with a terrified look on his face, touched his body with his hands, and then screamed: "What's going on? What's wrong with me ?!"

Not only the true star king, but he also saw the poor light of the true **** who had become alive again. The true light of the poor **** also had a look of terror, as if he did not understand how he could stand up again. Then, the poor light of the true **** flashed Excessive hatred, wanting to plunder away.

That kind of feeling is weird. Su Tang knew that True God Qiongguang was about to escape, and understood that True God Qiongguang also made efforts for this, but there seemed to be an inexplicable force that forced True God Qiongguang to stay in place, at most a few Down, but simply can not go.

Then, True God Qiongguang stretched out his hand and stroked it on his body, his movement was exactly the same as that of True Star King.

Su Tang saw Xiaoding again, as well as the red jade card and the small blue bird shrunk into a ball. Suddenly, he made a terrible discovery.

Su Tang can't see himself, he can clearly see everyone in the field, but he can't see himself alone!

He knew that he definitely existed, but he could find any proof of existence.

Su Tang wanted to touch his body with his hands, but he didn't feel anything, his body seemed to have turned into nothingness.

"Mom ... Mommy ... I'm going to die ..." Little Dot sobbed in horror.

"No! You will not die!" Su Tang barely calmed his mind.

"Mom ... Mom, why don't you talk? Woooo ..." Little Dot panicked more and more.

Su Tang froze for a moment, he wanted to say something more. At this moment, the scream of the ghost came from the other side: "Heaven Demon! Save me! I seem to be sealed by the spirit array. … "

Before Su Tang could answer, Zhen Xingjun screamed again: "Heaven, speak, what's wrong with me? Qian Huan, where are you all? I can't move ... Come and pull me, I can't move ... "

However, He Lanfeiqiong, suspended in the dark, remained silent, and didn't seem to hear the real star king near him calling for help. With a thoughtful look, she slowly glanced around.

Su Tang suddenly realized that in this strange space, all people were isolated, they could not see each other's existence, nor could they hear each other's voice.

Only he is not affected, but why? !

At this moment, the ancient Zhenlong, who appeared to be in very poor condition, laughed loudly: "Rebel, the pardon is only used to hide people's eyes and ears, can't think of it? In this non-self, all your bells and whistles are used. If you do n’t, you ca n’t do it if you want to go out, unless your spiritual knowledge is stronger than mine! ”

Su Tang frowned suddenly, and he felt something moving in his body.

The third prince Zhan Xuan bowed her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Every pardon is forbidden, how can the old guys be left alone ?!" Elder Zhenlong smiled with pride: "You should be very satisfied with this gift ?!"

"Not in my realm? It's a pity that you've used it before." The two pupils of the third prince Zanxuan exuded a cold murderous opportunity.

"What?" The laugh of Elder Zhenlong suddenly froze.

"I think at the beginning, you joined forces to break into the Heavenly Core Elemental Point. The Emperor found the Emperor Zhi in the Elementary Point, and you got the dharma arcade, and used the law to imprison him, and finally used it to reinvent the Emperor." The crown prince said, "I am right?"

"You ... how do you know?" Elder Zhenlong apparently lost his calm.

In fact, before and after the seal of the Tianhe, the tribes of the **** demon once appeared a short honeymoon period. The emperor and the ancient real dragon and the nine-wing real demon reached a consensus. Because of this, the ancient purple partridge had to choose to avoid the world and hide. The Jiuyi true demon, with monstrous hatred, vowed not to share the sky with the Jiuyi true demon, but she had been married to the ancient real dragon, and the ancient real dragon had great wings. And, more importantly, if she rejects the opinion of Elder Zhenlong and tears her face away, she will become a big joke, and eventually her heart will be ashamed, and she will never ask foreign affairs.

Moreover, as the most reliable comrade-in-arms of the Taikoo Purple Thrush, the Taihuang also changed his original intention. He believed that the tribes had been murdered for a long time, and all the disputes should be ended. Slightly withdraw.

It's just that the ancient Zhenlong always has his own abacus. He thinks that the reason for the dispute is because of the lack of a real strong and powerful master. The Taihuang, Taikoo Purple Thrush, and Nine Wings Real Demons are too powerful, and they are so powerful that none of them can completely kill each other. The war that broke out from the Taikoo era and even hit the ancient times is a proof, unless the three of them One of them has a crushing force, otherwise the dispute will continue.

What's more, the momentum of the three tribes has been broken. In the early days of the Taikoo era, the Demon clan was the only one. The Taikoo purple monarch led the demon clan and the nine-wing true demon against each other. It was very difficult to stand up. When the emperor rose, the two deities joined forces , Jiuyi Zhenmo became difficult. By the time the ancients opened, the emperor founded by the emperor had a unique trend. On the surface, the ancient real dragon was still helping the ancient purple scorpion to fight against the demons, and actually had other ideas.

The ancient real dragon knows that the biggest enemy is not the Jiuyi true demon, but the Taihuang. In the dark, he advises the Taiko purple-gottle again and again. If he really kills the Jiuyi true demon and cuts off the demon root, the next step is to It is the turn of the demon clan, and the emperor will inevitably turn the spearhead to the demon clan.

But Taikoo purple mandarin refused to obey his advice, only upholding that ridiculous hatred, the ancient Zhenlong had to think that letting Taikoo purple manchurian go on like this would bring the whole demon tribe to the abyss of destruction.

This is also one of the three reasons why the ancient Zhenlong learned that the Taikoo purple mandarin had a close relationship with the Western Emperor, and the first was the disagreement, the second was that he would never allow the Taikoo violet mantra to betray him, and finally because Destruction Demon Record, Destruction Demon Record is a sword hanging above his head, if one day falls, he will definitely die.

After a long period of patience, he finally seized the opportunity and sealed the Nine-wing True Demon. Although the Emperor Tai escaped in time, he suffered too much damage, the spirit roots withered, and he fell away in a short time. The three giants have already fallen Going to the second one, only the Taiko purple greaves were left.

In fact, the third crown prince is affected by the ancient dragon. The ancient crown has always wanted to be the only master, but the third crown prince is more extreme than the ancient dragon.

The ancient real dragon at least did not deny the desire of the soul. He just wanted to be a general leader. All monks must obey his authority. As for the dispute between the monks, it is impossible to avoid it completely. The only true **** in Xingyu, the monks in Xingyu gradually degenerate, and finally become a baby-like ignorance of ignorance. He believes that power is the source of disputes, and losing power will naturally be dull.

What happened in the past has caused a huge impact on the ancient real dragon. He couldn't understand how could the third prince Zhan Lian know so much? !

"The Dharma Realm is not without flaws." The third prince Zhan Xuan said slowly: "As long as you defeat you, the Dharma World will naturally collapse." As soon as the words fell, the third prince Zhan Xuan slowly extended his hand.

In the palm of the third prince's hand, very thin black filaments appeared. Those black filaments were like living creatures, swimming in his fingers.

"True Demon Searching Soul ?!" The ancient Zhenlong screamed suddenly. Each of these words was sharper and higher than one: "You ... you and him ..."

"This is just the reward he paid me." The third prince Zhan Lian smiled: "I saved him hard, he should pay some price, right?"

"You actually ... believe him?" The ancient Zhenlong suddenly figured out a lot at this moment, and there was a grin on his face: "You don't understand what kind of deposit he is?" One day, you will be He swallowed the bones of the belt ... "

"This is not a worry for the father Wang," said the third prince Zhan Lian. "I never regarded him as a friend, only I learned some magic tricks from him."

The ancient Zhenlong was speechless. His two pupils stared at the third prince Luan. It seemed that the third prince Luan was a stranger to him. He wanted to recognize this son again.

"Father, you can go with peace of mind, I will let him accompany you." The third prince Zhan Xuan said slowly, then he suddenly pushed his palm forward, thousands of thin threads hidden in the darkness, disappeared Without a trace.

"You didn't use Tianmo Soul Soul at this time, was it to seize the legal realm ?!" Elder Zhenlong once again smirked. He thought he could defeat the defeat by virtue of the power of the legal realm. Su Tang and others were lost, and the show card from the third prince was so desperate.

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