The Magic Outfit

Chapter 26: Intercept

"Mr. Su, don't you need to say such bad words?" Zong Yiye was annoyed.

Su Tang smiled, then walked forward, Bao Lan followed behind Su Tang slowly, Zong Yiye hurriedly caught up with two steps, Shen said: "Mr. Su, haven't you answered me yet?"

"Smell incense." Su Tang shouted: "Can this guy stop harassing me?"

"Zong Yiye" Wen Xiang immediately understood the purpose of Zong Yiye, because Zong Yiye had also been chattering with her for a long time just now: "Are you okay to eat enough?"

Zong Yiye stopped and looked at Su Tang's back with a weird look, did he still bring a complaint?

If it was before, Zong Yiye wouldn't be so polite to Su Tang, but through these days of contact, Su Tang gradually revealed his own strength and mind, so Zong Yiye was a little worried.

In Feilu City, trapping and killing the Fangzheng Pavilion in Dakai Mountain, Zong Yiye was only responsible for the outer reconnaissance. Su Tang and the three of them easily solved their opponents. The subsequent series of drug schemes were planned by Su Tang in Feilu City.

In Zong Yiye's view, Su Tang's strength is unfathomable, his scheming and insidious cunning, coupled with Wenxiang's intimacy, for such a person, Zong Yiye really has no courage to attack and can only endure.

"They are here." Chu Zongbao said, with Chu Zongbao's words, everyone became quiet.

The people at the Hongyangmen escorted the carriage toward here. Their number was not much, just nine.

While walking, there was a sudden cry of exclamation in the forest by the road.Then, the two women rushed back out of the woods and ran to this side, and then they saw the samurai at the Hongyang Gate, and the faces of the two women appeared Panic, immediately changed direction, ran across the road in a diagonal stab, and rushed to the wilderness.

The two women were very beautiful, especially the younger ones, with their picturesque eyes, red lips and white teeth, very beautiful, and the warriors of Hongyang Gate all looked straight.

Swish ... swish swish ... Lin Zhong suddenly shot a dark shadow. The warriors of Hongyang Gate reacted very quickly, immediately jumped off the war horse, raised their weapons, and were ready to adapt.

It's just that the arrows didn't come to them. There was a terrible cry in the wilderness. Both women had counted arrows in their backs, and fell softly in the grass.

Such a ruthless girl should be cared for with great care. The samurai at Hongyang Gate felt a little unbearable.

At the next moment, a few horses rushed out of the forest. Immediately, they were sitting with tough archers. When they saw the samurai at the Hongyang Gate, they showed a look of uncertainty, and the horse stopped a little. The place where the two women fell was galloping away.

Riding closer, one of the archers stooped to pick up a snakeskin bag, but accidentally, the snakeskin bag was pulled away, and several long swords with dazzling brilliance fell on the ground. He seemed a little flustered, jumped off the horse hurriedly, picked up the long sword that fell to the ground, and then a few whistlers whistled and ran towards the forest.

The warriors at Hongyang Gate looked at each other, and it should be reasonable to say that they were escorting the body of the same gate.They should not be troublesome, but the glory of the long swords is glorious, and it is not an ordinary product at a glance. A few miles away, the courage is naturally much stronger near my hometown.

The elder warrior groaned for a moment, and suddenly shouted, "Where did the **** stand, dare to spread wildness in my Hongyang gate?"

Several archers heard the sound of drinking, struggling to whip, and the horse that ran down ran faster.The so-called bullying and fear of hardness should be a nature of intelligent life to protect themselves.If those few archers stop the horse, they are ready to start. Maybe they will think more about it, but when they see the other party running away in panic, they are obviously afraid, and the warriors of Hongyang Gate are soaring.

"I tell you to stop" The elder warrior shouted, and a sword light was radiated out at his finger, then called: "Fan Li, Jiang Hongtian, you guard the carriage, Zhao Xiaoping immediately returns to Shanmen to report, the others follow me Come"

Several archers have fled into the forest, and the elder warrior flew into the air, chasing straight into the forest.

The samurai named Fan Li and Jiang Hongtian stayed, Zhao Xiaoping urged the horse to gallop along the road, and the others followed the older samurai toward the woods.

Fan Li suddenly remembered something, turned around and walked to the place where the two women fell, walked forward, leaned down and probed one of the women's breath with her fingers, then cried in surprise: "Hongtian, she is still angry "

"Is it?" Jiang Hongtian hurried over and saw that the two women were lying on the ground with a few arrows in their backs. Their blood had stained their clothes. Jiang Hongtian leaned down and sniffed, then suspiciously said, "This blood ... doesn't seem to be ..."

"Not what?"

"Not human" Jiang Hongtian raised his eyebrows, then responded suddenly: "Be careful ..."

Jiang Hongtian reminded his companions while turning over, but his figure had just started, and a small black hand had been shot on his chest

Bang ... This palm instantly cut off all the vitality of Jiang Hongtian. He fell like a stone into the grass, his mouth closed one by one, but he couldn't make any sound.

Fan Ligang was about to move, and a flash of silver flashed over him. He covered his neck with his hands, his teeth creaked, blood ran out of his fingers, and his eyes were stained with red. Has fallen softly.

"It's pretty clever." Wen Xiang sneered, then flew up into the air and shot towards the woods at the other end of the avenue. Mei Fei also stood up and followed Wen Xiang's side.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoping, who was going back to Hongyangmen to report, had ran more than 100 meters away. He faintly felt wrong and turned his head back to look back.At this moment, the horse's front hoof suddenly stepped into the trapped pit, and that trapped Ma Hang was very shady, only the size of a sea bowl, and more than a foot deep. Once the horseshoe stepped in, the leg bones would definitely be broken. At the next moment, Zhao Xiaoping even led the horse and flew forward.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely fall miserably, and you may even be killed. However, for the practitioners, there is no harm. Zhao Xiaoping twisted in the air and turned over. At this moment, several shadows of arrows shot from both sides of the road. Shot.

Zhao Xiaoping pulled out his long sword, waved hard, and struck two arrow shadows.When the third arrow shadow struck his long sword, the arrow shadow suddenly turned into a living snake, with a tail curled up, and he caught his Long sword, then bit on his wrist.

Zhao Xiaoping screamed at the same time, desperately shaking his wrist, trying to throw the black snake out, and then several other arrow shadows all hit his body. Zhao Xiaoping lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The arrows are all living snakes. They are deeply inserted into Zhao Xiaoping's body, using the tail as a fulcrum, twisting non-stop, and don't know if they want to pull out their body or want to drill deeper.

The six warriors in Hongyang Gate rushed into the forest and heard the screams outside. They couldn't help but stop, and with a clatter, Tong Fei's figure shot out in the thickets, and the big hammer in his hand swept to it.

Because of the height, Tong Fei's standard sweeping thousand troops hit the warrior's knee, but the damage was enough, only a hammer, the warrior's legs were twisted out of shape, when the warrior wailed and fell, Tong Fei added another hammer, and the samurai's head shattered like a watermelon that fell to the ground.

"Killed him," the older warrior shouted, then stepped forward to pounce on Tong Fei.

The elder warrior's figure just moved, and a white ray of light shot from the middle of the forest to his back heart. He noticed that the sword light suddenly turned into a light curtain and rolled towards the back.

Boom ... that white light was shattered, and countless ice chips flew in all directions. The elder warrior's sword, wrists, arms, and even half of his body were covered with a layer of ice, and his shape could no longer be. Free Yukong, planted down.

This layer of ice only temporarily imprisoned his body, giving him one or two seconds, and he could break through the ice. At this moment, another white light came and was hitting his right rib.

Immediately after, Zong Yiye flashed out from behind the tree, raised his hand with a sword, and the flashing sword light pierced the throat of the elder warrior.

The remaining four Hongyangmen warriors panicked and turned to Lin Zhongchong. The figures of Wen Xiang and Mei Fei had arrived.

The battle came to an end almost instantly. When Wen Xiang's hand clapped to a warrior, Su Tang walked out of the bush and said, "Leave one."

Wen Xiang immediately closed her hand, and then kicked the warrior into the waist. The warrior flew to Su Tang involuntarily.

Su Tang avoided one step, and the detective grabbed the samurai's shoulder. The samurai completely lost his fighting spirit and gave up struggling.He just looked at the crowd around with fear.There were five masters and a dozen archers Even if he put on his wings, he couldn't escape.

"Tell me, what is the name of your elder Zhao?" Su Tang said: "I said I can spare you not to die."

"Call ... Zhao Chengdong." The samurai said without hesitation.

"Oh ..." Su Tang let go of the warrior and turned to walk outside the forest.

"It's too bad." Zong Yiye said with a lip: "Mr. Su, you don't have to spend so much money on them, just stop them."

"We don't know their strength. Be careful, there are only benefits, no harm." Su Tang said lightly: "Let's go, we have to hurry."

Wen Xiang, Zong Yiye and others followed Su Tang, the archers also put away their longbows, and the rest of the Hongyangmen warriors were surprised by their hearts, really let him go? Only thoughts started, and there was a wind behind him.

Tong Fei lifted his big hammer and was hitting the samurai's back. The hammer broke the samurai's backbone. The samurai made no sound and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

"Wait for me." Tong Fei shouted.

"You don't have to go." Su Tang replied: "With them, wait for my signal."


"Because you don't look like a good person." Su Tang said: "All four of us are enough."

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