The Magic Outfit

Chapter 222: secret

Wang Rui has unlocked the iron locks on Wu Shaoyun's hands and feet, and dragged Wu Shaoyun to run backwards, and disappeared into the ground immediately.The woman waited until the pillar of fire was extinguished and flew over the flat ground. , Slanting towards the underground, she paused, clenched her teeth, and then chased in.

Seeing that his companion disappeared, the man was not at ease and flew past while calling.

Wen Xiang was just about to take a step, Su Tang stopped her again, and said softly: "Not busy."

"Late Tinder will be gone." Wen Xiang anxiously said.

"Do you know what kind of fire is? How big is it? How to use it? Is it harmful to yourself? What effect can it release?" Su Tang asked several questions in one breath.

Wenxiang was stunned, and she could not answer any of them.

"You don't know, I don't know, so ... we should still ask people to understand." Su Tang smiled and then walked slowly forward.

The old man with the surname Gu was still sitting in the corner of the wall, and his body was motionless. Su Tang walked to the side of the surname Gu, slowly squatted down, and smiled, "Master Gu, your breathing has been messed up, is it all right? I have the Healing Saint Condensation Pills here, can I get you one? "

In the process of adjusting interest rates, the old man named Gu who should have forgotten me slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Tang. His eyes looked very complicated, hesitating for a moment, and sighed: "Thank you so much."

Su Tang turned around and waved, Wen Xiang came over and took out a small porcelain bottle.

Su Tang took Ninglu Pills, and then handed over the Ninggu Pills to the old man named Gu, who put the Ninglu Pills in front of the tip of his nose, sniffed gently, and revealed the happy color, then carefully took the Ninglu Pills Put away.

"Do not eat now? Because the situation will be very dangerous? Have no time to heal?" Su Tang asked.

"Cough ..." The old man surnamed Gu coughed.

"Let's start from the beginning." Su Tang said: "Master Gu, what are you doing here when you come to this leopard forest?"

"I just wanted to go around casually, and I will go to Anshui City to find you Su Gongzi in two days. I didn't expect that I had encountered such a thing." Said the old man named Gu.

"Master Gu, it's boring for you to say that. The so-called unprofitable is not too early, I don't believe you just want to walk around casually." Su Tang said slowly: "A person's ability is always limited, want to do big things, sure I need some helpers. It ’s not a day or two since I met you. You should know what kind of person I am. At least, I will never do anything that is profitable. ”

"Hehe ..." The old man with the surname Gu smiled, he would not forget that when he was in distress at the 18th set in Taohuayuan, Su Tang ran away alone.

Su Tang looked quietly at the old man named Gu. His face suddenly changed, and a mask with a metallic luster penetrated from his skin a little, and finally formed on his face.

The old man with the surname Gu immediately became stunned. He pointed to Tang with a trembling finger: "You ... you are ..."

"It's me." Su Tang said slowly, his mask began to disappear again, revealing his true face.

Su Tang turned his back to everyone, only Wen Xiang vaguely guessed some clues, the others did not know what happened.

"No wonder ... no wonder ..." The old man with the surname Gu smiled bitterly. In Taohuayuan, as soon as Su Tang left, the magic warrior appeared.

"Master Gu, my suggestion is good for you and me." Su Tang said: "Hehe ... I don't urge you, think about it yourself.

"I still have choices now?" Gu old man sighed, Su Tang has told him these big secrets, if he refuses, Su Tang will never let him leave this place alive, ordinary Cooperation will not work, he must hand over an equivalent secret to achieve the effect of mutual restraint, otherwise, after this cooperation, Su Tang will kill others as well.

Su Tang didn't speak, but looked at the old man with the surname Gu with a smile. The other party found this place entirely by himself, which also means that the old man with the surname Gu has a very special source of information. Traveling all over the mountains and rivers is definitely not fun.

"Long story short, I am from the Holy Gate." The old man named Gu said slowly.

"Oh?" Su Tang was surprised.

"But I'm not a disciple of the Holy Gate. When I was very young, I was a servant in Pengshan's Caniling until now." The old man named Gu said: "Do you know where the Caniling is?"

"I don't know, I heard it for the first time." Su Tang said.

"The people who live in the Caniling are all frustrated people." The old man named Gu said: "Some people accidentally missed their hands in the battle and were badly hit, repaired as a complete loss, and some made big mistakes and were beaten to death by the Holy See. If you see them, if you meet them, you absolutely can't think of it. Almost everyone who has lost their lives has a glorious past. "

"And I ... have been dealing with them." The old man with the surname Gu continued: "My qualifications are not good, and many of them have directed me, so I took a big detour and passed sixty years, Before being promoted to guru. "

"So many people are pointing you, how can you still make a detour?" Su Tangqi said.

"Everyone has a kind of thorough enlightenment and put it on themselves, which is the right way, but ... Concentrating their thorough enlightenment on one person is a waste." The old man named Gu smiled bitterly: "Today, someone told me Only by indulging in the landscape and the world of the game can we achieve positive results.I did what he said.As a result, after a while, someone told me that Tian Xingjian gentleman is self-improving. Follow his instructions and do it again and again ... naturally nothing will happen. "

"They said it was their way." The old man with the surname Gu also said: "It is the true practice to realize a way that belongs to you. Unfortunately, this truth was only understood when I was about sixty years old."

"You came to the Leopard Forest because ..." Su Tang said.

"I got the notes of the Gu Shangzu," said the old man with the surname Gu: "Thirty years ago, the Gu Shangzu found the Temple of Nirvana in the Leopard Forest, and also found the fire, but when he tried to conquer the fire He was injured by the fire, repaired to a great loss, and struggling to return to the Pengshan Holy Gate. His status changed sharply, and the Dongfu was also divided by other great ancestors, and his personality was a bit lonely, and his friends were few, only two. Three people visited him, and as time went by, the sentiment also faded. In his last few years, no one had come. In the end, Gu Shangzu did n’t want to give this secret to his friend who disappointed him. Unwilling to bring the secret into the grave, he wrote it on the note. "

"The Gu Shangzu's notes are a bit vague, mentioning the tinder, but did not say the specific location, just leave two sentences ... Grandma's old man surnamed Gu couldn't help but curse:" I really don't understand what he thought Yes, since I want to stay in my notes, clearly speaking, how good should be? Why should n’t it be difficult for future generations? "

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