The Magic Outfit

Chapter 233: Kill

Regardless of whether the present Su Tang is imposing, at least it stands to reason, the warriors are quiet for a while, but only for a moment, and then they start to yell.

"Your Excellency, you misunderstood. We didn't mean anything else. We just wanted to invite you to Tianyang City for a face-to-face talk with the people of the Wei family. Why should we embarrass us?"

"Yeah, yeah, dare to dare to act?"

"Pan Le, nothing to do with you, you give up"

Although the fact that Wei Xingzhou was killed made them feel some pressure, it is unlikely that the combat effectiveness of Wei Xingzhou was completed by a single person alone.It should be combined with Pan Le and assisted by Li Hong. Kill Wei Xingzhou enough to threaten the Grand Master

Pan really and Li Hong will not fight against their brothers, and they have two masters, plus seven or eight fighters, so they are not afraid of Su Tang, but also decided Su Tang.

"Well, I finally know what you are," Li Hongqi smiled extremely.

"Li Hong, we are for everyone's benefit, why are you turning your elbows out?" The warrior on the opposite side immediately shouted with a straight back.

Su Tang has some helplessness and some hatred, but he is well aware of the influence of the magic costume on his mood. A very different person.

Su Tang shook his head, turned around and walked back. This time, he was troubled.

Seeing that Su Tang was about to flee, a warrior couldn't bear it, and immediately shouted: "Stop" the voice just fell, he had already pulled out his long sword, pointed at Su Tang, Wei family's thunder anger, they can't bear it, they must Pass on to others.

Su Tang's body suddenly froze, and then turned a little bit, his eyes became haggard, and there was a bit of ridicule.

Su Tang has been restraining his desire to kill with reason, but the other party pulled out his weapon and locked him with breath. In the face of the threat, the balance in his heart immediately tilted.

"Are you crazy?" Pan Le was shocked, and then quickly hurriedly smiled to Su Tang: "Master, I apologize to you. This is a misunderstanding. They ..."

"Get off." Su Tang spit out a word without expression.

Pan Le stayed there, but the warriors on the opposite side laughed, and one of the warriors shouted: "Pan Le, why not? People didn't take you seriously."

"Your sword ... to be firm." Su Tang said to the warrior holding the sword.

"What?" The samurai was stunned. He didn't understand.

Su Tang's body suddenly started, the sword light swayed, stab the warrior's neck, and the warrior's reaction was not slow. Tang Jianguang.

Boom ... the samurai's wrist was numb, and the long sword almost flew out of his hand. The figure stumbled back involuntarily, and Su Tang staggered out the sword again, and the samurai stood up and raised his sword to block, but This time he failed to stop it, a blood flower bloomed, and the samurai's half of his face, together with his upper and lower jaws and half of his tongue, were cut off by Su Tang's sword light and his body fell to the side softly.

"Anyway, it's already shameless, which is also good." Su Tang said lightly.

The rest of the samurai were dumbfounded. They didn't even have time to react. The strongest one was already lost.

Su Tang's fighting style and skills are unique, he will not imitate others, and others will not learn him, because no matter the speed, reaction, spiritual strength or even the explosive power of the moment, he is far more than the practitioners at the same stage .

Strictly speaking, Su Tang has no fighting characteristics, and no characteristics are his characteristics.

The strength is similar to that of Su Tang. Su Tang can use speed to defeat the enemy. Speed ​​can be equal to that of Su Tang. Su Tang's power can occupy an absolute advantage.

Moreover, in the non-stop battle, Su Tang's experience has been very rich. Through the collision of the first sword, he immediately mastered the pros and cons of the other party, and the second sword ended the battle.

Su Tang will not waste any effort, Jian Feng pointed directly at the opposite door, and at the moment when the other party blocked, through a quick swim, without any change in the attacking posture, Jian Guang shifted, stab from the side Enter the cheek of the opponent's face, and blasted most of the face.

The "scrap" warriors were splitting their eyes, and they never thought that Su Tang would violently kill people, pulling out their weapons one after another.

Su Tang's figure swept up again, the sword light flashed, and the samurai fell one after another. Some of them were too late to make effective moves. Even if they couldn't see clearly, they were cut by Jianguang.

It is not only Wei Xingzhou, who just died, but Grand Master who died or indirectly died in the hands of Su Tang. There are already several fighters who are able to cross the ranks. The fighters of the fighter level are not enough to watch.

The two samurai in the last position were so scared, they knew that the situation was not good, and immediately turned to escape in the forest. Their choice was correct. Unfortunately, they only ran a few steps. A light blue brilliance did not know where it was shot from. They penetrated their bodies one after another and shot them on a large tree beside the woods. Layers of frost flowers spread along the trees, and the two samurai stiffened in place, turning into silver-white ice sculptures.

Another master-level wandering warrior saw Su Tang's terrible lethality, but it was too late to think about softness at this time.He glanced at Mei Fei not far away, slammed his teeth, and shot in the direction of Mei Fei. go with.

The other two warriors were also smart, leaving the battle group and rushing towards Mei Fei from left to right.

Su Tang was too lazy to chase, and his eyes fell on Pan Le and Li Hong. He was hesitating whether he should completely shut his mouth.

The teacher-level wandering warrior is less than five meters away from Mei Fei.His face shows the joy of the rest of his life.At the same time, he is also proud of his wit. He should be safe.

Mei Fei bit her lips annoyedly, bullying people? Terrible

The teacher-level wandering warrior's hand grabbed Mei Fei's hair. At this moment, Mei Fei took a step forward, and the dreadful spiritual fluctuation suddenly exploded.

If it is a duel between grand masters, it is foolish to release their strongest attack when they come up, but it is an unsolvable desperate situation for the wandering warrior of the grand master level.

Because of the floating inertia, he was like a fire moth, rushing towards the whip, and his figure was instantly disintegrated. The two samurai who followed him also turned into countless splashes of flesh.

Pan Le and Li Hong could not move anymore, although they found Su Tang ’s gaze flashing on them, trying to justify themselves and beg for mercy, but his tongue was as stiff as a stone, and he could not spit out a word.

As for rebellion or escape, after Mei Fei's shot, they have given up unrealistic fantasies.

Bao Lan walked slowly out of the forest and walked to Pan Le. He looked up and down at Pan Le and sneered: "Are you also worthy of being an ascetic?"

From Baolan's point of view, as long as the heart is pure enough and has not given up the faith of the ascetic, then it will definitely be aware of Su Tang's breath fluctuations

However, when Bao Lan first encountered Su Tang, Su Tang was just a fighter, so he could sense Su Tang's identity. And now Su Tang can easily hide his fluctuations. After Su Tang started, Pan Le was shocked by the brutal killing scene and had no chance to perceive the change of the badge.

Su Tang finally made a decision, put away the sword of Taisho, and walked in the same direction. Bao Lan glanced at Pan Le again, and turned to follow Su Tang.

Soon, Su Tang and others disappeared in the woods, leaving only one dead body.

Pan Le's face was blue and white.After all, it was his partner who had been with him for a long time.He naturally had a sense of desolation in his heart.He stayed for a long time.The sound suddenly came from the side.The two frozen ice sculptures fell on the ground Pan Le was awakened abruptly, hesitating a moment, and the ghost messenger chased in the direction that Su Tang and others left.

The numb expression of Li Hong shook her body, and her mood was extremely complicated.When her companions threatened Su Tang, she rushed to the crown.If it was not too disadvantageous in the number, she might start first, at least before she fell. The companions made an ugly act of revenge. When Su Tang killed people because of Jing Jing, she felt that Su Tang had done too much and too cruel, but she dared not blame anything.

What has happened can't be undone, what should she do in the future?

Li Hong slowly turned around and saw that Pan Le's back disappeared in the forest. She gritted her teeth and then chased toward Pan Le.

At the moment, Su Tang had sat next to Wen Xiang. Wen Xiang looked at Su Tang and smiled: "Seeing blood?" She knows Su Tang well. After each battle, Su Tang's eyes are always filled with fierce light. It takes some time to adjust before it returns to normal.

"I don't need to do anything anymore in the future." Su Tang sighed: "If you didn't want to cause trouble, trouble will always come to me."

"Yo ... Our uncle Su wants to be a kind person?" Wen Xiang replied with a smile.

Su Tang smiled, glanced at the corner of the old man named Gu, sitting in the turret, thinking about something fascinatingly, stood up and walked over, sat opposite the old man named Gu, whispered: "Master Gu, what is good in Luojiao Things? Let me reveal a little bit first, so that we can make some preparations in advance.

The old man with the surname Gu looked up at Su Tang and looked around again. Everyone was busy and whispered: "There should be a strange fish in Luojiaozhou."

"Strange fish? Should there be?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure either. The diary is years old, almost a few hundred years old, and the front and back are missing. I don't know who left it." The old man named Gu said: "The owner of the diary is in During the trip to Luojiaozhou, I found a carp, which is about 30 meters long, and can swallow a big buffalo in one bite.He wanted to catch that carp, which took a lot of time, but he was defeated and was finally killed by the carp. After escaping, he later speculated that the carp may have eaten some magic weapon at a very early age, or some kind of heavenly pill that was automatically condensed by the spirit vein, so the mutation would occur. "

"More than thirty meters? Are you sure?" Su Tang was surprised: "Is that a whale?"

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