The Magic Outfit

Chapter 235: Ling Jue

"How many are the four spirit beads?" Su Tang asked.

"It turned out to be the fifth in the holy list, but it was later eliminated." Gu old man said.


"Because the Four Spirit Divine Pearls are combined, the power is strong enough." The old man named Gu said: "But now the Four Spirit Divine Pearls have been dispersed, the Fire Spirit Pearls and the Earth Spirit Pearls are unknown. At the Holy Gate, if a single row ... is also unfair to the four spirit beads. "

Su Tang was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered: "What about the extremely ice bow? Have you heard of it?"

"Of course I have heard." The old man with the surname Gu nodded: "It should be ranked twenty-one or twenty-two, but the bow of the polar ice has been missing for a long time."

"Sapphire, come here." Su Tang shouted.

Baolan immediately stood up and hurried towards Su Tang.

"Give me the bow." Su Tang said.

Without thinking much, Baolan took off the longbow and handed it to Su Tang.

"How about this bow?" Su Tang handed the bow to the old man named Gu.

The old man named Gu took the long bow, tried to pull the bow string, and then said: "Good bow, rare." After that, he returned the bow to Su Tang.

Did not see it? It is understandable that no one is omnipotent and omnipotent, Su Tang smiled: "This is the bow of the extremely ice."

"Really?" The old man surnamed Gu froze, then stretched out his hand and snatched the bow. His fingers pulled the string, trying to shoot out, and his brow slowly wrinkled.

"What's wrong?" Su Tang asked, whispering in his heart, can't it be a fake ...

The old man surnamed Gu didn't speak, and slowly put the longbow on the stone pier. Su Tang grabbed the longbow and handed it to Baolan. Then he asked the old surnamed Gu: "Master Gu, what's wrong?"

"It's a pity ... isn't this a secret shot?" The old man named Gu suddenly shouted and patted his thigh hard.

"Master Gu? What do you mean?" Bao Lan looked very annoyed.

Su Tang gave Baolan a wink, then said: "Master Gu, I feel the power of this extremely ice bow is very general."

"What do you know?" The old man with the surname Gu shouted: "Hundreds of years ago, when the bow of the extremely ice was in Han Qi's hands, who dare to look down upon? Han Qi's Milky Way is enough to freeze a mountain in a flash One of the most legendary things is that in Qiqiuyu, one arrow killed a door "

"One arrow kills one door?" Su Tang was surprised. "Master Gu, what are you talking about?"

Bao Lan also looked up and looked seriously at the old man named Gu, who was also an archer. She was naturally more curious.

The old man Gu surnamed was stroking his beard, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to return to the scene where Han Qi was fighting with people, his expression was very engaged.

Su Tang's jaw signaled that Baolan immediately grabbed the wine bag and filled the copper wine glass in front of the old man named Gu.

"I don't know the specifics, I just heard it." The old man with the surname Gu sipped his mouth: "Han Qi was hit hard by the Qiu family and fled to the Qipanyu. There is a small gate in the Qipanyu called Laoguandao. They saw Han. Qi was hurt and wanted to take advantage of it. Han Qi shot an arrow at the opposite bank of the river.As a result, more than 60 people up and down the door, almost all of them were killed, only two people were spared, and they escaped Qiqiu without looking back. Without coming back, the old official said it would be broken. "

"It is said that Han Qi's arrow made all the ten miles of river condensed into ice, and the ice layer was torn by the wind of the arrow, turning into an ice blade with nowhere to dance. It was rolled over and over, and it shook dozens of practitioners on the old official road. No bones exist, "the old man named Gu said, shaking his head and shaking his head:" Simpler than archery, Han Qi may not be the first, but if we talk about ... "

"I see, Han Qi is not the most powerful." Su Tang smiled.

"Oh?" The old man surnamed Gu was stunned.

"The man who hurt Han Qi is naturally more severe." Su Tang said.

If the other person loses his interest, the old man with the surname Gu might throw his sleeve away, but in the face of Su Tang, he had to restrain his emotions and lower his eyes to stop talking.

"Master Gu, do you have a galaxy?" Su Tang asked.

"How could I have?" The old man with the surname Gu shook his head: "The Milky Way is definitely Han Qi's unique spiritual tactic.

"You are all major practitioners." Su Tang paused: "Is there a spiritual formula suitable for the practice of Baolan?"

The old man with the surname Gu glanced at Bao Lan and pondered for a moment: "There are a few spiritual tactics. In this way, I am a bit tired today. From tomorrow, I will slowly copy it down when there is time, um ... three days, three days It's almost finished. "

Su Tang said to Baolan: "Thank you, Master Gu, please"

Bao Lan bowed his head, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Master Gu."

"You don't have to be polite." The old man with the surname Gu waved his hand very boldly: "Everyone is walking together, and all will be glorious, and all will be damaged. Rest assured, I won't hide it."

After chatting for some more gossip, the old man with the surname Gu left and took a rest. Su Tang and Bao Lan stood up and walked towards Yue eleven and others.

On the side of Su Tang and the old surnamed Gu, the atmosphere of chatting is very friendly, and even has the taste of pushing the belly. Looking around Yue eleven, the atmosphere is very deserted.Pan Le and Li Hong are not people who like to talk, and they have undergone great changes. So, he was reluctant to speak, and he was even more reluctant to speak. Yue eleven began to change a few topics. When he saw a poor response, he gave up.

Seeing Su Tang coming over, Pan Le seemed very nervous, Li Hong was much calmer, or she did n’t have so much effort, the idea was simple, Su Tang did n’t hurt them at the beginning, and now naturally there is no need to hurt them.

"I inquire about something with you." Su Tang said while sitting next to Yue eleven.

"What's the matter? Just say it," Pan Le said with a smile.

"How far is Luojiaozhou from Tianyang City?" Su Tang asked.

"Almost twenty miles." Pan Le replied.

"Are you familiar there?" Su Tang said.

"Very familiar, usually go in several times a month." Pan Ledao said.

"Have you ever seen a big fish? Well ... there are big carps about 30 to 40 meters long?"

"I haven't seen this before." Pan Leqi said: "Is there such a big fish?"

Su Tang frowned, and the news of the old man named Gu would not be false. Could it be that the big carp had already been hunted by others?

"Sir, we are not locals, tomorrow we will go to Tianyang City to help you find out." Li Hong said suddenly.

"Alright, then trouble you." Su Tang smiled.

Speaking of Tianyang City, Pan Le seemed restless, hesitating for a moment, and said: "Sir, I don't know if I should say a few words.

"You say it." Su Tang said.

"This place can't stay for a long time." Pan Ledao said: "Da Dawei is missing, and the people of the Wei family will definitely come out to find it, as long as they find the bodies, they can feel it here in the blink of an eye."

Su Tang thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, sapphire blue, greet everyone, Pan Le, you follow me, and talk about the Wei family.

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