The Magic Outfit

Chapter 250: Shangdao

Suddenly, more than three months later, a big sea boat leaned on the pier. Su Tang followed the crowd and went to the pier, looking at the surrounding scenery curiously.

They didn't waste time on the road, but after spending a long time with Wenxiang, Su Tang seemed to have some kind of sarcasm. As soon as he arrived at Jingtao City, he got into a little situation, and then he had to wait for the sea boat. I got into a boat and fought with a group of wandering samurai, and then I encountered a storm. I was able to arrive after seven days of sailing, and the result floated for more than half a month.

This is not a general discomfort, it is very discomfort ... even God is looking for their trouble.

Gu Suifeng, Bao Lan and others walked off the boat one after another. Others were okay. Zhao Dalu's face was green, and he walked on the road and wobbled, as if he would fall down at any time.

"Dalu, is it better?" Su Tang asked.

"Fortunately ..." Zhao Dalu smiled bitterly.

"Already ashore, what is there to shake?" Yue eleven patted Zhao Dalu behind: "Do you think it is still at sea?"

"Am I shaking?" Zhao Dalu asked rhetorically.

"Okay ..." Yue Eleven sighed: "You walked steadily, really steadily ..."

"Dalu, is this your first time on a boat?" Bao Landao said.

"I have sat on the boat, but I can't sit in a row for more than 20 days," Zhao Dalu shouted.

"It's really no fuss, a practitioner ... actually can get seasick" Yue eleven pouted.

"I'm much stronger than Mei Mei, okay?"

"What about Mei Fei?" Su Tang looked back.

"Lihong they are behind." Bao Lan said.

The two middle-aged women carried the auxiliary stretcher to the pier. Pan Le and Li Hong followed the stretcher from left to right.When they decided to come to Dark Moon City, Su Tang asked Pan Le and Li Hong for their opinions.They insisted To follow, Su Tang will follow them.

Pan Le and Li Hong were originally a couple, but because of what happened in Luojiaozhou, there was a deep crack between them.Pan Le has been working hard to repair the relationship, but Li Hong cannot accept a person who is indifferent to his life and death. Man.

From a sensible point of view, Pan Le's choice is correct. He came out of the cave, that is, he died with him, and from an emotional point of view, his approach was cruel. As for whether it is right or wrong, there is no way to comment, but to look at themselves.

Su Tang walked over to open the sheets, revealing the princess Mei Fei, who had the highest strength and the best physique. She should not be tossed like this, but she was raised as a canary since childhood, adversity Some of the negative influences in her are added to her, and the effect will always be much stronger than others.

Su Tang took out a small gold ticket and handed it to the two middle-aged women. Then she turned to Bao Lan and said, "Bao Lan, you are carrying her."

"I'll do it," Li Hong said preemptively, and she looked slightly sad. This kind of thing should have made her do, but she wanted to find Bao Lan, indicating that Su Tang hadn't regarded her as herself.

"Want to eat something?" Su Tang leaned over and said to Mei Fei.

Mei Fei shook her head weakly, not even the strength to open her eyes.

"Mr. Su, don't worry. After all, Mei Mei is a grand master. It's fine to raise two days on land." Gu Suifeng said.

"That's good." Su Tang said: "After three or four days we have to go back to Jingtao City."

"Why do you go back?" Gu Suifeng asked puzzled, and Mei Fei's reaction was fierce. She stared at Su Tang with horrified eyes.

"Haha ... Do you feel more energetic?" Su Tang laughed, then reached out and squeezed on Mei Fei's face: "Fun you to play."

Mei Fei's expression is a little weird. On the one hand, Su Tang rarely makes similar intimate gestures to her. On the other hand, she has been tossed like this and still teased her.

"Go, first find a place to have a good meal, nothing has tasted in these days." Su Tang waved his hand: "I want a pig head, cut a few pig ears, nibble a few trotters, and then a plate of pig liver……"

"Mr." Bao Lan shouted angrily.

Mei Fei started to vomit again, she didn't like meat very much, but Su Tang shouted about fatty things, and she was almost out of control

Gu Suifeng and others also looked at Su Tang with condemned eyes, deliberately, surely intentionally

"Oh, I just casually said, well, I can't apologize?" Su Tang said: "Go away."

Walking along the dirt road, soon, I saw the continuous houses and buildings in front, and I couldn't see the side at a glance. There were many pedestrians on the street. Su Tang and others were unexpected. Prosperity, then the city must be more prosperous.

I wanted to find a carriage, hired two carriages, but after walking for more than half an hour, I didn't walk out of the village. The shops on both sides of the street sold everything, but there was no carriage.

Su Tang saw a handsome warrior with a handsome appearance, reached out to block the other's path, and smiled: "Brother, ask you something."

"What's the matter?" The samurai stunned for a while and then smiled.

"Is there a carriage around here?"

"No, what are you looking for?" Said the samurai.

"Go to Darkmoon City." Su Tang said.

The warrior couldn't help but stunned, and looked up and down Su Tang: "Brother, are you new here?"

"Yeah, just got off the boat."

"You are the Dark Moon City." The samurai smiled.

Su Tang suddenly felt no wonder that the village was just ridiculously large. After walking for more than half an hour, the building on the side could not be seen in front.

"How big is this Dark Moon City?"

"There are dozens of miles," the samurai said proudly. "Even compared to those state cities, it's about the same, except that there are no walls."

"When we first arrived, we didn't know anything. Can the brothers accompany us?" Su Tang took out a small gold ticket and handed it over: "Let's find a good hotel first. We are sick. "

The samurai took the gold ticket and looked at it, his face lit up with joy, and then glanced at Mei Fei in the back: "Come with me."

You can give a gold ticket if you take a road.Su Tang is a rare local tyrant.The warrior is very enthusiastic.He took Su Tang and others to find a very clean hotel and asked for the two adjacent yards. Bao Lan and others stayed to take care of Mei Fei and took Gu Suifeng to the long street.

The warrior led the way, but he didn't seem to have done similar work, and he smiled enthusiastically, but he didn't talk much. He always waited for Su Tang to ask before he could answer.

After turning on the street for more than an hour and walking back to the hotel, Su Tang suddenly asked, "Is there any house selling here? Where can I find it?"

"Sir is to live here long?" Asked the samurai.

"It's hard to say, buy the next one and sell it when you leave later." Su Tang said.

The samurai hesitated for a long time and suddenly said, "Sir, are you afraid of getting into trouble?"

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