The Magic Outfit

Chapter 266: Thug

The young woman wrapped gauze on her head and told timidly that her injuries were all skin and flesh wounds, and soon recovered, but the teenager was still in a coma.

The young woman's name was Rong Sangu. It wasn't who she wanted to take advantage of. The real name was Sangu. She knew how to meet the teenager. What happened to her at night, probably talked about it again. After the lecture, he begged Su Tang, saying that the young man was very kind-hearted and not very sensible, and he did n’t know the dangers outside. In short, I hope that Su Tang can look after the young man for a while, because now Dark Moon City is very chaotic. Experience, go out and walk in all kinds of things can not fall well.

Su Tang and Gu Suifeng heard each other's eyes, and doing good deeds actually made themselves poor, and it was the first time that such a thing was heard. One hundred percent self-denial ...

"Mr. Su, he is very kind and will not cause you trouble, and after a while, maybe his family will find it." The young woman said.

"Mr. Rong, this child will be handed over to us, you can rest assured." Gu Suifeng said first: "What about you? What are your plans? I see, you live here for a while, we can't take care of things in the city, But this place is definitely safe, just right, and take care of him by the way. "

"Me?" The young woman hesitated for a moment: "What can I do here?"

"Why do you have to do something?" Gu Suifeng smiled: "That's good, Rong girl, how are you in charge of the house? To be honest, I can't eat the meals made by the girls. I thought about hiring a cook. Well, uh ... we will never treat you badly in terms of price. "

"There is still something in the house ..." the young woman whispered.

"It's okay, I'll let someone pick it up with you." Gu Suifeng said.

Seeing that Gu Suifeng is so enthusiastic, the young woman is not good to refrain from it. Of course, if it is Bai to feed her, she does not need to do anything, then she must have doubts. There will not be such a good thing in the world, nor in the sky. She would drop the pie, let her go to the house, and be responsible for cooking and cooking. This reason makes sense, and she also knows that the city is stupid. It must be much safer to hide on Qianqifeng.

"That's it, you'll get injured first, and tomorrow I will arrange for someone to **** you home to get things." Gu Suifeng smiled and then gave Su Tang a wink.

The two went outside one after another, Su Tang asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why should she be left behind?"

"Sir, that child is not easy." Gu Suifeng said slowly: "I just checked, his spiritual breath is extremely thick, even stronger than Mei Fei, but the spiritual veins all over the body are stiff, so make His lack of energy is also the reason why he was unconscious. "

"You mean ..." Su Tang showed a shocked look.

"The grandmaster is fifteen years old ... the fifteen-year-old grandmaster" Gu Suifeng took a breath: "And listening to Rong girl said that the child should never have walked around and lacked knowledge, sir, he is a hundred years old It ’s a great help. "

"Are you sure he is the Grand Master?"

"Eight, nine, and ten." Gu Suifeng said: "He ... It seems that there is a deviation of Lingjue. Also, when Rong girl told us about the child's immobility, some prefaces did not follow, maybe concealment. Something. "

"What the **** do you want to do?" Su Tang asked with a frown.

"Let him be our thug ..." Gu Suifeng's eyes flashed.

"Are you kidding me?" Su Tang said: "The fifteen-year-old grandmaster, even in the three major gates, is also eligible to become a core child. It is estimated that the people in his family are already in a hurry. When they come over, what should we do? do?"

"What's the matter, we try not to let him see outsiders, and persuade him to change his clothes, and then ... The boy of Yue eleven is also very handsome, let eleven wear that clothes, and take the boat to Jingtao City , And then go westward, it is best to do something that attracts attention on the road, walk a few hundred miles, then change the clothes, and quietly come back. "Gu Suifeng said:" When the child's family comes over, also It will be taken away by the traces left by Yue Eleven, and it is unlikely to come to Dark Moon City. "

"It's too risky." Su Tang hesitated: "And, the child always has his own opinion, it is impossible to listen to you unconditionally."

"He won't listen to me, but he will listen to you." Gu Suifeng's smile looks very treacherous: "Sir, I know the children who are ten, five or six years old best, Pengshan's selected out door children, Mostly around this age group, they are naive and don't understand the sins of human nature, they are passionate, full of yearnings for justice, glory, etc., they are brave to sacrifice, as long as they think what they are doing is correct, they will go forward, Nothing can make them look back, even if it is family or family. "

Su Tang looked at Gu Suifeng blankly.

"They are the most beautiful, and the easiest to believe lightly." Gu Suifeng sighed: "But ... I have to understand him first and understand what kind of person he is to be able to treat the disease, sir, you can rest assured , Give him to me, and it will take less than a month for me to make him and us together. "

"How come I hear more and more ..." Su Tang muttered.

"Sir, girl Rong just let him eat two omelettes, and then he will reciprocate and repeat, obviously he is a very affectionate person." Gu Suifeng said: "Sir, how about you? You saved it His life saved Rong girl again, how should he repay you? "

"This ... not so good?" Su Tang thought that his face was already thick, but compared with Gu Suifeng, the degree of thick black was still not far away.

"What ..." Gu Suifeng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he slammed his thigh hard and smiled: "I thought of hahaha ..."

"Why?" Su Tang was taken aback. He rarely saw Gu Suifeng ever lost his mind.

"Sir, you and his brother became brothers" Gu Suifeng said: "The old saying is that the elder brother is like a father. He has only one brother here, so he has to listen to you."

Su Tang was speechless again.

"But sir, you should pay attention to your words and deeds in the future, and you must keep your high, large, and full image in front of him, so that he will not doubt." Gu Suifeng said: "Gao has noble feelings, Big means having great ideals, it means you have perfect character, as long as you can maintain it, he will definitely respect you more and more. "

"Too ... is it embarrassing?" Su Tang's expression was very weird. He knew exactly what he belonged to, and what Gao Daquan had nothing to do with him.

"No, I have to inquire with Rong girl." Gu Suifeng thought of something again and turned to the house.

"What are you going to ask?"

"Who are those two murderous guys? They are excellent introductions." Gu Suifeng said without looking back.

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