The Magic Outfit

Chapter 268: Night raid

Su Tang didn't want to make the mistake of making a simple statement.The so-called unsuccessful, the young man was very polite, or rather, it was a kind of restraint, from early morning until Sister Rong delivered breakfast, the chat was always in flowers and birds Bugs and other light topics are spinning around.

After breakfast, Sister Rong found an opportunity to talk to He Yuanzheng again about leaving the Dark Moon City by boat, but this time was clearly rejected by He Yuanzheng. The reason for He Yuanzheng was very simple. People were in trouble for saving themselves, but Before things were clear, it was a coward to be unkind to leave the Dark Moon City just to protect himself for Mingzhe.

Sister Rong couldn't persuade her. She understood the man's persistence. At that time, her man ignored the injury and went to Lava Mountain for adventure with friends. As a result, she never went back, also because she couldn't let go of her persistence.

In the blink of an eye, the situation in Darkmoon City became more and more chaotic. Tianji Building, Chen Family, Ding Family, and Nuhai Regiment all joined the battle group, on the one hand for self-protection, and on the one hand for revenge, because each family suffered In the event of serious losses, only they can maintain a certain bottom line and have not invested in the core combat power. For example, Mr. Gu Da has been staying in the Tianji Building, and the main ship of the Nuhai Regiment is still cruising on the sea surface.

If they are also shirtless, the dispute that will represent Darkmoon City is coming to an end.

Compared with the fire everywhere in Qianyue City, Qianqifeng is very quiet. The place is so high that you can see all the changes in the city.

It was quiet at night, in a partial courtyard at the southern end of Qianqifeng, the door of the chamber was pushed silently, and a black shadow came out and walked along the root of the wall.When approaching the courtyard door, I heard footsteps outside. He immediately crawled in the shadow in the corner.

A survivor girl yawned and walked into the yard, just three or four steps away, the black shadow quietly touched from behind, covering the mouth of the survivor girl violently with one hand, and raised the dagger in the other hand, and placed it on the neck of the survivor girl Across.

The dagger was sharp, the trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels of the surviving girl were all cut off, and the blood spattered outward with foam, and the vitality was quickly passing, and then her body fell softly.

Another black shadow got out of the box.The previous black shadow made a gesture to the opposite room, and then stood in front of the courtyard door.The new black shadow came out to the door of the opposite room.After listening to the movements inside, he took the dagger. Digging into the door and stirring a few times, the door opened.

The shadow got into it, and then there was a puffy voice inside, and some people were mumbling, and then the room was calm again.

At the next moment, the black figure stumbled out, and the black figure in front of the courtyard found it wrong, and hurried up, asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Snake ... I was bitten by a snake ..."

"How many people are there?"

"Just one ... has been lost."

"You rest here for a while." The black figure finished, turning around and walking towards the cabin he had drilled out of.

For a moment, one shadow after another appeared, and in the blink of an eye, there were more than five or sixty people in the courtyard, all dressed in black, masked, the body merged with the surrounding darkness, and the exposed eyes were bright and bright God is full of murderousness, and many people still hold a branch of the tree, which seems to avoid making unnecessary sounds.

A man in black in the center raised his hand and waved forward. The shadows began to spread out, and they were extremely familiar with the terrain of Qianqifeng.

Under the cover of night, a dark attack was launched, and with the well-known terrain, the people around were resting again.It seems that the shadows are all in the right place, and they are all occupied.However, here is Qianqifeng, where Su Tang and Xiaoding are located. Qianqifeng

The countless vines spreading along the mountain began to creep, just like a giant snake, swimming towards the top of the peak, and looking in the distance, the entire Qianqi Peak seemed to have a strange vitality in an instant, just like a The huge squid and the numerous vines swimming around are the tentacles of the squid.

Dark Shadow had just approached another small courtyard. His feet suddenly tightened. When he looked down, he found that there was a rattan wrapped around his ankle. He bent down and wanted to use a dagger to cut, and the rattan suddenly started. Shaking, the shadow was actually thrown out of tens of meters.

At the next moment, the rattan began to wave downwards, and the black image fell down like a cannonball, and the branches in its mouth fell long ago, making a terrible scream.

Tom ... The black shadow hit the stone slab heavily, its own gravity, and the strength of the rattan waving down, plus the height of tens of meters, making his body like a stepped persimmon, even the stone slab It was crushed, blood splashed from the old high, and then it rained like raindrops around, and even the front yard, and the main room shed blood drops.

The screams spread far away in the night, making all the shadows ready to attack secretly stunned.

He Yuanzheng suddenly jumped up from the bed and then rushed out of the door. It was also a coincidence. There were two black shadows in the yard.When he saw He Yuanzheng, they turned around subconsciously and fled, and they only responded to the courtyard wall. Just a child, they have turned around.

At this moment, they sensed a horrible fluctuation of spiritual power, and then saw the child throwing a punch at them, blasting ...

Nearly eight or nine meters long, the courtyard wall made of bricks and stones turned into an inexplicable force shattered, as if an invisible mountain flew over from here, and the two black shadows were also shattered and shattered.

Gu Suifeng, Bao Lan and Bao Bei also heard the screams and got up one after another, and the survivors who patrolled the foot of the mountain immediately ran to the mountain.

Sister Rong was awakened, immediately turned over and got out of bed, and then drilled under the bed. During the day, she observed where there was a hiding place. It was not distrust of Su Tang, but because she was terrified last night.

"Miss, what should I do?" Someone in the shadow asked.

No one answered. Obviously, the person who was asked could not make up his mind.At this moment, the woods around the peak shuddered, and then countless thick vines threw out of the forest to the scattered black shadows. They roll away.

The vines growing on Qianqi Peak have undergone minor transformations, which is very different from the vines instantly summoned with spiritual force.

The latter has no time for self-growth, the battle is over, little condensing spiritual power, and those vines will immediately wither.

The vines on Qianqifeng all have their own lives.The diameter of the vine is more than one meter, and it can reach more than one hundred meters in length.The vines are extremely tough and the sword is not easy to hurt. One hit is enough for others to cramp and fracture.

The screams continued one after another, without the need for Su Tang and others to do it. Less than half the time, the shadows were less than half.

"There is a weirdness here," a female voice screamed.

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