The Magic Outfit

Chapter 271: Counterfeit

"How many people are loyal to the Huai family?" Su Tang asked.

"If ... if thousands of Qifeng people are caught by you ... there is nothing left in the family, the lady is desperate this time." The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, and then remembered something: "There are still around Miss San several."

He was looking at Su Tang's look, but it was a pity that Su Tang didn't care about the third lady of Huaijia, and then changed the topic: "Where are you saying Xie Bu poor?"

"In the eastern part of Darkmoon City, it's not far from your Qianqi Peak." The middle-aged man said: "But you may not be able to find him now, so you have to wait at night."

"Do you recognize him?"

"I don't know, but I heard that he lacks an ear and always has long hair, so it's easy to recognize." The middle-aged humane.

"How do you know he came to deal with us?" Su Tang asked.

"Because in the beginning, Mr. Gu Da only wanted to bring out ten Huajing Pills, Xie Buqiang refused, saying that two Grand Masters would be worth at least 20." The middle-aged man said: People have some friendships with me. I had a drink with me a few days ago and told me when I was drunk. Although he was only confused and made a few words, it was enough. "

"Are you sure he said everything true?"

"He has no reason to lie to me." The middle-aged man said: "My friend also said that Mr. Gu's family is unbelievable. The shot is 20 Huajing Dan, and he has no chance to eat one in his life.

Su Tang nodded slowly.

"The current Grand Master of Dark Moon City is only Mr. Gu Da and Chen Dangjia. They are now an alliance, and it is unlikely to deal with the Chen family." The middle-aged man said: "Then only Qianqifeng is left."

More than half an hour later, Sapphire arrived with two shooters. They were not like Su Tang. They had an indestructible flame. They walked all the way and stopped. They had to observe the surroundings all the time. The speed was very slow.

Su Tang stood on the wall and looked at the pier in the distance. As the only ship dock in Darkmoon City, in the past, at night, the pedestrians were always flowing, but now it seems very deserted.

Seeing Bao Lan appear, Su Tang explained a few words, let Bao Lan stay, and incidentally stared at the middle-aged man, unless he was willing to send his family to Qianqifeng, he would never be allowed to leave alive.

There is actually a secret road directly leading to the pier in Qianqi Peak.This is an unexpected surprise and a hidden hidden danger.In the future, if you encounter an irresistible crisis, everyone can escape from the secret road, but if the enemy knows, you can also use the secret road to the thousand. Qifeng carried out surprise attacks.

Back at Qianqifeng, Baobei was cleaning the battlefield with some people. There were some small spots. The trees in the mountains were all their helpers. The cleaning work was completed quickly.

Bao Bao then held a funeral for the murdered girl. The survivors had the custom of cremation. Instead of setting up a tomb, they just scattered the ashes into the mountains and forests. They thought they were children of Dashan, and they should return to the embrace of Dashan after their death.

Su Tang thought that the emotion of the survivors would be very sad, but they all behaved very calmly, without tears. It turns out that they are not as fragile as Su Tang imagined. When the spirit of Mangshan is not exhausted, the survivors often Clashes with practitioners who went to Mangshan, at least in the elders' stories, they had heard much death.

The moment they stepped out of the mountain, they were ready to face all the unexpected.

In the early morning, He Yuanzheng got up early and went to the backyard for retreat. When he returned, he heard a lot of screams from his yard.

He Yuanzheng was surprised. In his impression, Sister Rong was a very gentle and gentle woman.

He Yuanzheng's figure floated up and landed on the courtyard wall. He was seeing Sister Rong waving a stick in his hand, looking up to the sky, where he jumped and yelled, "You are a flat-haired beast, come down to me "

"Sister Rong, what's wrong?" He Yuanzheng wondered.

"Ah ... Xiaohe, you are back." Sister Rong paused and smiled bitterly: "Master Gu told me that you came out of the family, let me pay more attention ..."

"What do you notice?"

"It's just like washing and washing up." Sister Rong glanced at He Yuanzheng secretly: "I see your robe is a little dirty, and I want to wash it. Who knows that I just hung the robe on, there was only a big eagle Run down and **** the robe away. "

"Great Eagle?" He Yuanzheng looked up at the sky, there was nothing, the big eagle that Sister Rong said had no idea where to fly.

"Xiaohe, your robe ... I will compensate you," Rong said.

"Sister Rong, what are you talking about?" He Yuanzheng was a little uncomfortable. "It seems that my sister has been crying in vain these two days, so I still have such a clear distinction?"

"No, it's not." Sister Rong hurriedly waved her hand. "I heard ... your robes are very expensive, they are all on top of my shop."

"It's just a broken robe, how big is it?" He Yuanzheng said.

When He Yuanzheng and Sister Rong were talking, the white robe was placed on the square table in front of Gu Suifeng, with both Su Tang and Yue Eleven.

"Eleven, do you know what to do?" Gu Suifeng said slowly.

"Master Gu, what I understand is that all the troubles are made everywhere, so that everyone knows that the boy in white robe is passing by." Yue Eleven said with a grin.

"Nanhu" Gu Suifeng frowned: "Still making trouble everywhere? Just by your two lives, you just need to show your stuff if you start with someone"

"So what should I do?" Yue eleven asked.

"This ..." mentioned the specific plan, Gu Suifeng also had a headache: "You can do it yourself, anyway, it is to let more people see you, know you, eleven, I know you are very clever And I believe you can do it. "

"Can I bring Baolan?" Yue eleven said: "Let Baolan pretend to be my maid, hehe ... With a master-level maid, I think no one dares to provoke me."

"No, you must be a person." Gu Suifeng shook his head flatly: "Just so, you go now. After you arrive at Jingtao City, you need to change your clothes, at least five hundred miles away before you can go back." ,understand?"

"Okay ..." Yue Eleven's expression was a bit helpless. Gu Suifeng had been holding him up, saying that he was handsome and smart, and this task was none other than him. However, he understood that the difficulty was not small, and he was protecting his own safety. At the same time, it also needs to attract the attention of others, but it can't do it with others, too many restrictions.

"Eleven, be careful." Su Tang said slowly.

"Relax, sir." Yue eleven said.

When Yue eleven was sent away, Sister Rong came to the door. She came to borrow money, and her robe was snatched away by the eagle. He Yuanzheng did not bring any replaceable clothing and could only buy it now.

Su Tang readily gave money, Gu Suifeng knocked on the side, and inside and outside hinted that Rong sister, He Yuanzheng always likes to wear that kind of white and flawless clothes, which is very bad, especially now that Dark Moon City is very chaotic, wearing He Yuanzheng in white clothes must be very conspicuous, and the possibility of being attacked has naturally increased significantly.

Sister Rong was pleased and sincerely convinced. Sure enough, she was a master. You can tell so many reasons when buying clothes. He Yuanzheng did say that he does not choose the style. The color is best to be white, because he likes it. Please persuade He Yuanzheng ...

At noon, Baolan sent a surviving archer to return to Qianqifeng, and also sent three people, including a woman in her early thirties, a man and a woman and two children, a girl in her thirteen or four, and a boy. To five years old.

If the surviving archer brought back Baolan, the middle-aged man was Wu Zhengxiu. According to Baolan's contact and observation, she thought Wu Zhengxiu was very cooperative, but she knew everything and had a certain degree of credibility.

Su Tang asked Baobei's mother and son to be arranged in the front yard, and then Yu Jian sealed the door of the back hall. Anyway, Baobei they can go to the backyard to practice, and the high door can go up and down. Blocking can be regarded as a notice that an idler is not allowed to enter.

In the dark room, a figure was sitting on a chair, and by the moonlight, he could see him twisting his body from time to time, and seemed a little uneasy.

The door was pushed open, and another figure came in. When he saw the person sitting in the chair, he said in a low voice, "Why do you want to see me again?"

"Mr. Da has something to tell you to start acting in three days." The man sitting in the chair said.

The figure at the door was silent for a moment and slowly said, "Do you know what rules I have to do things?"


"Just tell me the goal, as for when, where, and in what way I will do it, that's my business. Go back and tell your sir, I received such an absurd task for the first time."

"Do you want to repent?" The sitting figure hurriedly said: "Don't forget, Mr. Da has paid 20 Huajing Dan"

"It's because there are twenty Transmigrant Pills, otherwise I'll have to find the Qi of Tianji Building", the figure at the door said coldly, then took a few deep breaths, seeming to suppress his anger, and then reopened for a long while : "Three days later?"

"Yes, three days later."

"Don't come to me again, otherwise I might kill you," said the black shadow at the door, and then turned and walked out.

The sitting figure exhaled a long breath and wiped the cold sweat on his head with his hands.Fortunately, it was now night.Fortunately, because the city was too chaotic, almost no one dared to turn on the lights. There is light here, and his anomalies can never be concealed from each other.

For a moment, the curtain of the inner room was opened, and Su Tang came out from the inside and said softly: "Is he?

"It's him." The figure sitting on Duan sat back with an astringent voice.

Su Tang took out a stack of gold tickets and threw them on the table: "Go to Wu Zhengxiu, let him find a boat for you, and then leave Dark Moon City."

"I don't want to see him." The figure sitting on the seat showed a sneering smile: "After all ... it was he who betrayed me, and I should always be a little grumpy."

"You are wrong, he is saving you." Su Tang said lightly: "If you don't want to leave, you can go to Qianqifeng to avoid it. When the Tianji Tower collapses, you will be safe."

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