The Magic Outfit

Chapter 274: Calculation

It was dawn and Xie Buqian's death did not attract attention in the Dark Moon City. Now the situation is so chaotic. The death of a few people is nothing. People passing by the battlefield will be most surprised by the traces left behind.

In Tianji Building, Mr. Gu got up early with old days and turned over books while having breakfast. This was his habit. He had to read a book while eating, so it tasted delicious and looked comfortable.

A middle-aged man quickly walked in from the door and saw Mr. Gu Da eating breakfast, hesitating, because Mr. Gu Da always hated others disturbing him while sleeping and eating.

But it mattered a lot. The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, but walked in and said softly: "I have met Mr. Da

Mr. Gu raised his head, his face was dark, and it had nothing to do with the middle-aged man. His only child was inexplicably secretly calculated, and he could not find the murderer until now. Indescribable, but the current situation is extremely dangerous, he must be up to deal with the chores of Tianjilou.

"Chiyong, are you looking for me?" Mr. Gu Da asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Da, something went wrong." The middle-aged man said: "The one we invited from Jingtao City was not poor, and was killed near East Lane."

"Oh?" Mr. Gu Daze was stunned, his eyes full of sadness and joy, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"Also, Wan Jiaren is missing." The middle-aged person said: "Mr. Da, I have said that Wan Jiaren and Wu Zhengxiu over the old house of Huaijia have close ties and cannot be reused. Now ... Something happened. I ’m sure that Xie Buqian ’s death is absolutely inseparable from Wan Jiaren. "

Mr. Gu Da was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Zhiyong, Xiaoxi has gone, and one day, I will also go. The foundation of Tianji Building, you have to pick it up, so ah ... you need to use your mind well Think, you can't just look at the surface and don't know the inner. "

"Mr. Da?" The middle-aged man suddenly heard Mr. Gu Da said that he would hand Tianjilou to himself in the future, and he couldn't help but be shocked: "I ... I ..."

"In Jingtao City, Xie Buxian is not the strongest. You know, I don't know. Why did I ask him for such a big price?" Mr. Gu changed the subject.

The middle-aged man stabilized his mind, frowned, and thought for a long time, tentatively said, "Because that Xie Buliang has a fierce swearing that he can't achieve his goal?"

"What is cruelty?" Mr. Gu shook his head: "So tell you, I have collected for many years, and now there are only eleven transmigration pill."

"Huh?" The middle-aged man was stunned. "But you ... did not talk about that with shame, didn't you let him use 20 Huajing Dan?"

"Yeah, but I don't have that much," Mr. Gu said.

"..." The middle-aged man stared blankly at Mr. Gu Da. He didn't know what to say. That's not a good match. If Tian Ji Lou had to pay the bills, he would definitely be entangled, although Mr. Da has the pain of bereavement, but he should never be fooled about this kind of thing

Moreover, the most important thing to do in this line is credit. There are tens of thousands of wandering warriors in Dark Moon City. They have always used Tianji Building as the distribution center.The Huai and Ding families have tried to open another floor and grab business with Mr. Gu Da. They all failed again, because Mr. Gu has great credibility. This kind of thing spreading out will definitely have a bad influence on the prospect of Tianji Building.

"That Mr. Su has nothing to do with things, or he is too young and walks too smoothly, so he is a lunatic with no one in sight. Or, he has a deep background and does not take my dark moon city at all. "Mr. Gu said slowly:" If he is just a lunatic, it won't make much sense for me to win. If he has a deep background, it will cause a huge disaster for Tianjilou, but ... Watching him occupy the soul, I ’m not willing to tell you, what should I do at this time? "

The middle-aged man listened and thought carefully. He knew that Mr. Gu Da had instructions on him.

"So Mr. Da invited Xie Buqian from Jingtao City? This ... If Xie Buxian killed Mr. Na Su, the matter has nothing to do with us, and so the sir asked Mr. Nagareng to go to Jingtao City. If there is a change, as long as we remove Wan Jiaren, we deny that no one has any reason to trouble us. "That middle-aged humane.

"You only know one or the other." Mr. Gu Da was slightly disappointed in his eyes: "I just said, Qian Qifeng, I can't move, at least I can't move by myself. And, sitting in my position, you should Understand how to do the biggest thing with the least effort. "

"So I chose Xie Buqian." Mr. Gu Da continued: "Let Xie Buxian come, but there are two kinds of results. He didn't succeed and let the people of Qianqifeng kill, so I didn't lose anything. Ha ha ... don't say that there are 20 Huajing Pills, even forty, I dare to promise him, anyway, he is thankful for nothing. "

"Another result, he removed Mr. Su." Mr. Gu Da said: "Then Qianqifeng is mine, but, unlike before, the Chen family, Ding family, and Nu Hai Tuan used to be able to make Qianqifeng. We do not fight with us because the spiritual vein does not appear, and now with the spiritual vein, they cannot shrink their hands. "

"Do you know what we should do? Take the initiative to find it, and propose that our four families share a thousand odd peaks"

"What?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Don't understand?" Mr. Gu Da sighed slightly: "Since they won't shrink their hands, whoever takes the Qiqifeng first will become the target of the crowd. Instead of confronting them in the future, it's better to find them and let them pay an area fee, It doesn't need much. Each of the three of them gave me fifteen Huajing Pills. If there is no Huajing Pill, you can use other balances. In this way, I will give Xie Bu poor 20. I not only occupied Qianqifeng, but also earned two in vain. Fifteen Transmigrant Pills. "

"You have to take a long-term view," said Mr. Gu Da: "They were not qualified for thousands of strange peaks. I took the initiative to seek cooperation. Then who is the first one in Darkmoon City after having a family? Is the only host, they are just tenants who have paid the rent, my request, they are unlikely to refuse

"Mr. is really wise." The middle-aged man said persuasively and realized the rich rewards contained in it: "Unfortunately, thank you for failing, sir, should we look for it again ..."

"It's not necessary anymore," said Mr. Gu Da: "Xie Buqian is after all a member of the Xie family and won't die in vain. That's why I must find him. On the desk in the study, I have written Xie's letter, you find a reliable person and immediately send the letter to Xie's family in Wushan. "

The middle-aged man stayed for a moment, waking up like a dream, rushing towards the door in two steps.

When the middle-aged man's figure disappeared, Mr. Gu no longer concealed his disappointment, he sighed: "If there is no one to follow, why don't you ask, if the Xie family wants to seize the spirit, how should we deal with it ... Only you are alone, if you ask, I will teach you ... pity ... "

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