The Magic Outfit

Chapter 293: Villain

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. This year is a little special. Because of the unique geographical location, the winter of Darkmoon City is very short. This year is even shorter. In everyone's impression, the withering of the trees and trees seems to have happened just yesterday. In a flash, the world will bloom in spring.

Darkmoon City gradually returned to calm, with little change compared to before. The most striking and most talked about is that a street not far from Qianqifeng was renamed Zujie.

Tianji Building reopened in the expectation of everyone. Most of the rules are the same as before, but there is one more. Under each task card, the points that can be obtained for this task are recorded.

Switching to another world, the so-called point system is a business promotion method for dogs who can't get blood, but here, the point system is very very fresh, especially when the wandering warriors learned that they accumulated 10,000 points Later, he could become a samurai guardian of Qianqi Peak, and the atmosphere exploded in a sudden.

Even the most incompetent and honest person sees their own hopes, and the points are bonuses, will not reduce the reward of the task, just accumulate slowly, sooner or later, they can also embark on a thousand strange peaks

In the eyes of the wandering samurai in Darkmoon City, the current Qianqi Peak has almost become their holy place.

In more than a month, the development of Qian Qifeng can be described with each passing day. The speed surprised Su Tang, Gu Suifeng and others, and was even at a loss.

In the past, Qian Qifeng acquired all kinds of herbs, and moved them one by one to the mountains.Now they are transported one by one. Jin Cuicui of Tianji Building has accurately grasped the key points.She asked several pharmacists in Tianji Building to list them. All the herbs that may grow in Juexiuling Ridge are then freed up from three rows of shadow walls. All of them hang on the task of collecting herbs, and they use an unlicensed system.

The unlicensed system means that the task brand is not taken down, everyone can find it, what is found, and the remuneration of the task is not high, but the points given are higher than other tasks.

There are tens of thousands of wandering warriors in the Dark Moon City, and more than 10,000 people went to the Jingxiu Ridge to find herbs. The efficiency is really shocking.

In less than half a month, a huge Qifeng Peak had been planted, and the original useless grass was all polished, replaced with various herbs, and relying on Su Tang and Xiao Budian's ability, as long as they planted , The herb will survive.

In the end, there was no choice but to turn the green space at the foot of the mountain into a medicine field, and then the mission was cancelled because there was enough.

Gu Suifeng's medicine boy has also increased from five to more than 30. Yu Jian vacated two partial courtyards. As a Danfang, Rao is so, and Gu Suifeng was so tired that he couldn't sustain it. I had to transfer some pharmacists from Tianji Building to the mountain.

Moreover, it is almost impossible to achieve the strongest load of the Danfang.In Gu Suifeng's words, the potential is unlimited. Making the Elixir will definitely consume the herb, but as long as the roots of the herb are not destroyed, the herb will also produce branches and leaves to thrive, Not to mention only them, even if there are hundreds of pharmacists on the mountain, they are making elixir every day, and the herbs can be supplied.

Qianqifeng has become an inexhaustible treasure mountain

The spiritual veins of Qianqi Peak can't be compared with Pengshan, Daguangming Lake, etc., but the Danfang in the mountain is absolutely superb in the practice world, even if it has always been good at planting various types of green seas that cherish herbs, it can't do To this degree

Just a few days ago, Gu Suifeng successfully produced more than 600 Wuhua Juding Pills, and sold them to the mountain guard samurai who had turned to Qianqifeng according to the previous agreement.

Those who buy Wuhua Juding Dan at half price are ecstatic and have insufficient strength. Those who are not qualified to buy Wuhua Juding Dan are equally excited because this is their future.

Su Tang changed the agreement a little bit, and the samurai samurai can get points every month.

When there is no action, each of them has a fixed point. Su Tang has something for them to do. Like Tianji Building, there is a point reward, and when buying elixir, certain points must be deducted. Su Tang does this It is to let those samurai warriors have the ability to benefit their families, friends and family.

For example, a wandering samurai is a master-level practitioner, with limited access to quality, he can take up to three to five pills every month, and the remaining points can buy some low-level pills to give to his children, or Now Xiu prepares for very younger siblings, or, again, can help his friends.

It is conceivable that when these children grow up and become practitioners, they will join the camp of Qianqifeng without hesitation.

In addition, Su Tang also announced that he will sell a batch of spiritual weapons and spiritual tactics only half a year later. Only samurai warriors can buy them, which costs money and points.

Exciting news one after another, let all the mountain guards see the bright future

Su Tang adopted the operating mechanism of Pengshan Holy Gate. His advantage is that in front of him is a blank piece of paper, whatever he wants to draw, he can easily eliminate some of the stereotypes and habits of the Holy Gate, and incorporate some of his elements .

At present, the number of samurai warriors is not very large. In addition, Zhou Zhengbei ’s Heavenly Warrior Alliance has only more than 500 people, but soon, more people will join, and these newcomers are outstanding.

According to the feedback information from Tianji Building, after more than 20 days, seven people have scored more than 1,000, and the highest one even reached 1,600.

Five of them are usually unobtrusive and undisclosed, but in front of the points, they can no longer hide anything, and naturally stand out.

In the course of history, there will always be some organizations, forces, and even nations. Once they start to rise, they will give people an unstoppable feeling.

Su Tang chose the Dark Moon City, just to give himself a test, want to see what kind of luck he is in Su Tang, he did not expect it before, would go so smoothly.

In the early morning, after having breakfast, Su Tang thought of turning around in the city, not called Mei Fei, but just brought Thunder Fur. Grumpy.

This younger one should be regarded as the core of the entire Dark Moon City. The former is the uncrowned king, and the latter is the strongest and the only major practitioner of Dark Moon City.

Although everyone knows that there is a Mr. Su on Qian Qifeng, not many people have seen Su Tang. They have not attracted the attention of others, but just followed the crowd to take a look.

As he approached the pier, Su Tang stopped and looked forward. There was thunder and anger. It was a bit inconvenient to meet the plan.

At this moment, Su Tang suddenly heard a sharp roar: "Evil thief"

Su Tang raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and was seeing a woman staring at herself glaringly at the window on the second floor.

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