The Magic Outfit

Chapter 295: Hidden crisis

Grandpa Huai should be a person who likes to enjoy and will also enjoy.It is said that the attic of the East Courtyard, although only has three floors, the lifting frame on each floor is very high, and it is built on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking up from the window. , You can see the vast galaxy, look down, you can see the fire in the dark moon city, look far, you can see the heavy sea, plus the surroundings are full of herbs, many herbs are angiosperms, yes The flowering and fruiting, a fresh breeze came, sniffing the fragrant breath, looking at the scenery outside the window, giving a feeling of relaxation.

Speaking of old acquaintances, because the relationship between Longqi, Su Tang and Xue Yi is one step closer, but they don't want Ye Fushen to see the clues and deliberately keep a little alienated.

Ye Fushen was a good drink, and he drank too much. He wanted to go out. Su Tang let Zhao Dalu accompany him, and after Ye Fushen left, Xue Yi sighed: "If you can have today's achievements, the Dragon Banner will definitely It's gratifying, but unfortunately ... he can't see it. "Some things don't need to be asked. Long Qi was killed. Su Tang gave up his life to avenge Long Qi. The relationship must be very good.

"Brother Longqi taught me many things." Su Tang also sighed.

This is the end of the meaningful conversation between the two people. Xue Yi is not a person who likes to show his emotions, and Su Tang is also the same, just talking about some light and light gossip.

After more than half an hour, Ye Fushen came back and wobbled back and forth. Xue Yi frowned and asked him to drink less. Ye Fushen didn't listen, but for a moment, he finally couldn't stand his drink and fell asleep on the table.

Su Tang originally wanted people to take them to the guest room, but when Xue Yiduan couldn't sit still, his expression was solemn, and he seemed to be thinking about something, knowing that Xue Yi might have something to say.

For a long time, Xue Yi's topic changed: "Senior Brother Su, I shouldn't have said that, but there was a feeling of unpleasantness, hehe, I hope you don't bother me."

"Brother Xue, what is this?" Su Tang said with a smile: "I'm too young, and there will always be some places that I can't see or do badly. Brother Xue doesn't want to treat me as an outsider, just say something."

Xue Yi nodded secretly in his heart. The current Su Tang is no longer comparable to the past, occupying a spiritual vein, becoming the uncrowned king of the Dark Moon City, and reaching the height of the Open School. Now he is called the big brother, the weight is extremely Heavy, and it can be seen that Su Tang is indeed a person who misses old feelings.

"Qianqifeng is indeed a good place, a group of prosperity." Xue Yi said: "If Brother Su just wants to enjoy the Qingfu, it doesn't matter, if Brother Su wants to be strong ... it's still a little weak."

"Brother Xue means ..." Su Tang asked softly.

"There is no depth and no barriers here." Xue Yidao then drew on the table with his fingertips dipped in wine: "This is the Dark Moon City, which is alone, after the strait, here is Jingtao City, here is Shacheng, This is Bowang City.Once anyone is going to be unfavorable to Darkmoon City, people come and talk, go and walk.On the shore, you can see Qianqi Peak, to put it bluntly, this is a blessed land, but sometimes it will become Jedi. "

"So what should I do?" Su Tangdao said, he hadn't really thought about it so much.

"If Brother Su can reach out into Jingtao City, Shacheng City and Bowang City, and at least control their docks and sea routes, these three cities will be connected in a line, and they will continue to operate for several years. There is an extra barrier. "Xue Yidao said:" The sea is in your hands. When there is a little wind and grass, Qian Qifeng can immediately notice that the strait is so wide and the wind is strong. Even if the ancestor-level practitioners want to fly over the strait, it will cost Most of the spiritual power, as long as you can achieve six ways of seeing, listening to all directions, and being able to wait for work, naturally take the initiative. "

Su Tang pondered for a moment, just wanted to speak, Zhao Dalu hurriedly rushed in from the outside: "Sir, something happened

"What?" Su Tang froze.

"The plan of the angry sea group is back. They also took Yue eleven, and many people were injured. Bao Lan and Zhou Zhengbei and the warriors of the Heavenly Warrior Alliance have been rushed over."

Su Tang stood up hurriedly and said to Xue Yi: "Brother Xue, I have something to deal with, and I will come back later."

"You're busy, don't worry about us." Xue Yi said: "Yes, if you need me, just let someone say hello."

Su Tang didn't feel polite, but just nodded, and hurried out.

In the room, Xue Yi sighed slightly, fortune made heroes ... only half a year later, Su Tang had such amazing achievements, and he couldn't calm down.

"Boss Xue, you're not right." Ye Fu raised his head grinningly.

"What's wrong with me?" Xue Yi said angrily.

"People in Jingtao City, Shacheng City and Bowang City didn't offend you, so why did you encourage Brother Su to deal with them?" Ye Fushen said: "It's against you to act like this."

"Righteousness has great righteousness, little righteousness, friend's righteousness, and common sense, what kind of meaning do you say?" Xue Yi replied lightly.

"Boss Xue, don't be confused with me, what the **** do you think?"

Xue Yi was silent for a moment, and said softly: "What do you think of our brother Su?"

"What else can I see?" Ye Fu smiled bitterly: "He is the darling of God, not to mention you and me, even if they are in Shangjing, there is no way to compare with these thousand strange peaks."

"God's darling is right to say so, so I hope his position can be stabilized, and don't be easily taken away by this favor." Xue Yi said: "We have traveled a lot of places, you see Have you ever been so energetic? "

"No ..." Ye Fushen shook his head slowly.

"I traveled south and north, and I was accustomed to a sinister heart, and I was innocent and guilty of evil." Xue Yichang sighed: "You really think that the practitioners in those cities will ignore it, ignoring the spiritual vein that Qianqifeng just breeds Even if Brother Su does n’t do anything and only concentrates on spiritual practice, they will find them sooner or later. If one family does n’t work, then several families will come together, and some will not. If you call friends again, the trouble will get bigger and bigger. ”

"Don't forget, there is a great practitioner near Brother Su." Ye Fushen said

"Don't forget, there is the Ten Ancestors Association behind Shacheng, and Shouyuan Mountain behind Bowang City." Xue Yidao said.

Ye Fushen was silent, and Xue Yi closed his mouth. They all could see what kind of crisis lies in the rise of Qian Qifeng.

For a long time, Ye Fu sank: "By the way, I just saw a young boy who wanted to come in. Then I didn't know what I saw. I was taken aback and sneaked away, wouldn't it be your enemy?"

"My family is full of enemies, there is nothing strange." Xue Yi said: "What kind of boy?"

"It's beautiful ... well, it's really beautiful."

"If you talk nonsense, you haven't said it." Xue Yidao said.

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