The Magic Outfit

Chapter 356: Hugh

Su Tang's every move touched people's hearts.Every time he stood up from the chair, the old people downstairs would involuntarily hold their breath, erect their ears, and turn their eyes to the stairs, waiting for Su Tang to return to his original position. Later, they realized that Su Tang was still reading, and then took a long breath, his expression slightly lost.

There are four elders in the Tibetan sword pavilion, in charge of the east, west, south and north buildings. The elder in the east building is Ou Qi who died under the sword of Su Tang. The elder in the west building is called Mu Chunguang. Pay attention to your own appearance, the beard is shaved, and the nails are trimmed very neatly. The elder of the West Building is called Hou Yulian. The name is somewhat feminine, but in fact it is an outrageous old man who is different from Ren Lianying. Extreme, dressed very sloppy. As for the name of Jianlao, no one knows. When Jianlao entered the Tibetan sword pavilion, he said that he would forget the past and serve the sword with all his heart, so everyone called him Jianlao.

Su Tang got up and sat down and didn't know how many times it was repeated ~ ~ The person was still nothing, but the person underneath was a bit exhausted.

"Some can't stand it ..." Hou Yulian whispered: "Why hasn't that kid finished? It's getting dark

"What's the hurry?" Ren Lianying looked at Hou Yulian with a disdainful look: "A lot of age, this lack of self-control?"

"Hey ... you have self-control?" Hou Yulian sneered: "You have self-control, why do you sweat?"

"Where is there sweat?" Ren Lianying denied.

"Okay, old man, in fact ... I haven't had the heart to say that." Mu Chunguang said: "Your eyebrows have been spent ..."

"What?" Ren Lianying froze for a moment, hurriedly reached over her eyebrows and squeezed her eyebrows, then looked closely, and sure enough, her fingers turned black.

"I remember this guy's eyebrows were white a long time ago, and later somehow turned black ..." Hou Yulian sneered again: "What are you saying about getting old and being young, what will enter the realm of ancestors, all shit, it was originally dyed of"

Ren Lianying's face was blue and white, and she was silent.

"The spirit tactics on the eleventh floor are very difficult to understand." Mu Chunguang saw Ren Lianying not coming to Taiwan and hurriedly changed the topic: "Do you think the kid can really understand?"

"From the second floor to here, he has read all the books. Jian Lao has tested him more than ten times, and he has never stopped him." Hou Yulian said: "So many Lingjue can remember, it's still that. How many?"

"Not the same," Mu Chunguang shook his head. "Don't you even see the ones in the top box? There is no way to practice without Grand Master."

Several elders, including Jian Lao, are convinced of the prophecy a long time ago, because there are too many spiritual recipes stored here.I can really learn all the spiritual recipes and will definitely go to an unimaginable height.

At this moment, Su Tang had finished reading the last book. His eyes fell on a box above the first row of bookshelves. I remember that in the morning, the box was not there yet, and the old swordman took it from the corner and put it on the bookshelf. She also coughed a few times deliberately last time, seeming to hope he could notice.

Su Tang walked over slowly, took down the box, went to the table and sat down, gently opened the box, looked at it in amazement for a moment, and then took out a broken piece of paper from the inside.

It was going to be late, Su Tang finally read all of them, in the hall of thinking, the bells were masterpieces, rows of bookshelves extended far away, and each book exuded a faint light.

Su Tangchang took a breath, walked to the window, gently pushed open the window, and stared at the setting sun.

"Why don't you move?"

"The boy just seemed to be pushing the window."

"Stop watching? Are you tired?"

"Lao Jian, do you go up and see?"

Downstairs, the old men whispered.

"It's not time before, what am I going to do?" Jianlao shook his head. Every time he approached Su Tang, he had to find a reasonable excuse, so that he would not be attentive in the past for no reason.

Su Tang's body was motionless, but in his hall of thought, the light became stronger and stronger. For a moment, the first book in the first row of bookshelves was also the first Xiao Tang tactic that Su Tang saw. , Began to tremble slightly.

At the next moment, a figure floated out of Xiaojian Ju and landed in the field, and then began to dance the sword one by one.The Xiaojian Ju was just the inferior spirit, so the power of the sword was not very strong, and the awareness of the sword was also Very limited.

Immediately afterwards, another figure fell from the second book, holding a huge mountain axe in his hand, and launched a fierce rush forward.

In addition to Gu Ju, the collection of books in Babie Tali is not limited to Jian Ju. Gu Gu ’s inheritance is somewhat special, and must be passed down by word of mouth. Besides learning the sword and sword tactics, you can use the corresponding weapons to apply them roughly, but the power cannot be fully released. Gu Ju can not learn, there is no gradual enlightenment, epiphany, in a word, after reading Gu Ju, no Gu insect, fart useless.

More importantly, the Mo Gu Zong has always focused on Gu technique, and the selection of disciples is more demanding.It can be regarded as the lifeblood of the Mo Gu Zong.It is impossible to write the mystery and skills of Gu Gu in the book and let anyone read.

The figure is gradually increasing, and the hall of thinking is also slowly expanding.Each book will condense a figure, and the action of each figure is different.Some of them shoot bows and arrows, and some fly in the air. Some flash quickly in small spaces, some wield big sticks, some throw away war knives, and some dance big guns.

Each silhouette is an independent small world. Tens of thousands of books are tens of thousands of small worlds.

For a long time, Elder Hou Yulian couldn't sit still again, and whispered: "Senior Jian Jian, go up and see, is there something wrong? Why is there no movement at all?"

In fact, Jianlao felt anxious early. Hearing the words of Elder Hou Yulian, he lifted his eyelids and looked at the sky. He stood up reluctantly, picked up the prepared fruit plate, and walked slowly upstairs.

For a moment, Jianlao walked down again, and said nervously: "That kid seems to be settled."

"Is this settled? Sure enough it is a wizard" Elder Hou Yulian was surprised and happy: "I said ... Never let him leave the Tibetan sword pavilion so as not to be ruined by the destructive activities outside, as long as we carefully cultivate, there are many In ten years, from three to five years, there will be another peerless cultivator in Mo Gu Zong. "

"It may not be ... retained." Jianlao frowned: "The boy's heart is extremely unpredictable, and he can't see through at all."

"If it doesn't work, it's hard," Mu Chunguang glared his eyes. "I don't believe that we can't stay together even with a little kid."

At the same time, in a partial courtyard of the Tibetan sword pavilion, Zheng Jiaoxi sat on the chair with a cold face, and said angrily: "How come Xiaoliuzi hasn't returned yet? Did he take the opportunity to go to the wild again?"

"Master, please don't be angry." A middle-aged man hurriedly laughed with him: "This is a big event for revenge for the younger brother. The sixth child will not be so important. It is estimated that he did not find the European owner for a while, so he came back. Late one

Zheng Jiaoxi snorted, his face slightly relaxed.

"Master, if the owner of the European society must protect the kid, what shall we do?" The middle-aged man whispered.

"I asked Xiaoliu to tell him that he has given him a good face." Zheng Jiao Xi sneered: "If he wants to protect him, then tear his face, don't think that the head office will help him talk, he can do whatever he wants Big deal, I'll take you to the suzerain, I think who can laugh to the end. "

"That's it, he's better to get acquainted with the European owner." The middle-aged man smirked.

"That kid hasn't left the Babie Tower yet?" Zheng Jiaoxi asked suddenly.

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head and hesitated, whispering, "Master, that kid is indeed a rare genius ..."

"What about geniuses?" Zheng Jiao Xi sneered: "Do you know what geniuses are afraid of?"

"What are you afraid of?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Afraid of dying ... Ha ha ha ..."

Su Tang has always been in that peculiar hall of thinking. Before that, he wrote down all the spiritual tactics. It is good to understand it initially. Later, he will find time to understand slowly. But when he opened the window, he again An inspiration has arisen, why not borrow the consciousness of mechanical life and start to enlighten now?

The moon rises and the night passes in a blink of an eye.Thousands of figures in the hall of thinking gradually stop moving.After a moment of silence, the figures begin to blend and merge into one.The number is rapidly decreasing.Finally, all the figures are Fusing together, it became a giant Su Tang equal to the hall of thinking.

When ... the bell sounded, the giant Su Tang suddenly turned into countless scattered light spots, disappeared without a trace, then, the hall of thinking slowly closed, drifting further and further in the sea of ​​Su Tang's consciousness.

Su Tang's eyes regained his consciousness and looked far away. He saw the sunset here at dusk yesterday, so now he can't see the sunrise, but he can feel the warmth of the sun.

Su Tang only felt that his heart had become very quiet, and silently looked at the distant scenery. For a long time, he reached out and closed the window. After learning, he should leave.

Just then, a sharp wave of spiritual power came from afar, and soon, he saw Zheng Jiao, who had seen one side, blasting away.

"The little thief dared to harm the owner of the European society, stole the license plate, and wanted to get into the Tibetan sword pavilion and tried to misbehave." Zheng Jiaoxi gave an angry roar.

Things are so strange in the world, if Zheng Jiaoxi really knows that Su Tang killed Ou Qi, he would not dare to come over like this, because he can kill Ou Qi naturally. Zheng Jiao Xi thought he was very clever in planning, and arrogantly sued Su Tang, and then killed Su Tang, to avenge his disciples. When he was questioned above, he was also able to excuse himself, saying that he was angry and lost control.

Zheng Jiaoxi never expected that he was playing straight, Su Tang was indeed the murderer

Su Tang looked at Zheng Jiaoxi quietly, but Zheng Jiaoxi thought that Su Tang was panicked and didn't know how to deal with it. He shouted again: "Hugh ..."

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