The Magic Outfit

Chapter 369: Recourse

In the wilderness, the two are facing each other.

One side is a middle-aged man in his forties, holding a strange-shaped spear in his hand, some like a spear, some like a fork, a total of four spikes, the middle spike is the longest, and the other three spikes form A triangle.

The middle-aged man had a deep wound under his ribs, and his right leg was also cut on the outside. The blood oozed out, stained his coat, and finally dropped on the ground.

On the other side is a young woman in her early twenties, who looks very beautiful, but has no expression, like a statue, holding a huge machete in her hand, she was also injured, there are four blood holes under her left shoulder, suddenly, She coughed low, and there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Why do you desperately do this?" The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "You have a heavenly sword, and you have condensed out the evil spirit. What you practice is the sword tactic, what do you need that broken sword to do?"

The young woman was Xi Xiaoru. She didn't answer in silence, as if she didn't hear each other's words.

"You want to use that sword for something else?" The middle-aged man said again, he couldn't find the other party's motives after thinking about it. Only this explanation was barely reliable: "It's even more unnecessary ... as long as You go back to the Devil Altar, under the care of Lord Hua Xijue, do n’t you want anything? "

"I want to give that sword to a friend." Xi Xiaoru finally opened his mouth.

"This ... there is no way." The middle-aged senior took a breath, and the other party was unwilling to give in, and he was bound to get it. He could only fight for your life and death. At this time, a burst of sound came from nearby. With a buzzing sound, the middle-aged man glanced through the corners of his eyes and found that hundreds of fist-sized flies were hovering nearby.

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, only to compare his strength, he is qualified to continue to fight, but the surrounding environment is very unfavorable to him.

Xi Xiaoru possesses the evil spirit, and he is not afraid of poisonous insects in the poisonous dragon domain. He is not invaded by all kinds of poisons, and he only dares to break into the poisonous dragon domain by relying on some peculiar panacea, and now he is injured again. The poisonous insects dare not attack Xi Xiaoru, but they will not let him go.

"Let's rest for a while." The middle-aged man sighed: "Otherwise, the dumb fled."

"He can't escape." Xi Xiaoru said lightly: "The key is you". The voice of Tiansha knife in Xi Xiaoru's hand has turned into a layer of black light, which rolled like a tsunami to the middle-aged man.

Also in the wilderness, a person was quietly lying in the bushes, his position was very secret, a branch of vines covered him, covered tightly, and remained motionless, even if someone was sitting beside him, It may not be possible to find him.

He is a whistle whistle, but no one will come at this time. Lying here is simply suffering, but there is no way. Since the accident in the home, the elders often doubted the ghosts. No matter where they went, they must be vigilant. The most stringent, I am afraid that someone will return them.

Late at night, he was a little sleepy and couldn't help yawning.At this moment, his two feet appeared extremely abruptly in front of him, almost stepping on his head, he froze, immediately Launch an attack or remain silent? He didn't know how to choose.

At the next moment, he suddenly felt that the rattan on his back began to creep, like thousands of long snakes, wrapped around his body.Not only could he not move, even his breath became a luxury, and he could even hear his bones being quilted. Le creaked, only a moment later, his eyes gradually dimmed, and his head was slowly resting on the ground.

Su Tang looked forward. As he bypassed the thickets, he walked slowly forward, and walked out for thirty or forty meters. He raised a red gun in his backhand, grabbed the ground, and was piercing a large tree. Among the trees.

The body of the gun passed through the tree.A man in black was snoozing against the tree.The tip of the gun suddenly emerged from the throat of the man in black.The man in black was awakened. Drooped softly.

Moving forward, Su Tang approached a small village, which is a settlement of the Hu family.

Su Tang walked slowly, there was a light breeze behind him, and then hundreds of leaves fell on the nearby big trees, and the leaves were scattered all over the corner of the small courtyard.

Su Tang was silent for a moment, turned around, walked along the courtyard wall, and walked out more than twenty steps. He gently lengthened and jumped over the courtyard wall, which was falling behind the railing of the stable.

A person leaned on the railing and looked around the yard. Su Tang walked quietly forward, and then reached out the left hand, pinched the man's back neck, and the right hand showed the sword of Dazheng, placed on the man's neck .

The man was stunned, and his body moved, as if struggling. Su Tang's right hand pressed slightly, and Jian Feng had cut the man's neck, and he immediately came down honestly.

"Where is Su Qingxue?" Su Tang asked in a low voice.

Hearing 'Su Qingxue, three words, the man's eyes immediately showed a look of despair, in fact, Hu family up and down know that betray Su Qingxue, please Nan family, they are at great risk, but the family is ruined They needed an opportunity, they could only choose this method of taking advantage of the flames, and took a risk, but unexpectedly, it took only a long time for the Su family to find the door.

"Talk" Su Tang said coldly.

"No ... not here ..." The man's body shook violently. He knew that the Hu family would be completely finished this time.

"Where?" Su Tang frowned.

"I don't know ... Great Elder gave away ..."

Su Tang exhaled a breath, and the blade of the sword crossed, and the man's neck was almost cut off, bleeding like blood. Then Su Tang raised his left hand and threw the man away.

Bang ... The man smashed a large jar placed in the corner of the wall, and the contents were scattered all over the floor.

Su Tang sneaked into the Zhuangyuan as quietly as possible. He was worried that the Hu family took Su Qingxue as a hostage. He was a little difficult to deal with. Since Su Qingxue was not there, he would finish the things that Wen Xiang had not done.

The main building of the Zhuangyuan and the two rows of rooms on both sides immediately lit up, and then the people of the Hu family rushed out, ran to the partial courtyard in the direction of the sound.

They can react so quickly because they have ghosts in their hearts, so they stay nervous.

When I rushed into the partial courtyard, I saw one of their samurai lying in the corner, while a figure stood in front of the stable.

"Who? Dare to come here?" The old Hu family headed shouted. Although his tone was tough, his eyes flickered.

"The Hus are the only ones you have left? The others ran somewhere else and reopened?" Su Tang said lightly: "Hehe ... I'm not talking nonsense, where is Su Qingxue?"

The old man headed by that face suddenly plummeted, and he was speechless. Sometimes the luck is so strange, the more afraid of what is coming.

"The first and second people told me that Su Qingxue was falling. I can spare them without dying, and I won't be merciless to other people." Su Tangdao said.

"Su Qingxue ... We have never seen it, you have found the wrong place." A middle-aged man cried beside the old man.

Su Tang didn't speak, raised his hand and released the Netherhammer. The hammer front cut through the air, wrapped in a tsunami-like strong current, and struck the middle-aged man with lightning.

The middle-aged man was frightened and immediately pulled out his long sword to try to block the Umbrella Hammer. The old man beside him also hurried out the sword. He faintly felt that the dark sledge hammer contained extremely powerful force and worried that he could not resist it.

Boom ... The middle-aged man's long sword was crushed by the Umbrella Hammer, and then the hammer hit his body, striking him into two pieces, just like hitting a fragile wooden stick.

The old man couldn't hold the long sword, the long sword flew away, his arms and wrists became twisted, and the flesh and blood ejected from the middle-aged man was stuck on his face and body, let He became a blood man

Su Tang learned countless spiritual tactics in the Tibetan sword pavilion, and with 18 spirits, his strength increased greatly. Even in the face of Dazu-level practitioners, there is room for war, and the middle-aged man is just a master. The difference in strength between the two sides is huge, and the characteristics of the Netherhammer have amplified Su Tang's strength a lot. For them, Su Tang's attack is destructive and unstoppable.

Seeing the power of this hammer, the people of the Hu family were all dumbfounded. Before they shouted and shouted the warrior, they slowly dropped their hands. In the face of such terrible practitioners, it made no sense to do anything.

"Who knows Su Qingxue's whereabouts? Stand up." Su Tang said slowly.

The Hu family was silent for a moment, and a young warrior suddenly jumped out and cried out, "I know, I know ..."

"Where did you go?" Su Tang said.

"Going to Ziyang City" The young warrior yelled away from the Hu family and slipped to the side: "They left at dusk, it doesn't seem to be anxious to see the young Master Nan, you should be able to catch up now, if you let When they arrive at Ziyang City, it will be a bad thing. "

The Hu family's faces have all changed, and they stared at the young warrior with a bad look. In order to save lives, they leaked secrets, barely understandable, but they actually made suggestions for the enemy and warned the main points. This is too much.

"How?" Su Tang asked.

"Nanda University said that when you arrive at Ziyang City, there will be a Peng car to pick them up. If you let them get on the Peng car, you can't catch up."

Peng Che? What it is? Su Tang frowned.

"It's actually possible to send a Peng car ... It seems that Nan Muyuan is not easy." With the voice, Xiao Wuxin, who covered his face with a black cloth, appeared on the wall.

"Young Master Nan is the eldest son of this generation." The young warrior hurriedly said.

"No wonder." Xiao no regret nodded: "Then you are about to leave soon. It is said that the Peng car is towed by dozens or even hundreds of Dapeng birds, but it can travel thousands of miles a day, but ... Only Green Sea can see, where did the Nanjia get the Peng Che? "

"This ... I don't know." The young samurai laughed with him.

"Not in a hurry." Su Tang said lightly, then pointed at the young warrior: "You can go."

The young warrior didn't hesitate at all, turned around and rushed towards the corner door. Su Tang lifted the empty hammer and looked at the remaining Hu family members coldly.

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