The Magic Outfit

Chapter 385: Shot

"What did I say, did you really fail to hear it, or are you confused?" The young man sneered in the corner of his mouth, the devil altar flower Xi Jue dare to let out the words, as long as he was not bullying, he would not care In the final analysis, Xi Xiaoru's life and death is because Hua Xijue had enough confidence in Xi Xiaoru's strength.

However, Xi Xiaoru is not alone in the world.The core disciples cultivated by various schools and families are not necessarily worse than Xi Xiaoru.Many practitioners speculate that Hua Xijue and He Lanfeiqiong's move is to create a relatively fair stage to let Those young people who were hailed as geniuses came out and competed.

If you win, the martial arts you belong to will naturally shine. If you do n’t win, the decline is in sight. Hua Xijue and He Lanfeiqiong together seem to want to reshuffle the entire practice circle.

So in the recent period, many martial arts and cultivating families are eager to move. This is the best opportunity to show their sect strength.

The first person to stand up and respond in a high-profile manner was the Nan Family of the Bishui Dragon Gun, and then several other overhaul families could not bear it.

The last time it took more than ten years to reshuffle, the last winner was He Lan Kongxiang, which also laid the pattern of the Holy Family. Who will be the winner this time?

The young man was the genius of the family, carrying the expectations of the whole family. He came out and walked to the forefront. He has his own pride. Although it is not clear how Su Tang discovered his trace, he does not look down on Su Tang.

Xi Xiaoru saw that the young man was so rude and annoyed in her heart.While she was turning her spiritual veins again, a firm hand rested on her shoulder, and then saw Su Tang's somber face, and Xi Xiaoru suddenly felt timid in her heart. Whispered: "Primary three, he ..."

"It's about the same." The young man said, "I don't know why you got the favor of Miss Xi, but men can't always hide behind women, right?"

"What is this guy for?" Su Tang felt a sour air.

"A skinny dog," Xi Xiaoru said bitterly: "He couldn't catch up with him because of the wind feathers stolen from his house, or he would have been slaughtered long ago."

Wind feathers? Su Tang found at this time that the young man's cloak was a little strange, and it seemed to be woven with countless extremely fine feathers, but the performance was very smooth, like a mirror.

"No, no, why was it stolen?" The young man shook his head and said: "Actually, I'm wearing a wind feather coat. It's superfluous. If it's on you, then with your star-falling tactics, it can increase your power. Many times, Miss Xi, think about my proposal again. "

"Get out of business" Xi Xiaoru began to show signs of running away again.

With a move in Su Tang's heart, he understood that this is the so-called love rival? A thought that must be prevented from happening came to his mind. The magic star Xi Xiaoru has become more and more famous. She has the strength to look up to her fellow practitioners, and she also has an enviable beauty face, not to mention Without the background, with the care of Shi Zuhua, Shizuru, Xi Xiaoru's future is conceivable. Sooner or later, she will step into the highest temple of heaven.

Such a girl will attract attention from all sides ... Xi Xiaoru's master Luo Yingzu is very good to himself, and he will not do great things about mandarin ducks. Both Zu and Xi Xiaoru are under a lot of pressure, and it is said that the man of Hua Xijue has a very strange temper, and what he has identified will not change.

So, if he wants to leave his sword light in this poisonous dragon domain, he must let everyone know what cost and danger he has to bear to learn Xiaoru's idea.

"Are you trying to irritate me, do you want to see my sword?" Su Tang said lightly.

"You also use a sword?" The young man was stunned for a while, then laughed: "Yeah yeah ..."

"Hope ... you won't regret it." Su Tang smiled, and then took a step forward, Jianguang swayed out.

At the moment of seeing Jianguang, the young man made two very different subtle changes. His eyes narrowed first. The sword light released by Su Tang was too beautiful, as if a gorgeous Fei Xia was exploding, Immediately after his double pupils expanded, Su Tang shot at him, and the shrubs and plants along the way were shocked into countless dust and melted in the air when they came into contact with the glow.

The laid-back look that the young man had kept completely disappeared, and then he cried with a scream, swayed his swords, and guarded his chest.

Boom ... The strength of the young man condensed in front of him was scattered by Xiaguang. His body flew backwards involuntarily and was hitting a big rock.

At the next moment, Su Tang shot again, another sword handed out, and the dazzling Xiaguang rolled mercilessly towards his head.

The young man summoned all his strength, one turned over, overturned the big rock, and then continued to fly backwards. In fact, he still can block several times with his strength, but Su Tang's sword was just too powerful, right His self-confidence had a tremendous impact. Maybe he can still have courage in the future, but now he dare not resist.

Boom ... Xia Guang hit the big rock heavily, the upper half of the two-piece boulder disappeared out of thin air, and the lower half turned into countless fragmented gravel, then a huge wave of dust waved forward Diffuse and turn into thick smoke.

Su Tang thundered through the smoke like lightning and continued to pursue the young man, before wielding a third sword.

The young man's figure suddenly became bleak and then hid in the turbulent wind.

Su Tang's sword momentum, he has lost his goal, and then suddenly roared, Jianguang rolled down.

Within more than 20 meters, whether it was grass, shrubs, or mosquitoes, was swallowed by the rapidly expanding sword light, and within a blink of an eye, the sword light had condensed into a tall semi-circular light curtain.

The two women in Wuyou Mountain, as well as the practitioners of Changshengzong, turned into statues. Even Xi Xiaoru was dumbfounded. Su Tang exuded a galloping and sweeping momentum, even more fierce than her magical evil.

Boom ... The light curtain exploded, turned into countless turbulent torrents, and rolled outward, even Xi Xiaoru and others who were four or fifty meters away were affected, and the men and women of Wuyou Mountain and Changshengzong had to After a few steps back along the momentum of the momentum, it was barely steady.

"What are you running?" Su Tang stood by the sword. Although the sword's intent was not exhausted, the other party relied on the wind feather to hide. He had no other way at all. He didn't know the place.

For a moment, the young man appeared near a large tree. His face had turned to green, staring blankly at Su Tang, and then shouted: "Who are you? Who are you?"

"You simply don't have the right to ask who he is." Xi Xiaoru hurriedly received, she worried that Su Tang would be retaliated against by saying the name.

The young man couldn't make a sound. Strictly speaking, he only caught a sword. Xi Xiaoru satirized him like this, and it was not too much.

"Did you disappoint you?" Su Tang said lightly.

The young man smiled bitterly and kept talking. He almost knew the core disciples trained by the impossible schools and families, and Su Tang was definitely not one of them. The power of that sword is powerful and unmatched. Even if compared with some famous ancestors for a long time, what skill is the other party practicing? Even the strongest mountain and sea tactics in the world will not be so strong.

Su Tang's eyes flickered. He was very interested in the wind feather coat, but the other party maintained a high degree of vigilance. It was impossible to kill and seize treasure. He withdrew his sword light and walked slowly to Xi Xiaoru.

"Let's go." Su Tang said softly.

"Oh." Xi Xiaoru responded, then followed Su Tang out.

Passing those two longevity cultivators, Su Tang stopped for a moment: "Do you want to search again?" The sword in his heart was still not exhausted, and he felt a kind of unpleasant feeling, although in the ancient fate of ancient trees Under the influence, the mind is becoming more and more peaceful, but at this moment I just want to find something to do.

The two longevity practitioners were all in shock, shaking their heads desperately.

It was at this time that the original spiritual power fluctuated in the distance, and a dozen small black spots flew from the air here, apparently sensing that an unusually fierce battle had occurred here.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and a middle-aged man is flying in the front. When he saw Su Tang, he roared: "It is he who is the one who killed our longevity sect, and then fled into the poison dragon domain."

"Dai Yi and Wang Lixin, stop him, don't let him go," another person shouted loudly.

The two longevity practitioners who Su Tang had just walked through were terrified. Where did they dare to step forward? Almost at the same time, he turned around and did not care to issue a warning to the same door.

"Master, flash away," the dark-faced woman in Wuyoushan screamed.

The distance was close, and the dozen or so practitioners who came over divided into two groups.Although the people of Changsheng Sect did not understand what Dai Yi and Wang Lixin were doing, they did not affect their determination to avenge the same door.They continued to surround Su Tang, But the people in Wuyoushan stopped and looked suspiciously when they heard the warning.

"Spark out ..." The dark-faced woman was still screaming. She had seen Su Tang's power with her own eyes. Once Su Tang launched an attack, she would roll all those people inside.

The young man beside the tree sighed. Although they all came to support the Grand Master, it can cause a lot of trouble for Xi Xiaoru at most. It is impossible to stop Su Tang, but he will suffer the disaster of extinction. Do n’t say Grand Master, even the Great Patriarch, it may not be Su Tang ’s opponent who thought of it here. He took a breath again. What the **** is it that he can be so overbearing?

Su Tang's mouth sneered, his pupils gradually radiated light, getting brighter and brighter, and finally turned into dazzling gold, and his body suddenly exhaled the breath of the sky.

The people in Wuyoushan finally understood why the woman lost her mind, and immediately backed away, but the people of Changshengzong were not so lucky.When they found out that they were wrong, they realized that Su Tang's breath was too terrifying. More than ten meters away.

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