The Magic Outfit

Chapter 454: Kill

"Master, there are three of them. Let me go out and help Baolan." Mei Fei said.

"Good." Su Tang nodded.

Mei Fei pushed the car door and fell down on the roof of the car.When she saw Mei Fei appeared, several people in Ma Chi showed fear in their eyes. Whether you are a genius or an insignificant follower, your killing methods are all shattered in an instant.

Mei Fei's figure has left an indelible impression on them, especially Wei Hongwei, there is no more imagination, and even his body is shrinking involuntarily.

Bao Lan slowly opened the bow of the extremely ice and pointed towards the sky. Her breath gradually expanded until it stunned Ma Chi and others, and then a brilliant blue arrow shot out.

Buzz ... Fancy blue arrows are flying in the air, but white frost is spreading on the ground. How fast the arrows fly, how fast is the frost bloom spreading? Then their beards, eyebrows, eyelashes, and even hair became white.

The horses they ride are the same, and they are just ordinary animals.After all, Ma Chi and others are still fighters at their peak. A painful hissing sound.

In mid-air, an old man roared, then raised his hand, and the flying sword turned into a shining electric light, directly facing the fast-paced blue arrow.

Boom ... The arrows exploded and shattered, and countless ice debris spread to the ground.

"Huh?" Bao Lan was surprised.

The old man's eyes in the air fluctuated, and it seemed that he had the upper hand, but in fact it was not the case. The other party can shoot arrows with the same power in succession, and his flying sword can withstand several such collisions, it may become A piece of scrap iron.

"Lao Li, you take them with Baolan." Su Tang said suddenly.

There is too much uncertainty in the confrontation between the practitioners. Before the breath is released, no one can judge the strength of the other party, and even Su Tang can't do it.However, just now the old man has put out a full blow, Judging from the sensed fluctuations in spiritual power, it should be a grand master at its peak. Baolan's dealing with him is somewhat dangerous.

At the next moment, Su Tang stepped out of the car and landed on the ground.The carriage did not stop and continued to drive to the distance. Mei Fei likes to be cared for by others. The expression is nothing, and Bao Lan's eyes are a bit complicated. Su Tang has taken too much care of them. , I thought I could beat a game today, but the opponent was a little stronger, Su Tang immediately stood up, the same is true in the past, which made Bao Lan touched and helpless, she is not a child, she wants to show her own Powerful, but under Su Tang's wings, such opportunities are not many.

Su Tang stood in the middle of the road, looked up quietly at the distance, Ma Chi and others hesitated, but they wanted to stay nearby, but Bao Lan and the terrible Samui left, Su Tang didn't seem to need anyone else Helping them, with their ability, can't help, but just walks aside carefully and chases toward the carriage.

After seeing the power of one arrow, the three old men who became chased became cautious. Seeing Su Tang standing on the road, they slowed down and slowly fell.

"Xiaoyou, who killed my Hao family, just wanted to leave? Should I give some words?" The middle old man said slowly.

"What do you want?" Su Tang smiled.

"The murderer has to pay his life, and the debts have to pay back," the middle-aged old man sneered.

"There are so many people in the town, why didn't I kill others, but killed them?" Su Tang said lightly: "Because they have a way to die."

The middle-aged old man has a bitter look in his eyes. Of course he knows the style of his nephews. He always used the Hao family's momentum and has been used to it. This time, his luck was so bad that he kicked it on the iron plate and caused a murder. However, they have already caught up and can not just let go.

"Even if they are different, they should always tell us first, let's teach a few children, is it too much for the little friends to kill?" Said the middle-aged old man.

"Tell you? I don't have that time." Su Tang said.

The old man on the left side of "Favorite" couldn't help but roared, "Do you think I'm Hao's nobody?"

"Is there anyone in your Hao family before? I don't know, but I know that there will really be no one in the future." Su Tang's right hand was slowly raised, and a blade that seemed to be condensed by light was in him. Form slowly in the hands.

This was tantamount to provocation. The old men of the Hao family's faces tightened, and then they attacked Su Tang by surprise. They are all old and familiar with disputes. If they can talk, they do not want to make things too rigid when the other party's origin is unknown. If they can't talk, then they must first take the initiative and take the initiative. .

An electric light blasted into Su Tang's chest. Tossed away a long red whip, the whip rolled like lightning to Su Tang's ankle.

It stands to reason that with three enemies, even if you can't kill your opponent, you can at least have an advantage, but this refers to the usual situation, and the power of the magic sword cannot be evaluated by common sense.

Su Tang waved the magic sword, greeted the sword light that came from him, blasted ... The flying sword was of course smashed and flew out, and the old man who controlled the flying sword also turned pale.

Su Tang's double pupils light up the red mans, the old man on the left stiffens, his expression becomes dazed, and the rolling gun suddenly stops.

Su Tang shoots forward with ease, avoiding the long whip curled up to his ankle, raising a sword, and the fierce and unmatched sword blasts at the middle old man.

The old man reluctantly manipulated the flying sword, greeted the sword strength released by Su Tang, blasted ... The flying sword was smashed out again, and the gleaming electro-optical light just now became apparently dim.

The old man with a whip waved his wrist hard, and the long whip made a screaming noise, pulling towards Su Tang ’s neck, and at the same time screamed: "Lao Qi, what are you for ..." A main attack, a method to contain the enemy, A person responsible for harassment, which was originally perfect, who knows that the companion turns into a statue at the most critical time, and does not move at all. If he is not a family, he will definitely suspect that the companion is intentional, and even the entire conflict is a trap.

The old man holding the war gun woke up immediately, and then found that Su Tang ’s figure was swimming in the air without hindrance, and then came up with the gun. It was too late, and his face twisted: "He will know how to do evil ... … "

The sword light from Su Tang condensed into a giant pillar and shot at the old man who controlled the flying sword. The old man stood still, looking at the sword light close to him desperately.

His flying sword was almost destroyed. Su Tang's attack was as fast as lightning. It was impossible to hide from the body. It was impossible to support it, but could it survive?

The old man's figure lit a golden light curtain, but the light curtain had just appeared and was crushed by Jianguang.The next moment, Jianguang was rolled over the old man's body again, like a giant pillar-like sword light, instantly Then let the old man turn into a flesh of flesh and blood.

"You walk ..." The old man holding the war gun was dizzying. He knew that it was his own reason that would make his companions die in a short period of time. But he did not know that the more the mood is stirred, the greater the chance of the Devil's Heart having an influence. Su Tang will choose him because his expression is the most tragic, meaning that Hao Dashao or Hao Sishao is his dearest junior .

The whip-bearing elders knew that it was not time for each other to give way to each other. Their adversaries were unexpectedly powerful, and their siege was broken. If they continued to fight, no one would survive.

The old man holding the whip took a breath and flew backwards, while the old man holding the war gun launched a violent attack on Su Tang: "Give me death ..."

At this moment, Su Tang's eyes flashed again a red light, the old man holding the war gun was like a mad tiger, and soon became dumb, the war gun shook blankly, but did not know where to point.

Su Tang chased toward the escaped old man with a whip, the old man became aware of Su Tang's speed much faster than him at first time, then slammed his teeth, the long whip in his hand paused, and then rolled out with all his strength. go with.

With the surge of spiritual power fluctuations, the Yin red long whip turned into tens of thousands of whip shadows, just like the fireworks that burst in an instant, covering a space of more than ten meters in a circle, and the sound of explosions was connected in a series.

Su Tang sneered, the dark smoke suddenly expanded, and at the next moment, the crazy blooming fireworks were all swallowed by the darkness, and then, the endless darkness began to condense to the center again, Su Tang's figure appeared again, strolling Walking back, the old man with a whip covered his throat with his hands, his eyes became dull, his body staggered, and he fell to the ground.

The old man holding the war gun still maintains the original posture.Su Tang has no way to understand the magic costume.Many skills are slowly explored in actual combat.For example, the magic heart, the power of the magic heart can affect people's minds. The greater the emotional fluctuations, the more obvious the effect of the devil's heart, and the longer the influence time, especially the negative emotions such as anger, panic, etc., and the escape from the control of the devil's heart. Moreover, the power of the Devil's Heart has nothing to do with the strength of the opponent's spiritual power. The difference between an ordinary person who cannot practice and a great practitioner is not much in front of the Devil's Heart.

If you want to fight against the Devil's Heart, you must keep yourself in a state of water and calmness, so that the effect of the Devil's Heart is almost zero.

Su Tang walked slowly to the old man holding the war gun, the old man was still motionless, his eyes blank, Su Tang swung his sword, the sword light swept across the old man's neck, his head flew off his neck and flew up the old high, blood like The arrow usually splashed out of the neck cavity, and then the old man's body fell forward.

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