The Magic Outfit

Chapter 464: Disregard

At the moment, Su Tang and the old man surnamed Nan went to the other end of the mountain. Hua Xijue and Si Kong were talking about extremely confidential things, but they absolutely could not think of. Su Tang heard every word of their conversation clearly. Chu, because they are covered with lush grass.

Just then, an indifferent voice came from the side: "Nan Xunfei, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The old man surnamed Nan was obviously tight, turned his head slowly, and looked in the direction of the voice: "Su Shuai, you ... are you here?"

"Why? Didn't you bring out the old dogs at home?" With the voice, a white figure walked slowly out of the cloud.

It was also an old man, whose age was similar to that of the surname Nan, with a clear face, a stern look, and two long eyebrows flying like swords. It could be seen that he must have been a beautiful man when he was young.

"People say that the older you are, the more indifferent your mind will be." The old man named Nan replied quietly: "Your Su Shuai did the opposite, getting more and more sharp-mouthed."

"What is this? I kindly remind you." The old man named Su Shuai smiled: "Eight dragon guns gathered, no one dares to provoke you, but you alone must be careful."

"You can try it." The old man named Nan said lightly.

"Your suggestion ... It's really too tempting, huh ... But I can't break the big deal of presbyopia, wait, I'm not in a hurry." Su Shuai said: "Also, I received the flight a few days ago According to the book, the children have been making trouble recently. "

"You have to take care of even that little thing?" The old man with the surname Nan frowned: "Children and grandchildren have their own children's luck. They are strong, although it is a good thing. If they are unbearable and bullied, they still don't know that they are struggling. We blame ourselves, we usually don't care. "

"You're talking lightly." Su Shuai's expression turned cold: "It's my family who was bullied is Xueer, you will naturally be gloat, if you can go back, then tell Nan Muyuan that he is qualified to take over Bishui Before the Dragon Gun, stop going out

"Su Shuai, are you so old and not respected?" The old man with the surname Nan finally burst into rage and said with a deep voice: "The helm of the solitary Su Hong family, who came to threaten the juniors, can you really open that face "

The relationship between several major practitioners has always been divided, combined, and repeatedly hovered between enemies and friends, but even when the relationship is most tense, this method will not be used, because the result will inevitably hurt both sides.

The elders of the Su family chased the younger children of the Nan family. The Nan family will definitely retaliate and make troubles. No one in the family wants to go out and move.

More importantly, young disciples go out not only to enhance their own experience and experience, but also to form their own small circle.

Just talking about Su Shuai, as a foreign disciple, he can become the helm of the Su family. It is because the younger foreigner has known Hua Xijue and became a good friend. When choosing a successor, the elders must comprehensively consider the strength, strength, Wit, experience, relationships, etc.

Besides Su Tang, he is a couple with Xi Xiaoru and Wen Xiang, because Longqi, who knew Xue Yi and Ye Fushen, and saved Su Qingxue, as well as He Yuanzheng, Thunder Fur, etc., these are his relationships, if He is now a disciple of the Su family, so he will inevitably become a unique successor. If nothing else, it is a huge capital to be able to marry the devil alone. Of course, this is seen by others, and in Su Tang's mind, he only came together with Xi Xiaoru because he liked Xi Xiaoru.

Therefore, Su Shuai's words are undoubtedly a very terrorist threat, don't think about it

"I just respect the old, what can you do?" Su Shuai sneered.

The old man surnamed Nan was silent, and suddenly there was an inexplicable tremendous pressure in the air, which caused Su Tang to complain again.

Realizing that Su Shuai was Su Qingxue's elder, Su Tang felt relieved in his heart, and it was his own family. It should not be embarrassing to report his origins. To get started, it makes him a little embarrassed and dangerous.

However, the old man named Nan realized what he was, snorted, his breath slowly weakened, and then looked at other places, he no longer ignored Su Shuai, and Su Shuai didn't get a foothold, turned his head to look at Yunhai, the dispute just now A paragraph.

Su Tang calmed down and immediately began to feel the movement of Hua Xijue.

"Fault? What are you talking about?" Si Kong asked wrongly.

"Every time I walk into this ancient Jedi, I always think of some strange problems." Hua Xijue sighed: "Just say evil king platform, how did this magnificent and mighty power form? At the time, the three major heaven gates did not yet exist. When it appeared, the evil monarchy already existed, otherwise it would not be called the ancient Jedi, but we have never recorded in this regard. Countless years ago, a huge fault appeared, and no one knew it existed at that time. What happened again. "

"Hahaha ..." Sikong mistakenly laughed suddenly, smiling forward and backward: "Hua Xiage, Hua Xijue, you remind me of someone ..."

"He Lan air phase?" Hua Xijue asked lightly.

"Yeah yeah." Si Kong nodded in error: "When have you become as curious as he is?

"He is not seeking knowledge, but seeking truth." Hua Xijue said: "He wants to find the truth of the fault, maybe ... he also realizes that this is the only way to break through the final barrier."

"You ... you would be fooled by him ..." Sikong's wrong expression was strange.

"This is not confusing, but the temptation of truth." Hua Xijue said.

"You guys, really don't understand ..." Si Kong sighed his head wrongly, and then said: "If you want to find the truth, you don't need to break this evil monarchy."

"Oh?" Hua Xijue froze.

"There is one more thing that existed before the fault you mentioned, and it has been passed down to today's priceless gem." Si Kong said wrongly.

"what did you say?"

"Magic outfit." Si Kong said wrongly: "The magic sword came out in Beifeng City, and it fell into the Duron domain without a trace, but I know ... it should have something to do with your baby disciple."

"Sikong wrong, what do you mean?" Hua Xijue froze his face.

"Don't get me wrong." Si Kong smiled wrongly: "I just want to say that if we join forces, we may have a chance to recover the magic outfits lost everywhere."

"I'm not interested." Hua Xijue flatly refused: "The magic costume has already been destroyed. Even if I get it back, what good is it for me?"

"Destroyed magic swords can also make an ordinary person without a name become a master-level spiritual practitioner, you are not curious ... what will happen when the magic costumes come back together?" Si Kong wrong Road.

"I've said that, I'm not interested." Hua Xijue said: "You are practicing Ren Yu Kou's magic decision, and naturally hope to find the magic costume, but it is of no use to me, not to mention, over the years, almost every generation of big Some people in the Devil God have had similar ideas, but they have never been able to find any clues. Why do you think we can do it both? "

"If someone gets a part of the magic outfit, will you tell you?" Si Kong said wrongly.

"No." Hua Xijue replied.

"Then how can you think that they haven't found any clues?"

"This ..." Hua Xijue said, and then said: "I'm not interested anyway."

"Okay, I'll talk about it later." Sikong reluctantly changed the topic: "Are you sure that January will really come?"

"I will use all my strength to suppress the bone erosion of the evil monarch, and I want to get rid of me. This should be the best opportunity. The opportunity will not be lost, and the loss will not come again." Hua Xijue.

"It's also a good opportunity for me." Si Kong said with a smile.

At this moment, Hua Xijue suddenly sensed something and yelled, "Who?" With his voice, dozens of meters of grass around him was crushed by a terrible pressure, and Su Tang's mind was also affected Shock.

At the next moment, the figure of Hua Xijue appeared above them like a ghost, and his eyes were like electricity, searching in the sea of ​​clouds, and for a moment, he looked at Su Shuai again: "Lao Su, have you noticed anything?"

"No." Su Shuai looked surprised: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is overhearing." Hua Xijue frowned: "It is estimated that ... it is a practitioner from the Green Sea."

"Impossible." Su Shuai smiled: "Even if the powerful people of Green Sea are close, there is no way to hide my eyes and ears, old flowers, you don't look down on me too much."

"They didn't approach here, but used a very strange method." Hua Xijue said, then the figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Su Tang was secretly surprised. In fact, the vitality of Xiejuntai was extremely strong. Hua Xijue had just destroyed the grass and grew up in a blink of an eye, but Su Tang dared not listen to it anymore.

With the passage of time, Su Tang suddenly found that he seemed to have been forgotten.After Xi Xijue and Si Kong had finished the wrong conversation, they all ran up separately, including Su Shuai and the old man named Nan, who also left the mountain.

It must be admitted that in the eyes of those great practitioners who entered the game, Su Tang was just a ant-like character. If he forgot, he would forget, no one cared about his life and death.

The reason why Sikong wrong brought Su Tang in is because she practiced the devil's decision of the previous generation of warrior warrior Ren Yu Kou. It's hilarious and incidentally disrupts Hua Xijue. This is a matter of position. As long as Hua Xijue wants to do it, of course, she will do everything possible to destroy it.

However, knowing that the purpose of Hua Xijue is not only to lead to January 1, but also to take the opportunity to break through the evil monarchy, Sikong wrong is full of curiosity about this layout, she wants to see the mysterious January one with her own eyes, I also want to know what is revealed when the evil monarchy is completely broken.

At this moment, she has forgotten Su Tang, not deliberately, but this time the layout of Hua Xijue is of great importance.

One day, two days, three days ... Su Tang always sits silently on that mountain peak. Occasionally, there will be a few powerful practitioners who ignore the evil monarchy's spiritual rest and imprisonment. Take a look.

They will not fall down to ask Su Tang for greetings, nor will they release attacks on Su Tang for no reason.

Although Su Tang's state of mind is far ahead, it has also been somewhat affected. At the beginning, he was a bit self-deprecating and somewhat helpless. The stinky lady, who brought Lao Tzu in, had to take Lao Tzu out. Does it matter?

However, it may have been affected by the vast sea of ​​clouds of the evil monarchy. With the passage of time, Su Tang no longer complained so much and replaced it with a powerful and unshakable faith.

Today, he was ignored by Su Tang, just because he started too late. One day in the future, he will find his place sooner or later.

At noon on the fourth day, several great ancestors of the great ancestors passed by and slowly fell on the mountain.

They have four men and three women, and the oldest appearance is between 30 and 40. The younger ones only look like twenty-one. After seeing Hua Xijue and Si Kongzuo, Su Tang has understood that using appearance to estimate age is extremely It ’s ridiculous, or to say, to evaluate practitioners at or below the Grandmaster level, but it ’s still effective. However, when the Grandpa arrives in a state of rebirth, as long as they are willing to lose their spiritual power to maintain their demeanor, they can stay old.

The higher the level, the younger the person is, the more terrible the person is.For example, Hua Xijue, he disdains to maintain any appearance, but he has never entered the recession period, so he will not age, and like Sikong wrong, she does not worry about the loss of spiritual power. Compared with them, Nan Xunfei and Su Shuai, who are showing their old looks, are more than one step away.

Among them, two great practitioners nodded to Su Tang with a smile, and Su Tang naturally responded.He didn't run the spiritual veins, and the other party naturally couldn't see his bottom line. Even though the atmosphere released by Su Tang seemed weaker, but Those who can enter this place are at least Dazu-level practitioners, and they are equivalent to them.

Su Tang can judge their strength because of their speed. He sat for four days, but he didn't sit in vain, unscrupulous, and the wind and fire flew away, and the wind and fire flew away. It should be a big-level master practitioner, and More practitioners dare not put their speed too fast, and the faster the speed, the stronger the rebound of the evil monarchy's forbidden territory.

"Your surname is your high name?" One of the men asked with a smile.

"My surname is Su, my name is Su Tang." Su Tang said.

"Are you from the Su family?" A woman looked surprised: "My name is Su Qiyan, also from the Su family. Why haven't I seen you before?"

Although Guhong Iron Curtain Su is a super-cultivating family, the number of grandpas in the family is still limited.

Su Tanggang wanted to explain. Suddenly, a loud noise erupted in the depths of the Evil Monarch Terrace. At the next moment, countless black meteor-like things were overwhelming and walking through the sea of ​​clouds.

"That is"

"It's bad erosion"

Several great practitioners exclaimed, black meteors traversed at an unparalleled speed, and by chance, two more great practitioners flew from the other end, facing the meteor shower.

Although the two great practitioners realized that it was not good, they had avoided it. One of them roared with two swords, and the other raised a fiery red flag and waved hard.

The fiery red flag is extremely powerful.Every time it is swept, it sweeps the black meteors within a few tens of meters around it, but the number of meteor showers is too large and too dense. Waving it seven or eight times, the fiery red flag was torn apart.

Another great practitioner, Shuangjian, throws away countless sword lights and tries to protect himself, but the Bone Erosion Wind is the most terrifying storm of Evil Monarch. With their realm, they can't confront directly.

In the vision of Su Tang and others, the fiery red flag became riddled with holes and finally broke. The sword light of another practitioner could not stop the overwhelming meteor shower, and from time to time meteors struck in front of their bodies.

Great ancestors, the outward spiritual power has naturally formed a barrier, which is even more tenacious than most spiritual objects in the world.Su Tang saw it with his own eyes.After the two great practitioners were unable to resist, they released The barrier that came out actually withstood hundreds of attacks before it began to collapse.

Booming ... The sound of wind and thunder continued, and the two great practitioners were finally torn into countless fragments, mixed in the meteor shower, and shot into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Su Tang's face was not very good-looking. The same was true of the few major practitioners. Fortunately, the bone erosion wind only traveled along the sea of ​​clouds and did not hit the mountain where they were.

"The bone erosion wind has been broken?" A major practitioner said softly.

"Not good" The big practitioner named Su Qiyan suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Let's go

"Don't go away now" said another great practitioner: "If we encounter a storm again, we can't resist it."

"What do you know?" Su Qiyan screamed: "Bone erosion is everywhere. Do you think we can be safe by hiding in the mountains?"

At this moment, a deafening roar came again from the distance, a thick darkness struck from a distance, this time the number of meteor showers was several times denser than before, so that no individual could be seen at a distance, Only darkness can be seen.

At the next moment, everyone finally understood the meaning of ubiquity. Dense meteor like tide penetrated into the mountain peak and penetrated from the other end of the mountain without any influence. It seemed that the peaks were all illusory.

Several great practitioners showed panic, jumped into the air and shot into the distance with the fastest speed.

"Let's go, let's go." The big practitioner named Su Qiyan turned around and called to Su Tang. Seeing that Su Tang hadn't moved, she couldn't care much anymore and flew straight away.

Su Tang wanted to go, but did he go? He does not have the strength of that field. Once he breaks away from the mountain, he may be swallowed by the forbidden territory of Evil Monarch. It is better to stay, and there is a ray of vitality, but ... this vitality is also too slim.

Su Tangchang took a breath and suddenly got up and rushed towards the sun of the mountain. The eclipse wind was not affected by the terrain. The meteor suddenly broke out from the mountain, and he had no time to react.

That stinky lady, it hurts Lao Tzu ... Su Tang is gritting his teeth, but as long as I do n’t die today, I will have your good looks in the future

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