The Magic Outfit

Chapter 599: The perfect wheel battle

The "presumptuous" woman named Chu Lei sneered, and then her eyes fell on Hu Yanzheng.

She didn't pay attention to the splitting black rainbow sword that was faster than lightning, and didn't pay attention to the hand that pressed the sky from the air.First, she turned her target to Huyan Zhengmu.This does not mean that Huyan Zhengmu's strength was the weakest. Hu Yanzheng was wearing a pair of gloves on his arms.

That is the famous weapon of Huyan Zhengmu, the blue gold snowfish glove, which is tempered with the heart skull of countless blue gold snowfish.Whenever he uses the spirit tactic to urge the glove, the glove will release the number. Tens of millions of blue gold snowfish phantoms

However, in front of Chu Lei, Huyan Zhengmu's blue-gold snowfish glove turned into a fatal flaw.

At the next moment, Chu Lei stretched out Xianxiu's fingertips and lightly picked them up. The blue gold Xueyu fist on Hu Yanzheng's arms suddenly released a dazzling brilliance, and then burst into pieces.

The shape of the booming huzheng wood was buried in the burst of light. When he rushed out of the light, the blue gold snow fish glove had become dilapidated, and his arms were covered with large and large. Small scars, in some places, can even see Bai Sensen's stubble.

Seeing this scene, the big demon gods who came from all directions were terrified and inexplicable.Yes, the woman named Chu Lei just flew Dou Kou with one blow, and flew Wei Qilu with another blow, but this is nothing. Dou Kou and Wei Qilu were only slightly injured, and their body protection mind was not dispelled.

Hu Yanzheng's encounter was shocking, and he didn't know what spirit tactic was released by the first bud. The blue gold snow fish glove even self-destructed in an instant, and caused Huyan Zhengmu to be hit hard.

After all, Huyan Zhengmu is a magnificent demon god. If Chu Lei has such power, he can completely defeat Huyan Zhengmu by gently twitching his fingertips. This battle is no longer necessary.

"Hehe ..." The woman named Chulei showed a cat-and-mouse smile and looked at Huyan Zhengmu with interest. She was waiting, while Huyan Zhengmu wailed and screamed, and then she broke her heart and lost everything. Fighting spirit, turned and fled.

From the outbreak of fighting to the present, Chu Lei's manner has not been a big mistake. In fact, it is her strength that is too tyrannical, even if it is wrong, it does not matter, because Hua Xijue, Si Kongcuo and others can not seize the opportunity.

However, she is too underestimating Huyan Zhengmu. In recent decades, Huyan Zhengmu has rarely fought with people, but before becoming a great demon, Huyan Zhengmu broke out from the sea of ​​corpses and blood

At that time, Huyan Zhengmu had an extremely indecent nickname, dog fighting.Once there was a conflict with people, he always rushed to the front, never compromised, never forgive, just like the most competent dog fighting, biting If you die, you wo n’t let go, and you must bite the meat on the enemy.

Of course, when he was promoted to great ancestor, no one mentioned it.

Hu Yanzheng's character is tenacious and indomitable, and he has been hit hard, but it has made his fighting spirit even more exalted.

There are so many people in the world.

Huyan Zhengmu is definitely one of them.

Roaring ... Huyan Zhengmu made a roar, raised his fists, and immediately swung forward with all his strength.

In the first moment when the boxing strength was just released, countless blood splashed from the arms of Huyan Zhengmu, not only dyed himself as a blood man, but also the blue gold snowfish swimming around red.

Suffered from this kind of heavy damage, he should immediately retreat and calm down the spirit. Huyan Zhengmu shot with all his strength instead. Only these two punches amounted to throwing out his half of his life.

Boom ... The fist radiates a faint light, striking at Chu Lei like lightning, Chu Lei never expected that Hu Yanzheng would be so crazy, when she flicked her spiritual weapon, the punch was already struck, she had to throw The spirit weapon was in front of him, and a light curtain centered on her, spreading out four times, and countless scale-like things flashed in the light curtain.

The banging fist struck the light curtain, and the light curtain was shocked at a distance, and the woman named Chu Lei also groaned.

Although her power occupies a crushing advantage, the attack of the Great Demon God is also not to be insulted, just like an adult and a child holding a sword to fight, adults can fly the children's sword at will, but it is true If you are cut off by a child, you will be injured.

Chu Lei was furious, and Xing's eyes were wide open, but at this moment, Ning Zhanqi's sword light had already been swept away, releasing a piece of bright sword light, and rolled towards Chu Lei.

This is the problem of rhythm. Chu Lei chose Huyan Zhengmu.After a blow, Huyan Zhengmu fled to the desert and she could naturally easily deal with the sword light released by Ning Zhanqi, and then the sky hand of Hua Xijue. , This belongs to her rhythm.

Unexpectedly, Huyan Zhengmu went back and forward, desperately launched a counterattack against her, so that she had to distract herself to resist, then the rhythm of the battlefield has been out of her control.

Chu Lei took a long breath, and she realized that the water spirit beads in her hands had become a burden. At the next moment, she threw the water spirit beads back toward Jianguang in the backhand, and then lifted the spirit weapon in her hand.

Hum ... The sky hand of Hua Xijue condensed into a cyclone with a diameter of more than 100 meters, shot down from the sky, and slammed into the first bud. The blue light in the hand of the first bud had to turn and meet the hand of the sky.

Boom ... The cyclone formed by the hand of the sky was blown away by the blue light, and the water spirit beads were also shot backwards by the sword light released by Ning Zhanqi.

Ning Zhanqi recognizes Dou Kou, but does not recognize the little girl. In fact, even if he knows it, he will not be merciful under such circumstances of life and death.

"No ..." Dou Kou was anxious and flew to Daguangming Lake with lightning.

The little girl vomited blood in her mouth, her body was shaken out of the water spirit beads, and she fell helplessly towards the heart of the lake.

However, Dou Kou arrived in time, just before the little girl was about to fall into the lake, grabbed the little girl by the arm, and then quickly skimmed towards the sky.

Om ... The splitting black rainbow sword blasted the water spirit beads, and continued to approach the first bud. A sword shadow suddenly appeared in the light curtain. The sword shadow split quickly. Thousands of swordslights rolled towards Chu Lei like a storm.

Chu Lei had just repelled the sky hand of Hua Xijue at that time. She took a long breath and opened the scale-covered shield again, ready to take the Ning Zhanqi offensive.

Booming ... Sword lights like storms were all bombarded on the open shield, and there were countless golden ripples, and Chu Lei's face suddenly became pale.

At this moment, a dark shadow swept toward the back of Chu Lei, and a large black shadow turned into an arc, smashed down with the earth-shattering momentum.

The big demon **** cloud will shoot, that is his general, the **** rain will never be cold.

In fact, this kind of attack is still not enough for Chu Lei, but the problem is that she has just supported the offensive of the big demon God Ning Zhanqi like a storm, and her spirit veins are violently shaken and cannot be restored immediately.

Boom ... General Yun's general was extremely fierce and smashed on Chu Lei's shield. Yun Yun was certainly shocked by the huge rebound force, and Chu Lei also fell forward, and the shield around her was finally broken. .

A figure appeared on the flanks of the first bud like a ghost, and that was Si Kongcuo. Then, Sikongcuo released the double-strike trick, and his figure became a residual image.

Although Sikong wrong's stacking tricks only reached nine stacks, which is two layers worse than her first apprentice Yan Feiyue, but she is a big demon after all, relying on spiritual strength, her speed is faster than Yan Feiyue is faster and more powerful.

Almost all of Sikong's double-strike tactics hit Chu Lei. Chu Lei's delicate and delicate skin turned out to be extremely tough. At least from the appearance, Sikong's double-strike tactic did not cause any harm.

At this moment, Chu Lei's heart was mad, and then her fingertips were pointing to Si Kong.

Boom ... A sword light was blocked in front of Chu Lei as if he were born out of the sky. The big demon **** Cixiang arrived in time, and also attracted Chu Lei's attention, so that Chu Lei had no chance to make a mistake to Si Kong.

The battle experience of these great devil gods is undoubtedly extremely rich. Although they have been side by side for a long time, they have little chance of cooperation with each other. However, they cooperated flawlessly for the first time.

Some people are deliberately delaying the timing of their shots.For example, Si Kong Mistake, she joined the battlefield with Hua Xijue and waited until the last shot; some people are constantly adjusting their position, such as Yunjiang, he should have started from Chu Lei's front rushed to the battlefield, and halfway around to the back, just to cooperate with Ning Zhanqi; some people were willing to pay sacrifices and forcibly disrupt the rhythm of the enemy, such as Huyan Zhengmu, without his upstream, Sikong wrong, etc. No one can match that kind of cooperation.

Chu Lei had to divert his attention, and the blue light waved in his hand went straight to the great demon God Xiang.

Ci Xiang is a gray-haired old man. Without hurrying, he held the Dingling Sword in his hand and looked at the blue light released by Chu Lei.

A weird scene appeared.During the rapid approach of the two handles, countless light spots were freed from the blue light and gathered towards the Dingling Sword, which was changing, and the light emitted by the Dingling Sword continued to expand. With.

"Ding Ling Jian?" Chu Lei exclaimed.

Boom ... Blu-ray and Ding Ling Jian hit hard together, Ci Xiang groaned, his body flew backwards, and Chu Lei's face suddenly became distorted, because Ding Ling Sword had a great impact on her , Is a natural nemesis.

A figure emerged from the mountain forest. He took only one step and flew down to the edge of Daguangming Lake. The ground was trembling violently on foot, and countless sandstones condensed into huge smoke pillars, bursting into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and shot the gun in his mouth.

Big demon **** Bai Xingjian also joined the battle group, and his gun is the fifth starlight cold night gun in the sky list.

The shot of the war gun turned into an overwhelming galaxy and rolled towards Chu Lei's back.

At the same time, Wei Qilu, who fell into the Daguangming Lake, turned to the tip of the wave. He looked terrible, and he roared with exhaustion: "The world is about to die, I will wait for death, kill, kill ..."

Boom ... The rolling galaxy slammed on Chu Lei's back. Chu Lei's figure turned into a stone, flying forward along the gun, her mouth oozed with blood, and the skin on her back was already It became blurred.

"Kill kill kill ..." Wei Qilu is like Chu Lei's companion. With Chu Lei's figure flying, Qi Lu Qin keeps playing with his fingertips, and the sound of the piano turns into countless sounds like real waves. Bobo bombarded Chu Lei's body.

In an instant, Chu Lei didn't know how many times he was attacked, and Qin Yin's body exploded, leaving a trail of blood on Chu Lei's body, and even his hair was torn, turning into scattered black silk.

The demon **** Huo Mingshi's figure was thrown into the sky, and then snorted.The thunder disk under his feet shot down like a cannonball.At this time, Chu Lei just barely reopened the shield and was being thunder Disk hit.

Boom ... Chu Lei's shield was instantly defeated, and her figure hit the lake directly, splashing a splash of water over ten meters high.

The attack connection between several great demon gods is ingenious to the extreme, one wave has not stopped, one wave has started.Since that first bud has lost her first move, she can no longer control the rhythm, and she is hurt again and again. The time is just a little bit better, but the problem is that it is impossible for Sikonguo and others to make Huyan Zhengmu's sacrifice meaningless.

Su Tang has been lurking at the bottom of the lake. Through induction, he knows that the battle above has reached an intense heat, but his injury is very heavy, and he does not know the attitude of other big demon gods towards him. In case he is also regarded as an enemy, the situation will be It has become very bad, it is better to hide here to recuperate.

Suddenly, a white sphere fell into the lake water, and slowly came to Su Tang, it was the water spirit beads.

It can be said that this is God's will.Su Tang is hiding under the extremely deep lake, the light is very dark, and he is adjusting his breath with all his attention.After the water spirit beads were injured by Ning Zhanqi's splitting rainbow sword, they are no longer released. Spiritual power fluctuates. If it falls around Su Tang, he will not care about it, but the water spirit beads just wiped down his forehead and fell into the palm of his hand.

Su Tangwei was stunned. He reached out and grabbed the water spirit beads. After sensing what was in his hand, his face became weird.

Because in the past few days, he has been too picky. His current spirit element soul, fire spirit beads, earth spirit beads and wind spirit beads have only seven, that is to say, he cannot condense the spirit soul of magic light.

Water Lingzhu appeared at this time, Su Tang could not use words to describe his feelings.

When I want to go to bed, someone sends me a pillow. What is it called? Send charcoal in the snow? Icing on the cake? Add fuel to the fire and do whatever you want?

Su Tang wanted to take a long breath to ease his mood, but here is the bottom of the lake, he can close his breath for a few hours, but breathing is to die.

Su Tang slowly closed his eyes and didn't want to do so much. He tried to fight once. He didn't know where he was going to make trouble. He had to condense the sixth soul.

A tremendous amount of coercion suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and the endless Daguangming Lake's lake surface began to decline, while at the center of the lake, the lake surface was slowly rising, and the higher the higher, the last formed a huge Water column.

"You ... have to die" Sen Leng's voice came out of the water column, and then the water column scattered all over, and the first bud with bruises all over his body appeared.

Her complexion was obviously bleak, but the sharp eyes in her pupils were much brighter than before. At the next moment, Chu Lei slowly reached out.

Buzzing ... Tens of millions of blue-golden snowfish flew out of the lake water, revolving around Chu Lei.

In the ancient times, blue gold snow fish were originally spirits living in the air. At Daguangming Lake, they had been suppressed by the magic light before they had to live in the lake water. At this moment, they finally solved their difficulties.

"It turned out that ... so ..." Si Kong was surprised by widening her eyes. She had been wondering. Although the strength of Chu Lei was extremely strong, but it had not been completely crushed, Huyan Zhengmu should not be so easily hit.

Now seeing this scene, when I think of Wei Qilu's crazy roar, Sikong fully understood that the first bud was really a big demon and a blue gold snow fish.

Ren Yu Kou would rather die here than leave, perhaps because of the suppression of this fish demon

The blue gold snowfish in Daguangming Lake may also be formed by the breath of the first bud.

Hu Yanzheng made a glove with blue gold snowfish's heart skull, which is equivalent to sending it to the door.

Countless blue gold snow fish are still drilling out of the lake water, mixing into the huge vortex, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the diameter reaches almost a kilometer, and the pressure emitted by the vortex is also getting bigger. The more tyrannical, the more sullen the face of Si Kongcuo and others became. They did not expect that the strength of their opponents has been rising as if there was no end.

"I finally understood." Si Kong said lightly, "Why was he trapped by the Nanjia gun array."

The dispersed pressure in the world is too strong, Sikong wrong has a very bad hunch, today, it should be her last battle, so she does not want to remain silent about the past.

After all, she inherited the magic trick left by Ren Yukou and was responsible for renaming Ren Yukou

"Are you talking about him?" Ning Zhanqi took a breath. He is a strong man with a bee-waisted waist and a clear face: "But why didn't he say that?"

"Is it useful?" Sikong wrongly said: "In legend, the number of ancient monsters is not less than that of our practitioners. I used to think it was arrogant, now I understand ... Ha ha ha, if there is more than one such monster, There are many, but what can we say? What can it do except make us despair and fear?

"Wei Qilu, you owe us an explanation." Hu Yanzheng said coldly, his arms were extremely wounded, and bones were exposed in many places, but his look was still very indifferent, and he seemed to feel no pain.

"I tell you, it's useful?" Wei Qilu grinned sorrowfully. He looked at the vortex that was still inflating, and gray intent appeared in his eyes.

"At least, I don't want to be a confused ghost." Huyan Zhengmu said.

Wei Qilu hesitated, glancing at Dou Kou from the corner of his eyes, hesitant to speak again.

"Duo Kou, you leave first." Si Kong said softly: "We must pass the news of the birth of the big demon. If ... my demon altar will never come back, it will depend on your Green Sea and Holy Gate."

"Take care." Dou Kou whispered, then turned and flew out. She is someone who can afford to let go, knowing that she is useless to stay.

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