The Magic Outfit

Chapter 633: Tit for tat

Xue Jiu was standing in the long street, looking silently at this side, but Su Tang had turned on the magic costume when he turned around, covered with a mask, Xue Jiu did not recognize Su Tang.

Inexplicably, an unknown holy level-level cultivator appeared in the capital, and some sensible people have avoided it. Xue Jiu dare to come because he has avoided unavoidable, his head is a knife, shrinking The head is also a knife, he does not care.

The Holy Gate has set up a battle and asked the Xue family to make a choice. No matter what decision the Xue family makes, his end is doomed.

If the Xue family swears not to bow their heads, then he must die at the forefront. If the Xue family chooses to compromise, then he must be handed over to Xue Jiu.

Practitioners in the world know that he is He Lan Feiqiong's buddy. Since the Holy Gate has decided to eliminate the influence of the He Lan family, he will not leave him Xue Jiu in any case.

Of course, if weeping and weeping enough, and express enough remorse, and even scold Helan's family together with the practitioners of Pengshan, there may be a silver lining, but he can't do this kind of thing, Xue Jiu can die. Die.

So he dared to come and look directly at Su Tang. If a cultivator is not afraid of death, nothing can make him bow his head.

"Evil Monarch is a farewell, but for a few months, it is really gratifying for you to be able to enter such a territory." Xue Jiu said lightly: "Want to come and gain a lot in Evil Monarch?"

From the bottom of my heart, Xue Jiu hated the mysterious magical warrior to the extreme.If it wasn't for the magical warrior that suddenly appeared and snatched the evil king order, perhaps it was them who entered the secret realm of the evil king's platform. Maybe you can break through the bottleneck and take the lead in entering the realm of the Great Saint. Everything that is happening now must be rewritten

Xue Jiu's hatred is justified, and even the warrior in the magic costume can enter the holy realm, so Miss Helan has more reason to break through.

When he returned to Pengshan and was very annoyed to mention this to He Lanfeiqiong, He Lanfeiqiong just smiled and said nothing.He later came to see that he was in a bad mood, and then he persuaded him to say that he had tried hard and tried it. In Tianyun, it is the principle of doing our best to live in peace.

Interestingly, when Yan Feiyue returned to the Demon Altar, Si Kongcuo also persuaded Yan Feiyue in this way. Perhaps, after reaching a certain height, her mood will become similar.

But Xue Jiu was dissatisfied and unwilling. Now seeing the warrior in the magic costume is full of jealousy.

"Nine Uncle, is it still safe?" Su Tang whispered, and then bent over slightly.

"Wh ... what?" Xue Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, he was ready to be killed, but he never expected that the other party's tone was so gentle, and he still held a junior rite to make his brain mess up.

"Nine Uncle, go back and tell the owner of the Xue family, I will take over for you, the Holy Man of the Light," Su Tang said: "However, the Holy Door may have other measures. Your Xue family should still get one early idea."

"You you you" Xue Jiu froze there, he could hardly believe his ears, why? Why should the warrior of the magic costume help the Xue family? Is it because of taking away the evil monarch and feeling guilty? But Xue Jiu soon overthrew his ideas, joking, they did not give up the evil monarchy at the time, the two sides tried their best to fight, the so-called king defeated, if the winner was him, he would not Have any guilt.

"Nine Uncle, leave." Su Tang whispered, as he rose from the ground, swept to the distance, shrouded in the darkness above the upper Beijing city, and with Su Tang floating away together, the starry sky gradually revealed Yuehui once again sprinkled in the capital of Shangjing, illuminating the city brightly.

In the blink of an eye, at noon the next day, dozens of practitioners flew from the northeast to the vicinity of Shangjing City, landed on the ground, looked around, and found no one near the gate.

"The Xue family is really bored," an elderly practitioner said with a sullen face, and said slowly: "Knowing that Master is here, no one is waiting outside. Are they afraid of angering Master?"

"I originally respected his Xue family's style and strength, and said a lot of good things for them in front of the master. Who thought ..." A young man sneered: "It's bad for you to do evil, it's your own sin, and you Eat bitter fruits. "

"Let's go to the Xue family first?" Someone asked.

"Stay here and wait." The older practitioner said: "Perhaps ... Xue's family doesn't know what to do, and clings to the idea of ​​jade and stone burning together. We venture into the room and will definitely be the Xue family. harm"

"It's still a thoughtful thought by the master," said several practitioners in unison.

In fact, the Xue family was indeed prepared to meet the Wuguang Holy See. No matter what they chose, it was a basic gift to greet the Pengshan Holy See at the city gate, but just last night, the Xue family suddenly changed his mind, starting from early morning. The door was closed, and no one came out to walk.

Su Tang's breath from last night alarmed the whole city. People all knew that an unknown holy level-level overhauler suddenly appeared in Shangjing City. When he saw the strange behavior of the Xue family, some cleverly sniffed out the danger. Smell, there will be a dragon and tiger fight today

I wanted to see the lively ones, and I learned that the Xue family couldn't get out of the door, and it wasn't a madman. What did I do? Sacred level-level cultivators all possess earth-shattering power, and if they are caught in the war group, they will die too much.

The Dafeng Pavilion in Shangjing City also kept silent.As the second sequence group in Shangjing City, their choice must be more cautious.If they can no longer guess the outcome, they must not stand in the first place.If they lose, they will die. People, and people who may be full of buildings, will die.

Dozens of practitioners stood at the city gate for a long time, and no one came out to take care of them. Occasionally, a figure could be seen protruding from a very far place, looking around, and then immediately retracted.

For a moment, a fierce spiritual fluctuation came from afar, and the dense clouds were twisted by invisible forces.The next moment, the blooming rays of light suddenly fell from the clouds, and a golden light and shadow fell down, and then Hovering in the air for more than 100 meters.

"Master is here," cried the older practitioner.

"Hey ... Seeing our solitary waiting here, Master must be very annoyed, right?" Said another cultivator with a smile.

"Hu Xue family has been arrogant for a long time.

In the middle of the distance, Su Tang slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the capital. Xiaoding also felt the fluctuations and screamed: "Mom, let's go"

"Go." Su Tang floated up and landed on the back of the mutant silver locust.

"Oh ... fight ... fight ..." Little can't help it, almost to the point of dancing.

Who says elves like peace? Not a small one, of course, there may be educational reasons.

At Qianqifeng, in addition to being able to sleep honestly for a while, Xiaobudian has always been extremely active, but unfortunately, she can't find anything to teach at Qianqifeng! Bad guys, tossing people, Su Tang is going to be angry, only I can devote all my energy to the great cause of tossing and mutating the silver locust.

Now, I finally found the bad guy, and Xiaobu's dim sum blossomed.

Outside the capital city, the Hollow Holy See scanned the disciples below. His appearance was a bit old, but his eyes were still shining, not angry, and tall and tall. Against the Holy See, he was domineering.

"What about the Xue family?" The Lightless Holy Seat said in a deep voice.

"Master, there is time for the Xue family to take care of us." The older practitioner said with a smile: "We have been waiting here for a long time, and no one from the Xue family has seen it."

"Looking at the sentiments of the predecessors, they were given three days. Is this their choice ... too disappointing." Said Wuguang Holy See quietly.

"Master, you think of them as juniors who can be carried, but others treat you as a hatred." The older practitioner said: "Otherwise, how could they not see the shadow until now."

The Holy Light Hollow was silent for a moment, and said softly: "Let's go in."

The practitioners below showed joy, and they could see that the Master was a little angry.

Wuguang is the most low-profile holy seat in Pengshan, but this does not mean that he has no intentions. The disciples ’actions and behaviors cannot be concealed from his insights. It is an indisputable fact that no one came forward to meet.

The leader of the Wuguang Holy Seat took a breath and was about to control it. Then, his expression became stunned, and he looked sideways into the distance.

A silver light blasted towards here, extremely fast, and the majestic wave animation came over, which made people feel a great pressure.

The sight of the Holy Light was very good, and at a glance he saw what the silver light was, and he was there in amazement.

"Which guy dares to be so rude? Could it be that he doesn't know that Master is here?" One practitioner pleaded.

"Pouting" the older practitioner showed nervousness. He still had some eyesight. The breath from the visitor was not inferior to that of the Lightless Holy See, and his attitude was extremely unfriendly.

The Holy Light has been exuding violent spiritual fluctuations.If you just pass by, you should first figure out the situation and make a decision.The person who came here is a straight tit-for-tat, and it seems that the goal is the Holy Light.

The so-called comers are not good, the good people do not come, he instinctively feels that a big war will break out here.

"Come ..." An old man sighed leisurely in the back house of the Xue family: "Lao Jiu, go to his home temple together to pray for this city full of souls ..."

Here ... In the Dafeng Pavilion, the old man who was scared away by Su Tang last night suddenly stood up and paced back and forth in the house.

Here ... In the capital, the practitioners who sensed their breaths have different expressions. The battle between holy level-level practitioners is extremely rare. In that state, there is no need to put aside everything and fight for your life. .

But this year is special. The wars broke out one after another. A few months ago, He Lanfeiqiong defeated the Holy Eye, and then the Demon Altar was born. It is said that all the demon gods participated in that war. Today, the capital is also involved. Vortex.

Of course, the practitioners who went to the capital did not know that the Tiandang Mountain of the Changsheng Sect had a holy war.

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