The Magic Outfit

Chapter 86: Whisper

Not long, Taiguo Xingjun, Fu Hanxingjun and other three flew over and landed on the top of the mountain.They just wanted to talk.Su Tang on the other side of the mountain picked up a pillar of fire dragon and plundered into the large formation. In the middle, thunder sounded repeatedly.

Taiguo Xingjun froze: "What's going on there?"

"Shadow Demon Star King is looking for his own spiritual treasure." Zhen Miao Star King said.

"He is not dead?" Fu Hanxing stunned, and then he realized that he had lost his word, and gave out laughter again.

As long as it is not a bad rule, a little improper speech, Zhen Xingjun will not take it to heart, she did not speak, and He Lanfeiqiong glanced coldly at Fu Hanxingjun.

"Now that the Spirit Array is broken, let's go down." Taiguo Xingjun played the round field.

"Good." Zhen Miaoxing said.

Several people swept up one after another and fell down along the straight hole. Although the two sides of the cave still radiated heat, it had no effect on them. In a moment, they had reached the bottom of the mountain.

At the center of the mountain stands a fiery red stone stele with a height of three meters. The stone stele is engraved with dense runes, and there are countless faint red dots wandering among the runes.

Everyone silently observed the stele. For a long time, Zhen Xingjun frowned: "What kind of Lingbao is this? I can't see its origin."

"The sky fire just now should have been released from this stele." Jin Yaxing said.

"You can't see it if you can't see it." Taiguo Xingjun said: "It's good to break the ban and let us go in."

"There is no way to judge." Zhen Miao Xing Jun said: "The domain-level spirits have different qualities and too much value. For example, the outside mountains and rivers have opened up their own world, but I give it at most. Fifty cents, for example, the ancient master of the ancient monarch of Shengyun Mansion, has an evil monarch platform, and I can give the evil monarch platform a score of 1,000 points. "

"That's the reason." Jinya Xingjun said: "Some domain-level spirit species, although they already have their own world, can't accumulate aura, or the speed of the accumulation is too slow, there is only a wasteland, and it has to be consumed With his own spirituality, such territorial spirits are not even enough. "

Fenyu Xingjun leaned closer to the stele, tentatively swiping between the runes with his fingertips, and then said: "It's still advanced to talk about it, maybe you can see the history by entering.

"Alright." Zhen Miaoxing said: "Do you have a way?"

"This domain-level spirit is a little weird." Fen Yu Xingjun said slowly: "I will try it."

Fenyu Xingjun can be regarded as an expert in this field, and his name is also derived from it.Whether it is the desert of Xingyu or an independent secret realm, it is difficult to stop him, and he can go in and out. Miao Xingjun just cooperated at some time.

However, this time Fenyu Xingjun encountered obstacles, he turned around the fiery red stone monument for a long time, trying all kinds of methods, and couldn't enter the door, it was nothing for two days a day, and on the fifth day, even wonderful Xingjun seemed a little restless, relying on the power of Su Tang, shortened the time to break the array by eight days, should it be spent here?

Only when Su Tang was content with himself, he always went out and ran wildly. After a few hours, he ran back to take a look. Seeing that Fenyu Xingjun still couldn't find the entrance, he ran out again.

Thunderous bursts, enduring, and repeated noises made the stars here feel even worse. Don't talk about others, the true stars who have been helping Su Tang are feeling impatient, but Su Tang didn't violate any rules, and he couldn't help. Which one did he commit to go around?

Zhen Miao Xingjun is also a very reasonable person who has no way to say it but can only bear it in his heart.

However, every time Su Tang came back, everyone's eyes looked strange to Su Tang. No one said on the surface, but secretly, Su Tang was already scolded.

Su Tang's performance is indeed very perverted.It seems that he has too much spiritual power and spiritual thoughts to go out and play around every day, but the more Su Tang is, the more he becomes deeper and deeper. said.

Until the sixth day, Fenyu Xingjun finally made a small fissure above the stele, then drilled in, and a moment later, a small lara cricket flew out of the fissure again, recovering Fenyu Star Jun's original condition, he actually ignited a blazing fire.

Fu Han Xingjun immediately shot, raised his hand and spilled a piece of ice rain, bombarded on Fenyu Xingjun's body, Fenyu Xingjun stumbled backwards and flew out, hit the mountain wall, but the fire on his body was all extinguished Too.

"What's going on?" Zhen Miao Xingjun frowned.

"That Po Guang Xingjun is really vicious" Fenyu Xingjun took a breath: "However, it is finally possible to pass."

The wonderful star Jun flew to the top of the stele, and the detective spilled the galaxy sand. The galaxy sand fell into the crack and slowly infiltrated into it.

"Everyone, follow me." Zhen Miaoxing raised his hand.

"Slow down" Taiguo Xingjun suddenly said: "True Xingjun, should Suzaku be given to us?"

"Yeah." Fu Han Xingjun nodded: "True Miao Xingjun, you said that with the cultivation of Baoguang Xingjun, it is impossible to have another secret realm, maybe you will have to fight after entering, and there is a Suzaku in your hand We can be at ease. "

"Okay." Zhen Miao Xingjun did not hesitate, raised a few vermilion charms with her hands, and waved her wrists gently. Those spirits floated in the air and slowly fell to each star.

Detective Su Tang caught the Suzaku, and looked carefully, but he was still too short to practice, and he had just walked into the starry sky, had too little experience, and could not see any clues. He Lan Feiqiong on the other side was the same.

"When you are aware of the danger, you can use the Divine Mind to induce the Suzaku to change, and naturally you can avoid it." Zhen Miao Xingjun said slowly: "However, you better stay at the end, otherwise wait for the nine prince pepper picture If the sky is broken, you will have nothing to do. "

"Don't you still have three volumes in your hand?" Taiguo Xingjun said.

"Do you think my Suzaku volume is made in vain?" Zhen Xingjun replied unpleasantly.

"Just ask." Taiguo Xingjun smiled.

"Okay, we should go in." Fenyu Xingjun said.

Zhen Xing Xing Jun raised his hand and wrapped several Xing Jun with Shen Nian, then everyone turned into a streamer at the same time, and merged into the galaxy sand at the crack.

Su Tang only felt the darkness in front of him, but he was used to it, and he didn't care about it. Suddenly, a hand patted gently on his shoulder, and then someone whispered something.

Su Tang was stunned for a moment. At the next moment, his eyes were suddenly bright, and he had come to a fiery red world.

There are thick fires everywhere, some floating in the sky, some staying in the river, and the earth is radiating heat.

Su Tang let out a long breath, and his eyes swept the other Xingjun.

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