The Magic Outfit

Chapter 891: Big shot

In the following days, the Molten Purgatory was restored to peace again. Su Tang had a very leisurely life, and Mazi and others, following the orders of Su Tang, ran around all day long. Bujiao, very busy.

Su Tang broke into Treasure Island alone, and fought with the uncrowned king in the purgatory, the number one character, and his body retreated. His power has become a fact that is obvious to all, seeing Su Tang's face, Other prisoners were naturally three-points respectful of Mazi and others, and also made their self-esteem satisfied.

On this day, Su Tang was meditating and meditating. Mazi and others hurriedly flew back from afar. Their cheeks were pale, and there was anxiety in their eyebrows.

"Master, something serious happened," Mazi yelled first.

"What's the matter?" Su Tang slowly opened his eyes.

"Qingfa Xingjun summoned more than one hundred people, surrounded Treasure Island, and looked like he wanted to deal with that guy," Asako cried.

"Master, Qingfa Xingjun has always been a long-term strategist. For many years, he has never seen him lose his hand, and he has done everything he wants to do!" Added the nun.

"Yeah, although I don't know what crazy Qing Xingjun is going to do this time, he dare to do it, he should have a certain grasp of ten and nine." The old man said: "Master, we should also move, on the one hand, we can help you out. That breath, on the other hand, also made sense, and hitting the iron while it was hot, may be able to make friendship with Qingfa Xingjun.

"You didn't understand it." Nazi shook his head and said: "Qingfa Xingjun doesn't want to deal with us, otherwise how could he start without saying a word?"

"Because of this, we should be more proactive." The old man said: "Qingfa Xingjun has already subdued many people. When he occupies the treasure island, the next one may be us, if we take the initiative to help him , Because of this affection, maybe he will ... "

"How much is the value of love?" Su Tang sneered: "If the Qing Fa Xing Jun despise me, he should send someone to say hello to me."

"Yeah yeah." Asako nodded again and again: "That's what I said"

"Master, but we are not the way to wait," the old man sighed. "Otherwise our life will be a little bit sad in the future."

"Go, let's go and see." Su Tang said.

In fact, Su Tang had no agreement with the owner of Nabao Island. He didn't tell anyone that there was no one in his heart. He didn't know if someone secretly fell to Qingfa Xingjun. What's more, he didn't even think of these people. As a friend, he belongs to the Heavenly Daoist League. These people are prisoners of the Heavenly Daoist League. They belong to two hostile camps, and he will leave after completing the mission. It is impossible to take anyone out.

When I stayed here, I took care of these people a little bit, and I was worthy of the ‘Master’.

For a moment, Su Tang and others approached Baodao, and found that Baodao was surrounded by prisoners. The number of people was definitely more than one hundred.The prisoners sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power from the rear and turned to see Su Tang. There was a commotion.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight practitioners came out and ushered in the direction of Su Tang.

"Is this the Heavenly Demon Star King?" The elder elder headed with a smile said: "Long admiration, old decay should have come to visit, but these days when the old disease occurs, it is really weak, and I hope you can forgive me."

"Your Excellency is ..." Su Tang said suspiciously.

"Master, this is Qingfa Xingjun," Mazi hurriedly whispered.

"It turned out to be Qingfa Xingjun, well-known for a long time." Su Tang nodded and said that he had been sternly showing his displeasure.

"You are polite." The opposite Qing Faxing Jun swept her gaze, and then said: "I don't know if Tianmo Xingjun is here ..."

"The last time I won or lost, I have been depressed and difficult." Su Tang said lightly: "How can I save me at such an event?"

Qingfa Xingjun looked a little surprised, and then showed annoyed colors, and said: "blame me ... this matter should be informed with the sky demon star Jun first, I am too anxious, it is also a rare opportunity, I dare not ignore it, so ... Ha ha, please forgive me. "

"Rare opportunity? What opportunity?" Su Tang frowned.

"To be honest, the guy has never dealt with us, and he occupies Treasure Island, not to allow us to touch our fingers, we think about him for a while, and tried to move, but every time there will be patrols, let us "The defeat was successful." Qingfa Xingjun sighed: "I have spent a lot of effort to find this space, and now the patrols are not there, at least half a day before they can rush back."

"Qingfa Xingjun really is as his name implies, and even the rules of the patrols are well known," Su Tang said.

"It's impossible to talk about it." Qingfa Xingjun shook his head again and again, and then the topic changed: "Since Heavenly Demon Xingjun is coming, then our grasp is greater, please

Su Tang and Qing Fa Xingjun go hand in hand. Of course, the distance between the two sides is kept at more than ten meters. The first time they met, there was absolutely no trust.

So many people surrounded the treasure island, and the thin middle-aged man still sat quietly underneath, motionless, only when Su Tang appeared, he lifted his eyelids and glanced lightly towards this side.

"Since it's all surrounded, why haven't you kept hands?" Su Tang said softly.

"I am always soft-hearted." Qing Fa Xingjun smiled: "Everyone is a person in distress, why should they kill each other? So I want to talk to him first, if he is willing to give in, he can say anything. It's a pity ... he was blinded. I said all the good things and I didn't see any response. "

"Then leave it to me." Su Tang said slowly.

Qingfa Xingjun didn't respond for a while. The worse the environment, the deeper the vigilance. Sudden greens like Su Tang can be regarded as very rare. Did they take the initiative?

"How?" Su Tang was a little displeased, and his voice suddenly increased.

"Even the demon star king wants to edge his enemies, I can only let the virtuous." Qingfa star king smiled.

At this moment, the change was steep, and the middle-aged man sitting on the island suddenly swept up and swept straight to Su Tang. At the next moment, an invisible pressure came from the tide.

"It's Longwei be careful" Qingfa Xingjun changed color and shouted loudly.

Booming ... The prisoners were running their body protection minds, and there was clearly no rush of energy, but their body protection minds burst into light, and their figures flew backwards involuntarily.

"Long Wei ..." Su Tangchang took a breath, that's Long Wei, the third prince?

"You go" Su Tang turned to shout at Mazi and others.

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